Chris’ Bait and Tackle will be hosting this year’s Kiptopeke Rockfish Riot which will be benefiting the Eastern Shore Coalition Against Domestic Violence. The event begins on November 25th and ends on Sunday December 4th. There is a $200 per boat entry fee plus a donation item per person. You can have up to six people per boat. Donations can be canned goods, paper products or cleaning supplies. Chris will also be collecting Fish for Food. For more information, go to
The mission of Eastern Shore Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ESCADV) is to provide support and empowerment to victims of domestic and sexual abuse and to provide programs that increase awareness and prevention in the community. Our vision is that every person is empowered with the right to be safe and free from domestic and sexual abuse. Find out more on their Facebook Page Here.
Love Me, I'm a Liberal Song by Phil Ochs ‧ 1966 I cried when they shot medgar evers Tears ran…
J Wheaton: Let me give you some insider information: those cuts you mentioned were likely discussed a year in advance.…
The biggest problem with illegal labor is that the savings is never passed on to the customer. Contractors have used…
I attended a couple of these events over the years. People barking at me from the left and right. Everyone…
I understand you're passionate about this issue, but I think it's important to address a few points in a way…