Asheville is devastated. Maybe Ukraine can return some of the money and we can rebuild for the American people???
Radio Free…wut? And you thought Kamala stealing Joe Biden’s nomination was bad.
Leftist billionaire and Democratic mega-donor George Soros has been pressuring the Democrat-controlled Federal Communications Commission for months in hopes of fast-tracking his group’s acquisition of over 200 radio stations in over 40 markets.
On Wednesday, the FCC reportedly adopted an order to approve the purchase, meaning that in a matter of days, Soros will likely take control of communications to over 165 million Americans with the help of unvetted foreign investors whom Democrats have spared from the FCC’s customary national security review process.
How, you ask? Audacy filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in Texas on Jan. 7 to reduce its debt.
Months later, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Texas approved the company’s reorganization plan, paving the way for an equitization of over 80% of the company’s debt. In February, Soros Fund Management acquired roughly $414 million of Audacy’s debt — nearly 40% of the company’s senior debt — emerging as the company’s primary shareholder.
Audacy asked the FCC to approve the transfer of its broadcast licenses to the reorganized company.
Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), and other critics noted, however, that such a transfer would be problematic as the reorganized company would exceed legally acceptable foreign ownership limits. Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act prohibits foreign owners from having a stake in a radio station license exceeding 25%.
Media Research Center noted in its April petition to deny the “special Soros shortcut” that “the Soros group expressly states in their FCC filing that they have determined that the aggregate level of foreign ownership in the company when it emerges from bankruptcy will exceed the 25 percent limit specified in Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act due to the various entities that it expects to hold voting or equity interests.”
Audacy requested that the five-member FCC, which has a Democratic majority, take the unprecedented step of not only waiving the foreign ownership restriction in order to allow the purchase to move forward but of putting off a national security review of the stations’ foreign-interest holders.
Here she goes again….
An excerpt from former first lady and failed candidate Hillary Clinton’s new book, she doubled down on the claim that helped her lose the 2016 election.
At a September 2016 event in New York City, Clinton said, “You could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.”
“The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it,” continued Clinton. “And unfortunately, there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. … Now, some of those folks — they are irredeemable, but thankfully, they are not America.”
So, if you don’t think like we want you to, we shall put in camps.
Clinton noted in the excerpt published Wednesday that in the time since her “deplorables” speech, the “masks have come off, and if anything, ‘deplorable’ is too kind a word for the hate and violent extremism we’ve seen from some Trump supporters,” accusing many in the other half of having “unresolved trauma in their lives.” Clinton seemed unsupportive for Trump and his family after the second attempted assassination attempt on Sept. 15, demanding further his demonization by the media via a “consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is.”
The New York Times
“Where Has Hillary Clinton Been? Ask the Ultrarich”
by Amy Chozick and Jonathan Martin
3 September 2016
At a private fund-raiser Tuesday night at a waterfront Hamptons estate, Hillary Clinton danced alongside Jimmy Buffett, Jon Bon Jovi and Paul McCartney, and joined in a singalong finale to “Hey Jude.”
“I stand between you and the apocalypse,” a confident Mrs. Clinton declared to laughs, exhibiting a flash of self-awareness and humor to a crowd that included Calvin Klein and Harvey Weinstein and for whom the prospect of a Donald J. Trump presidency is dire.
Isn’t Harvey Weinstein, a CLINTON SUPPORTER who remains in prison for a 16-year sentence for rape and other sexual offences passed down by a Los Angeles court in February 2023, and who HILLARY was very, very tight with, a certified DEPLORABLE?
According t0 Joe Biden’s commerce department, restaurants and bars led job creation for the month, with the hospitality industry adding 69,000 positions in September after averaging just 14,000 over the previous 12 months, so that if you count jobs in restaurants and bars as “manufacturing” jobs, then Joe Biden’s BUILD BACK BETTER and BIDE-O-NOMICS are a roaring success at bringing manufacturing jobs back to America!
Sing hallelujah and say amen!
In the meantime, real manufacturing shed 7,000 jobs.
Wonder what Kamala Harris, Dana Bash and Stephanie Ruhle would have to say about that.