January 22, 2025


  1. Every mammal on God’s Green Earth uses color and shades of color to warn it of danger. Human Beings are Mammals. Any Human Being that says they do not see the color of another Mammal’s skin/hair/fur is not only fooling themselves but insulting the intelligence of those they tell that Liberal BS to. Political Correctness has just about ruined the greatest country on the face of the planet and rotted the minds of those that follow it’s mantra.

    1. Ignorance is Bliss, is it not Mr. Boyd?

      “Deer are essentially red-green color blind like some humans. Their color vision is limited to the short [blue] and middle [green] wavelength colors. As a result, deer likely can distinguish blue from red, but not green from red, or orange from red.”

  2. What is ruinous about this nation is the inability to dialogue our differences of opinions. Political correctness has nothing to do with this. Political correctness has now become a red meat term thrown out by folks who would rather have the good old ways back, when they could sit around the pot belly stove and throw out the N word during their day long bull sessions. They could call some parent’s child a faggot or some poor husband’s wife a slut and all would nod in assent. Those scurrilous terms meant something to this privileged group and set them apart from the rest of the pack. But alas, kinder-gentler minds prevailed and took away this age of enlightenment. For to call someone with brown skin a N_ now has become an affront. It is a racial slur. To call someone a faggot or a slut or other hateful terms, now is frowned upon and suddenly is not being used by educated and thoughtful folks.

    Oh America! What happened to you? The bleeding hearts have taken over and gotten louder as the years progressed. And now, a ruinous thinking has crept in and stolen the ability to see and understand one another place. Gone are the halcyon days of separation and segregation. Gone are the days of not just idle threats of death to one poor black farmer who had the audacity to stand up to his thieving landlord and ask for fair compensation. Society’s scales have tipped scarily close to balanced and fair. How could this have happened? Next thing you know, we will have some damned fool demanding that a book on racism and the life lessons contained within, be taken off the shelf to protect their child from the past ways of those famous pot-bellied round table thing tanks. Brilliant. What better way to protect the evils and the bile of the crimes of white America than to hide her past from young minds? Brilliant.

    Blame Political Correctness? I don’t think so. Perhaps the slow ruin of young minds being bent by too many SAT’s – no child left behind classrooms, violent video games, disinformation overload, social networks, and so many military recruitment advertisements is more like it. But when the mothers start contributing to this free fall, by denying said truth to their children instead of using it as a teachable moment, this country is well on its way to a very dark agenda and politically driven demise.

    Lastly, I leave you all with three quotes by the very same author the educators very well may see fit to censor.

    “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled”
    “There are many humorous things in the world; among them, the white man’s notion that he is less savage than the other savages”
    “Censorship is telling a man he can’t have a steak just because a baby can’t chew it” Mark Twain

    1. White guilt? Naw, white guilt apologist is more like it. But, hey if you’re comfortable with the way this country has behaved in the past four hundred years, that’s on you, not me. And when I say this country, I fully mean, rich white male land owners. I am old enough to remember what was said around those pot-bellied stoves. Little pitchers have big ears. And this little pitcher grew up with a pair to write what he thinks. White guilt? There’s enough to go around for everyone to apologize for. How’s that for a torrent?

      1. I hate to break it to you, but those pot-bellied stoves still exist and our neighbor’s kids still come to listen.

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