The foundation for the modern animal rights movement is the belief that nonhuman “animals have basic interests that deserve recognition, consideration, and protection. In the view of animal rights advocates, these basic interests give the animals that have them both moral and legal rights”. According to Jeremy Bentham (founder of modern utilitarianism),“The question is not, Can they reason?, nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?” In this vein, the 6th National Animal Rights Day (NARD6) event is July 24th and will take place in New York City’s Union Square Park North Pavilion. The Shore’s Karen Davis of United Poultry Concerns, based in Machipongo, will be speaking.
The list of speakers/performers is:
Ray Ippolito
Vanessa Dawson
Donny Moss
Mary Finelli
Kevin Schneider
Dominick Thompson
Karen Davis
Robbyne Kaamil
Joy Askew
Nora Constance Marino, Esq.
Dr. Ethan J. Ciment
Edita Birnkrant
Noelia Pasi
Cristina & Greg Kohalmi
Karla Choko & the Elastic Vegans
Omowale Adewale
Philly Stallone
Maca Buritica & Melanie Matonte
The food vendors that are joining us this year are:
V Burger
Love Kitchen
Yeah Dawg
Little Choc Apothecary
Mo’Pweeze Bakery
Sattva ayurvedic drinks
Heidi’s Health Kitchen
And the organizations tabling are:
Melissa Charlana Wellness / Black Vegan Power
Collectively Free
Vegans of New York
Peace Action Network
Emma Roth Bradford TNR
Catskill Animal Sanctuary
Farm Animal Save
Mercy For Animals
Animal Cruelty Exposure Fund
The Animals’ Battalion
Vegan New York
The Veganz
For more info about NARD please visit:
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