February 19, 2025

5 thoughts on “Asses&Villains: The Hur Tape Leverage

  1. CCM: I don’t understand why Kamala’s team is letting her candidacy begin with a grand lie.

    ME: Think about it – what else do they have?

    She is at best a Black female version of Dan Quayle, although of the two, he was far more intellectual.

    Harris is obsessed with Venn diagrams and little yellow school buses while Quayle was obsessed with how one should properly spell the word potato.

    As to WHITEWASHING her miserable record as a senator, and creating a new history for her from scratch, essentially re-inventing her, the Western Journal had a story on that titled “Congressional Scorecard Site Purges Damning Page on Kamala Harris” by Jared Harris on 26 July 2024

    With less than four months before Election Day, Vice President Kamala Harris is working at a disadvantage as she appears to have been chosen for the position at the top of Democrats’ 2024 presidential ticket.

    Fortunately for Harris, many in the establishment media and other institutions capable of holding her accountable appear more willing to revise history to protect her than offer any criticism to flourish.

    Most recently, a scorecard ranking Harris as the “most liberal” senator during her time in that chamber has disappeared entirely from the internet.

    The webpage, belonging to congressional tracking site GovTrack, was live as late as June.

    An archived version of the post shows exactly what was thrown into the memory hole.

    “These year-end statistics cover [Harris’] record during the 2019 legislative year (Jan 3, 2019-Dec 31, 2019) and compare her to other senators serving at the end of that period,” an archived version of the post reads, adding it was last updated in 2020.

    What the scorecard revealed is damning for Harris’ hopes of presenting herself as anything other than a radically partisan candidate.

    Compared to all senators, GovTrack ranked her as the “most politically left.”

    According to the site’s archived page, Harris “joined bipartisan bills the least often compared to Senate Democrats.”

    The missing page also noted: “Of the 471 bills that Harris cosponsored, 15% were introduced by a legislator who was not a Democrat.”

    Her track record only gets worse from there.

    The site records her as being tied among sophomore senators for the fewest committee positions, sitting on a grand total of zero committees and subcommittees.

    She was also listed as the third most absent senator, only bothering to appear for 61.9 percent of the 2019 session’s votes.

    Perhaps most telling of all is the fact that Harris introduced the second most number of bills compared to other Senate sophomores, yet she was only able to push three of these through committee — making her second-to-last out of her colleagues.

    Despite the critical nature of this information in regards to the upcoming election, GovTrack has completely removed this page from the internet.

    It’s not just Harris’ time in the Senate that needs liberal revising to be palatable to the American voter.

    Her appointment as the so-called “border czar” is now undergoing serious revisionism, with some outlets openly disputing that Harris was ever tasked with combating the border crisis.

    The left clearly wants Kamala Harris as president, and it seems they won’t stop revising history until it happens.

    end quotes

    And hey, EVERY Democrat lives a life of lies and seems to worship them as part of their religion of SACRED DEMOCRACY, so what are a few more added to the mix, which takes us to the silly Biden spokesperson Andy Bates, just before old Joe was effectively and UN-DEMOCRATICALLY removed as a candidate by a cabal or junto consisting of Joe’s boss, Hussein Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Charley “CHUCK” Schumer, to wit:

    FOX News

    “White House comms shop’s credibility questioned after Biden bows out: ‘Scandal'”

    Story by Emma Colton

    25 July 2024

    The White House communication team’s credibility surrounding knowledge of President Biden’s political future is in the national spotlight after telling the public for weeks that Biden would not drop out of the 2024 race while simultaneously battling questions from the press about mounting concerns over his health.

    “All you can do is shake your head.”

    “No one at the White House has any credibility when it comes to Joe Biden’s health.”

    “From Vice President Harris to the White House physician to everyone in the press office, they covered up the president’s frailties.”

    “They hid the truth.”

    “It’s a scandal,” former George W. Bush White House press secretary Ari Fleischer told Fox News Digital.

    When Biden did announce his departure from the race, only a handful of White House and campaign officials – such as Vice President Kamala Harris, chief of staff Jeff Zients and campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon – were made aware ahead of the letter, while some senior officials learned of the decision in a Zoom call, and most others through Biden’s public announcement on X, media outlets reported.

    The White House communications shop, which is led by press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, had for weeks shut down claims Biden would drop out, while describing Biden’s health as above board and no reason for concern.

    “Absolutely not,” Jean-Pierre declared in a press briefing on July 3 when asked if Biden had any plans to exit the 2024 race.

    Jean-Pierre’s messaging had been backed up by White House spokesman Andrew Bates, who frequently issued statements to the media that Biden was in the race to win while brushing off questions about the president’s health.

    “The president told both leaders he is the nominee of the party, he plans to win and looks forward to working with both of them to pass his 100-days agenda to help working families,” Bates said last week in a comment to the New York Times.

    “That is not happening, period,” Bates said Friday when asked if members of the Biden family were discussing the president’s exit plan.

    “The individuals making those claims are not speaking for his family or his team – and they will be proven wrong.”

    “Keep the faith.”

    end quotes

    Uh, hey, yeah right, Andy, you ******* moron!

  2. One would think that Mz Harris wouldn’t have a chance to be elected with that history.
    However; Trump just being Trump and unable to control himself will give her an advantage with moderates who will actually decide who wins.
    Unfortunate for the First Second and Fourth amendments.

  3. CNBC

    “Joe Biden is sworn in as president: ‘Democracy has prevailed’”

    Jacob Pramuk @jacobpramuk

    Published Wed, Jan 20 2021

    In his remarks, the president said the country must “reject the culture where facts themselves are manipulated and even manufactured.”

    Biden called on Americans to “defend the truth and defeat the lies.”


    Which is exactly what we are doing in here, Joe, and the culture we are rejecting in here where facts themselves are manipulated and even manufactured is the culture of your administration and your press shop and your professional liars like Ian Sams and Andy Bates, coupled with your MEDIA STOOGES on the main stream and legacy media.

  4. CCM: The media and the white house continue to gaslight Americans over Kamala’s border tasking (she was appointed Border Czar. Yes, she was). They insist now that she was never, ‘Border Czar’, which is an easily proven lie. Why are they choosing this hill to die on…The insistence by Kamala Harris and her team that she was never the administration’s “czar” of border policy is a testament to what a failure the Biden border policies have been. (Unless one counts the millions of illegal immigrants now here as exactly what the administration wanted.) If you are going to fib in a situation when the truth would sound so much better, what are we supposed to believe in the future?


    What Joe Biden actually said in his own garbled words when he gave her the job as BORDER CZAR:

    March 24, 2021

    Remarks by President Biden and Vice President Harris in a Meeting on Immigration

    State Dining Room

    2:14 P.M. EDT

    THE PRESIDENT: Well folks, today I have two announcements to make.

    One, is we’ve got ourselves a Secretary. Xavier, welcome.

    SECRETARY BECERRA: Thank you, Mr. President.

    THE PRESIDENT: Thanks for being willing to do this, and I really appreciate.

    And also today, I’ve — I said when we became a team and got elected, that the Vice President was going to be the last person in the room.

    She didn’t realize that means she gets every assignment. (Laughs.)

    But the Vice President and I, and all of us here, have been working very hard to — to pass the legislation that — that is going to beat this virus, as well as get people back to work and change their prospects.

    And so, she’s traveling all over the country working that.

    In addition to that, there’s about five other major things she’s handling, but I’ve asked her, the VP, today — because she’s the most qualified person to do it — to lead our efforts with Mexico and the Northern Triangle and the countries that help — are going to need help in stemming the movement of so many folks, stemming the migration to our southern border.

    And, you know, back when I was Vice President, I got a similar assignment, but one of the things we did was we made sure that we got a bipartisan agreement with Democrats and Republicans to provide over $700 million to the countries in the Northern Triangle to determine the best way to keep people from coming is keep them from wanting to leave.

    And the reason why so many people were leaving, we learned, was that not only gang violence and trafficking and cartels, but natural disasters, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes.

    And so it’s not like someone sits around a hand-hewnen [sic] — hand-hewn table somewhere in Guatemala and says, “I’ve got a great idea: Let’s sell everything we have, give the money to a coyote, have him take our kids or us to the border of America, take us across, leave us in the desert. We don’t speak the language. Won’t that be fun?”

    One of the ways we learned is that if you deal with the problems in country, it benefits everyone. It benefits us, it benefits the people, and it grows the economies there.

    Unfortunately, the last administration eliminated that funding — did not engage in it, did not use it — even though there was over $700 million to help get this done. We’re reinstituting that program. And there are — as I said, there are many factors as to why people leave in the first place.

    But this is — this is the — the source of one of the reasons why we’ve had such a — before we took office, in the midst of the last administration’s somewhat draconian policies of separating children from their parents, et cetera, what happened was that we — we found that there were a serious spike in the number of people heading to the southern border, even in the midst of that.

    And as — as Alejandro can tell you, is that was because there were serious natural disasters that occurred in those countries.

    They were coming north, and we did nothing to do any — much about it.

    So this new surge we’re dealing with now started with the last administration, but it’s our responsibility to deal with it humanely and to — and to stop what’s happening.

    And so, this increase has been consequential, but the Vice President has agreed — among the multiple other things that I have her leading — and I appreciate it — agreed to lead our diplomatic effort and work with those nations to accept re- — the returnees, and enhance migration enforcement at their borders — at their borders.

    We’re already talking with Mexico about that; she’s already done that.

    We’re going to be dealing with a full team now that we have to be able to deal with the problem here at home, but also to deal with it now in terms of in country.

    And I can think of nobody who — who is better qualified to do this than a former — this is a woman who ran the second-largest attorney general’s office in America — after the U.S. — after the United States Attorney General — in the state of California, and has done a great deal upholding human rights, but also fighting organized crime in the process.

    So it’s not her full responsibility and job, but she’s leading the effort because I think the best thing to do is to put someone who, when he or she speaks, they don’t have to wonder about is that where the President is.

    When she speaks, she speaks for me.

    Doesn’t have to check with me.

    She knows what she’s doing, and I hope we can move this along.

    But — so, Madam Vice President, thank you.

    I gave you a tough job, and you’re smiling, but there’s no one better capable of trying to organize this for us.

    THE VICE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you, Mr. President and for having the confidence in me.

    And there’s no question that this is a challenging situation.

    As the President has said, there are many factors that lead precedent to leave these countries.

    And while we are clear that people should not come to the border now, we also understand that we will enforce the law and that we also — because we can chew gum and walk at the same time — must address the root causes that — that cause people to make the trek, as the President has described, to come here.

    And I look forward to engaging in diplomacy with government, with private sector, with civil society, and — and the leaders of each in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras to strengthen democracy and the rule of law, and ensure shared prosperity in the region.

    We will collaborate with Mexico and other countries throughout the Western hemisphere.

    And as part of this effort, we expect that we will have collaborative relationships to accomplish the goals the President has and that we share.

    I also look forward to working with members of the Congress who, I think, share our perspective on the need to address root causes for the migration that we’ve been seeing.

    And needless to say, the work will not be easy, but it is important work.

    It is work that we demand — and the people of our countries, I believe, need — to help stem the tide that we have seen.

    So thank you, Mr. President, for your confidence.

    Thank you.

    THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you for willing to do it.

    Now we’re going to get down to business here.

    And, Ron, who am I turning this over to?

    2:23 P.M. EDT

    https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-roo … migration/

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