Kamala may well be our next POTUS. How? Human stupidity is infinite. Humans are cognitive misers preferring to experience the elation of “joy and excitement” over the hard work of thinking through their votes.
Kamala Harris unveiled her economic policy agenda focusing on key issues: •Eliminating medical debt for millions of Americans •Banning grocery and food price gouging •Capping prescription drug costs •Providing a $25,000 subsidy for first-time homebuyers •Offering a $6,000 Child Tax Credit per child for the first year of life.
Asses&Villains Analysis: Step #1. Bring in 20 million illegal aliens, causing increased housing costs
Step #2. Propose more government spending as a false solution for the housing costs that you created, which will only further increase the record inflation you created. This is what it looks like when evil, leaders intentionally try to destroy a country. Add Kamala’s proposed price controls and it’s obvious she intends to bring full-blown Venezuelan destruction to America. Food scarcity, starvation, and poverty are her next goal. No one is this stupid by accident. It’s not incompetence. Her plans to destroy the country are intentional and diabolical. Kamala has never had an original thought. (Even her “fweedom” story was plagiarized from MLK.) But whoever is pulling her puppet strings to destroy the country, as they pulled Biden’s strings, has her full cooperation and support. These people are evil. If you want to live in Venezuela, you don’t have to wait until after the election to do so. You can become a Venezuelan with you American vote.
1. Will cause further inflation 2. Will cause food shortages 3. Will cause drug shortages 4. Will further cause an increase in asset prices 5. Will likely contribute to further inflation.
ALL this “free” money she wants to hand out will raise costs and inflation further. Great. And the idiots believe this.
NEW: While unveiling her “Economic Plan”, Kamala Harris shares how much prices have increased under her leadership with President Biden. Not sure how this is a winning message. The comments were made to a very small crowd in Raleigh, North Carolina. “A loaf of bread costs 50% more today than it did before the pandemic. Ground beef is up almost 50%.”
Notice she didn’t say they want to build 3m single-family homes? She’s referring to them as “housing units”. It’s part of their 15-minute cities. Box units.
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Paul Plante says
CCM: No one is this stupid by accident.
ME: I think she was actually born that way so she comes by it naturally.
Donald McDonald says
Makes two of you.
Paul Plante says
Hi, Donald!
What it is, dude?
And Donald, if I was born stupid, in my case, it was curable and as stupid as I have ever been, and we are talking someone who enlisted in the Army to go to Democrat LBJ’s ill-managed, totally ******-up war in Viet Nam because I was stupid enough to get sucked in by that “DOMINO-THEORY” BULL**** Democrat LBJ was peddling, which in retrospect was real ******** stupid, I have never been stupid enough to be a Democrat!
And being completely cured now of being stupid enough to think a Democrat is telling the truth about anything, I feel an obligation to MY FELLOW AMERICANS to speak out on these IMPORTANT CITIZENSHIP ISSUES brought forth by the Cape Charles Mirror in here, such as whether Karmela Harris is this stupid by accident, and incompetent with her plans to destroy the fabric of our society, and hence, the country, which plans are intentional and diabolical, and the serious existential question of whether . Karmela has ever had an original thought in her life, coupled with the fact that whoever is pulling her puppet strings to destroy the country, as they pulled Biden’s strings, has her full cooperation and support, which people are evil.
So, Donald, dude, DO YOU want to live in Venezuela without having to go to the trouble of actually having to move there and learn a new language?
If so, your choice is clear:
Donald McDonald says
Great story bro.
Bob says
Im curious as to WHY the rationale behind tearing down a country. If its Billionaires and Millionaires funding it , didn’t they become or are able to expand due to inheritance their wealth because they are here . Whats the motivation? Because your wealthy you already have power , so WHY ?
Paul Plante says
Ain’t the billionaires and millionaires, Bob!
It’s Karmela and her vision for OUR future with what she is calling her OPPORTUNITY ECONOMY.
August 16, 2024
Remarks by Vice President Harris at a Campaign Event in Raleigh, NC
Wake Tech Community College
Raleigh, North Carolina
2:26 P.M. EDT
THE VICE PRESIDENT: Hello, family and friends.
(Laughs.) (Applause.)
Oh, it’s good to be back in North Carolina.
Oh, it’s good to see everyone. (Applause.)
Thank you.
Oh, it’s good to see everyone.
Good afternoon.
Everyone, please have a seat, if you have a seat.
So, listen, this election, I do strongly believe, is about two very different visions for our nation: one, ours, focused on the future; and the other, focused on the past.
We see that contrast clearly in many ways, including when it comes to how we think about the economy.
So, our country has come a long way since President Biden and I took office.
At that time, we sadly remember the millions of Americans that were out of work.
We were facing one of the worst economic crises in modern history.
And, today, by virtually every measure, our economy is the strongest in the world. (Applause.)
We have created 16 million new jobs.
We have made historic investments in infrastructure, in chips manufacturing, in clean energy.
And new numbers this week alone show that inflation is down under 3 percent.
And as president of the United States, it will be my intention to build on the foundation of this progress.
Still, we know that many Americans don’t yet feel that progress in their daily lives.
Costs are still too high.
And on a deeper level, for too many people, no matter how much they work, it feels so hard to just be able to get ahead.
As president, I will be laser-focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that advance their economic security, stability, and dignity.
Together, we will build what I call an “opportunity economy” — (applause) — “an opportunity economy” — an economy where everyone can compete and have a real chance to succeed; everyone, regardless of who they are or where they start, has an opportunity to build wealth for themselves and their children; and where we remove the barriers to opportunity so anyone who wants to start a business or advance their career can access the tools and the resources that are necessary to do so. (Applause.)
I will focus on cutting needless bureaucracy and unnecessary regulatory red tape and encouraging — (applause) — and encouraging innovative technologies while protecting consumers and creating a stable business environment with consistent and transparent rules of the road.
As president, I will bring together labor with small businesses and major companies to invest in America, to create good jobs, achieve broad-based growth, and ensure that America continues to define the future and lead the world. (Applause.)
And key — key to creating this opportunity economy is building up our middle class.
It is essential. (Applause.)
The middle class is one of America’s greatest strengths, and to protect it, then, we must defend basic principles — such as, your salary should be enough to provide you and your family with a good quality of life. (Applause.)
Such as, no child should have to grow up in poverty. (Applause.)
Such as, after years of hard work, you should be able to retire with dignity. (Applause.)
And you should be able to join a union if you choose.
Building up the middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency, because I strongly believe when the middle class is strong, America is strong. (Applause.)
So, in the weeks to come, I will address in greater detail my plans to build an opportunity economy.
And, today, I will focus on one element that’s on the minds of many Americans as they pay their bills at the kitchen table or walk the aisles of a grocery store, and that is lowering the cost of living. (Applause.)
So, every day across our nation, families talk about their plans for the future; their ambitions; their aspirations for themselves, for their children; and they talk about how they’re going to be able to actually achieve them financially.
Because, look, the bills add up — food, rent, gas, back-to-school clothes, prescription medication.
After all that, for many families, there’s mo- — not much left at the end of the month.
I grew up in a middle-class household.
For most of my childhood, we were renters.
My mother saved for well over a decade to buy a home.
I was a teenager when that day finally came, and I can remember so well how excited she was.
I kind of understood what it meant, but — we called her “Mommy” — Mommy was so excited, it just made us excited that she was so excited. (Laughter.)
Later in college, I worked at McDonald’s to earn spending money.
Well, some of the people I worked with were raising families on that paycheck.
They worked second or even third jobs to pay rent and buy food.
That only gets harder when the cost of living goes up.
When I am elected president, I will make it a top priority to bring down costs and increase economic security for all Americans.
As president, I will take on the high costs that matter most to most Americans, like the cost of food.
We all know that prices went up during the pandemic when the supply chains shut down and failed, but our supply chains have now improved and prices are still too high.
A lo- — a loaf of bread costs 50 percent more today than it did before the pandemic.
Ground beef is up almost 50 percent.
Many of the big food companies are seeing their highest profits in two decades.
And while many grocery chains pass along these savings, others still aren’t.
Look, I know most businesses are creating jobs, contributing to our economy, and playing by the rules, but some are not, and that’s just not right, and we need to take action when that is the case.
A- — (applause) —
As attorney general in California, I went after companies that illegally increased prices, including wholesalers that inflated the price of prescription medication and companies that conspired with competitors to keep prices of electronics high.
I won more than $1 billion for consumers. (Applause.)
So, believe me, as president, I will go after the bad actors. (Applause.)
And I will work to pass the first-ever federal ban on prou- — price gauging [gouging] on food. (Applause.)
My plan will include new penalties for opportunistic companies that exploit crises and break the rules, and we will support smaller food businesses that are trying to play by the rules and get ahead. (Applause.)
We will help the food industry become more competitive, because I believe competition is the lifeblood of our economy.
More competition means lower prices for you and your families. (Applause.)
Ronald McDonald says
Stupid is as Stupid Does.
…An old USMC expression:
” You’ve always got your 10%”.
Nowadays’ it’s more like 20%.
Both Parties.
The nutjob extremists have taken over both.
Iran, China, Putin and other assorted Clowns
I suggest everyone just relax, take a coupla’ deep breaths and drink a large glass of prune juice.
Paul Plante says
Who needs the prune juice, several gallons of it at the minimum, and that is on a daily basis, is Karmela Harris, a clear and present danger to our Constitutional Republic along with her mindless cult followers!
Paul Plante says
As t0 your suggestion that everyone just relax, I would say that I am very relaxed, and am probably the most calm and relaxed person in here, outside of the editor, because it is only when you are calm that you can see clear.
Paul Plante says
And Ronald, ponder as I might, I can’t catch the meaning of what you are saying here, to wit: “I suggest everyone just relax, take a coupla’ deep breaths and drink a large glass of prune juice.”
You sound like a teenager telling us to “chill,” which I find odd, given the nature of this topic here, to wit:
CCM: Kamala may well be our next POTUS.
Human stupidity is infinite.
Humans are cognitive misers preferring to experience the elation of “joy and excitement” over the hard work of thinking through their votes.
end quotes
What meaning were you intending to convey with that sentence?
Do you know?
Can you share it with us?
Ronald Mcdonald says
In a Democracy, the people get the Government they deserve.
Paul Plante says
Amen to that, and in a democracy of very stupid people, which this country is now loaded with, the government they get, and inflict on the rest of us, is a very stupid government!
And nations with stupid governments cannot and do not last.
Paul Plante says
Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkey cage.
– H.L. Mencken
Ronald Mcdonald says
I knew you’d catch on.
Paul Plante says
And this is some seriously ******-up bull****!
We have a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC in this country, not a democracy.
And that Constitution applies to every single person in this country as Law of the Land, starting with Karmela Harris, with no exceptions.
EXCEPT, we have this democracy cult crowd who feel that the Constitution means nothing because they say it means nothing, and written laws mean nothing because they say they mean nothing, so that they can essentially invent and re-invent government on a daily or even hourly basis as they please, so instead of Article I defining the powers of Congress, it is the democracy cult that defines the powers of congress, and instead of Article II defining the powers of the president, it is they who do the defining and according to their definition, the president is a literal monarch or dictator with unlimited powers.
Talk about domestic enemies of the Constitution and this Republic, it is they!
But now, they essentially own the Senate and the Executive branch, and we have lost our Republic without a single shot being fired!
Reminds me of what Nikita Khrushchev said back in 1956: “We will take America without firing a shot.”
“We do not have to invade the U.S.”
“We will destroy you from within”.
And here we now are!
From the Manifesto of the Communist Party, Chapter II. Proletarians and Communists
We have seen above, that the first step in the revolution by the working class is to raise the proletariat to the position of ruling class to win the battle of democracy.
The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralise all instruments of production in the hands of the State, i.e., of the proletariat organised as the ruling class; and to increase the total productive forces as rapidly as possible.
Of course, in the beginning, this cannot be effected except by means of despotic inroads on the rights of property, and on the conditions of bourgeois production; by means of measures, therefore, which appear economically insufficient and untenable, but which, in the course of the movement, outstrip themselves, necessitate further inroads upon the old social order, and are unavoidable as a means of entirely revolutionising the mode of production.
These measures will, of course, be different in different countries.
Nevertheless, in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable.
* Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
* Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
Donald McDonald says
Let me sum up what you have written.
If Trump loses, we will cry like we did four years ago and attack police officers at the Capitol. Trump can’t even remember how to pronounce Kamala’s name half the time. It’s not because he’s being funny, it’s called dementia. Vote for Trump and you can help ruin the country even more than Biden has. At least the demoturds got rid of Biden. You geniuses like Trump.
Paul Plante says
I personally DO NOT like Donald Trump, nor do I intend to vote for him, as I intend to write in Tulsi Gabbard, so take me off your list of geniuses for Trump if you will and I appreciate it!
As to ruining America even more than Joe Biden has, all at the same time your candidate to ruin America, Biden vice president Karmela Harris, was side by side with him, supporting him and his policies including BIDE-O-NOMICS and Build Back Better and building an econ0my from the bottom up and middle out, a stupid meaningless phrase invented by the Democrats with which to snow us with, every step of the way unflinchingly as his vice president, who Joe actually called President Harris in a Freudian telling us where and who the real power was in BIDEN/HARRIS 2020, personally I find this following from the Official transcript of the August 16, 2024 Remarks by Vice President Harris at a Campaign Event in Raleigh, NC at Wake Tech Community College to be a major league embarrassment, this mindless and infantile chanting by Karmela Harris, who you view as presidential material, along with a brain-washed audience of mental midgets and pure bred plain old idiots, this at a COLLEGE no less, where we also had governor Roy Cooper in attendance chanting his little heart out with the best of them, along with Attorney General Josh Stein, and Representatives Adams, Manning, Foushee, and Nickel, plus Chair Thomas of the Wake County Board of Commissioners and the students and instructors there at Wake Tech North, especially in the light of her statement to that same audience of idiots that it would be in the weeks to come that she would be addressing in greater detail her plans to build an opportunity economy, which means those chanting fools had absolutely no idea what they were chanting about, it’s what they were told to do by the Harris campaign and so they mindlessly complied, because neither did Karmela, who just bought herself many more weeks that she can hide in without having to discuss realistically and rationally her plan for this “opportunity econ0my,” to wit:
AUDIENCE: We’re not going back!
We’re not going back!
We’re not going back!
THE VICE PRESIDENT: And I pledge to continue this progress.
AUDIENCE MEMBER: We’re not going back!
THE VICE PRESIDENT: — and we’re not going back.
AUDIENCE: We’re not going back!
We’re not going back!
We’re not going back!
THE VICE PRESIDENT: We’re not going back.
We’re not going back.
AUDIENCE: We’re not going back!
We’re not going back!
We’re not going back!
Now is the time to chart a new way forward, to build —
AUDIENCE: A new way forward!
A new way forward!
A new way forward!
THE VICE PRESIDENT: A new way forward, yes.
A new way forward.
AUDIENCE: A new way forward!
A new way forward!
A new way forward!
Paul Plante says
And Donald, dude, if you don’t mind me saying so, and this is for your own mental health, if anybody in here or out there needs to just relax, take a coupla’ deep breaths and start hitting the prune juice hard, it is yourself, because you are waxing hysterical in here, sounding like Biden PROPAGANDA MINISTER Karine Jean Pierre with your crazy talk about if Trump loses, we will cry like we did four years ago and attack police officers at the Capitol.
Maybe you were crying about Trump losing four years and maybe you were down at the Capitol attacking police officers, but I sure as hell wasn’t.
And what you are suggesting is that to keep Trump from ruining the country even more than Biden has, that we should all vote to destroy the country by voting for Karmela Harris.
That, Donald, is insanity talking on your part.
What we need to do to save the country is to not vote for Trump, and not vote for Harris.
What we need to do to save the country from both of them is to keep both of them out of office, period.
We do that by sending a message that we don’t want either in office by not voting for either, which is really very simple to do.
Blue Hoss says
Shun all democrats – they all have liberal pox.
Paul Plante says
And it is interesting that the Taliban chose to hold their Tribute to Joe Biden with their “Joe Biden Appreciation Day Parade” shown in the video above at the same time the Democrats were holding their tribute to Joe Biden in Chicago where professional liars like Nancy Pelosi8 were calling Joe a “great man,” the same as the Taliban were doing with their “Joe Biden Appreciation Day Parade” shown in the video above.
Stuart Bell says
Kween Kamal-Toe Nominated — Without a Single Vote!
Paul Plante says
It’s “democracy” Democrat party style which is dictatorship, where the voter’s choice in the election is dictated by the PARTY, because the PARTY knows best what is good for the voters!
No different than what Russia and North Korea, both democracies, have.
Donald McDonald says
Trump thumbs up and smiling in picture at Arlington National Cemetery.