George Washington cut down the cherry tree but owned up to it. Abraham Lincoln. “Honest Abe”. Walked several miles to pay back a penny he should not have had to. J0hn Fitzgerald Kennedy: “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”. Ever since then certain large numbers have had their hands out: I want. I want. Welfare, free food, free health care, free college and forgiveness of debts such as mortgages and school loans. They claim they have a RIGHT to housing, health care and college and if that is so, why do fools like us keep working, saving and paying for what we want and receive.
Enter William Jefferson Clinton. “I did not have sex with that woman”. Enter Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinton who has such a temper and so little self-control that she slugs a member of the Secret Service. This is from the agent himself. I doubt if any other resident of the White House has ever struck an employee of the White House staff. And Ms. Clinton worries about Trump having the nuclear button!
Enter Barrack Hussein Obama. I don’t think he has ever said a true word. “You can keep your health care”. “You can keep your doctor”. “Not a hint of scandal at the IRS”. The 400 million is not ransom money; just a coincidence that the hostage’s plane couldn’t depart until the plane with the cash landed. There are so many lies I can’t recall many of them. His college records are sealed and what does he have to hide? Citizenship or place of residence?
Enter Hillary Rodham Clinton, again. Like Obama a compulsive liar. We know what she said about Benghazi and how her email betrayed her. We know about her server and denying there was any classified material when in fact she was playing foot loose with SECRET and TOP SECRET material: a felony. LOCK HER UP!
The ESTABLISHMENT does not want change. An end to this corruption. They want Hillary to be elected. Full court press. MAXIMUM PUBLICITY from all quarters. Stay the course. We know what to expect. A liberal court. Goodbye 2nd Amendment. Civil unrest. No growth in the GNP and millions on assistance with no JOBS. A weak military and a worsening world situation. Crime and terrorism here at home.
I heard much of what Trump proposes about the economy and I truly believe he would un-shackle a giant economic engine and the economy would SOAR. It would certainly be worth a try because for the last 20 years we have been running in reverse. The work force now is at the lowest level in decades. Home ownership also. Family incomes down by an average of $4000 a year. Taxes, food, electricity and other expenses out of control. Health care now free to the “poor” is out of reach of the middle class. All of what is going on gives new meaning to what RINO stands for. You would never find a Democrat acting is such a disgraceful way. They still stand 4 square behind Obama and he has got to be the absolute worst president we have ever had.
According to the ESTABLISHMENT we have a choice this November. Stay home and commit political suicide and see the Clinton’s return to the White House or vote for Hillary and have the same results.
These events prove a point. The American people cannot be trusted to vote in a primary and we were better off with the smoke filled back rooms!
No matter, we will still vote for Trump.
Exactly how low does someone’s self-esteem have to be for them to want a sociopathic, congenital liar like Hillary Clinton as their “leader?”
And that is only one of the many questions on my mind as I ponder the choices before us this election season.
It seems everything here in the United States of America that we hear from the federal government is a lie.
On 21 October 2011, we were informed by the GUARDIAN UK in the article “Iraq rejects US request to maintain bases after troop withdrawal – Obama announces the full withdrawal of troops from Iraq but fails to persuade Nouri al-Maliki to allow US to keep bases there” by Ewen MacAskill in Washington as follows:
Barack Obama announced at a White House press conference that all American troops will leave Iraq by the end of December, a decision forced by the final collapse of lengthy talks between the US and the Iraqi government on the issue.
Obama attempted to make the most of it by presenting the withdrawal as the fulfilment of one of his election promises.
“Today I can report that, as promised, the rest of our troops in Iraq will come home by the end of the year.”
“After nearly nine years, America’s war in Iraq will be over,” he told reporters.
Speaking later to reporters, Obama glossed over the rejection, describing it as Iraq shaping its own future.
He told reporters that the “tide of war is receding”, not only in Iraq but in Afghanistan and in Libya.
“The United States is moving forward to a position of strength.”
“The long war in Iraq will come to an end by the end of this year.”
“The transition in Afghanistan is moving forward and our troops are finally coming home,” he said.
Obama rose to political prominence on the back of his opposition to the Iraq war.
“Over the next two months, our troops in Iraq, tens of thousands of them, will pack up their gear and board convoys for the journey home,” he said.
“The last American soldier will cross the border out of Iraq with their heads held high, proud of their success, and knowing that the American people stand united in our support for our troops,” he said.
“That is how America’s military efforts in Iraq will end.”
end quote
The “tide of war” is hardly receding in Iraq and in Afghanistnam and in Libya, and now, Obama is stuffing U.S. troops back into Iraqinam big time, all the while telling us there will be no U.S. boots on the ground, while he is loaning out our Air Force to his buddies and pals in Libya to fly air strikes against ISIS in that failed state, thanks to Obama and Hillary Clinton’s idiotic and seriously flawed foreign policy.
And our special forces are getting sucked into combat operations in Afghanistnam, while Obama is leaving more troops over there, after telling us in 2011 that our troops would be coming home from that corrupt ****-hole, while the Democrats tell us in their 2016 Party Platform that “We support President Obama’s decision to maintain a limited troop presence in Afghanistan into 2017 and ensure that Afghanistan never again serves as a haven for terrorists to plan and launch attacks on our homeland.”
And while that is happening, we read in the MILITARY TIMES article “What comes next for Obama’s unfinished mission in Afghanistan – Odds are, the next president will have to figure out how America’s longest war ends. Here’s why” by Andrew Tilghman on 22 May 2016 that Army Gen. John “Mick” Nicholson is concluding a review of the situation there and will send his recommendations up the chain of command by June 1, defense officials say and that he is likely to conclude that the conditions in Afghanistan are worse than predicted in 2014, when the U.S. declared an official end to its combat mission at the same time we U.S. taxpayers are spending more than $4 billion annually to support the Afghan military, and the results are mixed at best, according to a watchdog report.
In that same article, we were further informed:
On Capitol Hill, many lawmakers question why U.S. taxpayers are spending more than $4 billion annually to support the Afghan military when the Pentagon’s top brass are complaining about budget cuts here at home.
The Afghans’ long list of failures has been documented in granular detail by the special inspector general for Afghanistan reconstruction, John Spoko, whose most recent report to Congress indicates “neither the United States nor its Afghan allies know how many Afghan soldiers and police actually exist, how many are in fact available for duty, or, by extension, the true nature of their operational capabilities.”
“The Afghan government has not been able to stand up and become more effective despite 15 years of support,” said Vikram Singh, an Afghanistan expert who served as a senior adviser for the Defense Department and is now a vice president at the Center for American Progress, a think tank in Washington.
“The political dysfunction, the persistent corruption and the resurgence of narcotics is going to basically make a lot of people say ‘Why should we throw good money and resources and people after bad?’”
end quote
With respect to all the lies we are being told by the Obama administration, a year ago, on Aug. 26, 2015, we were told by TIME magazine in the story “Pentagon Investigating ‘Misleading’ ISIS Intelligence Reports” by Justin Worland as follows:
The Pentagon is investigating whether military officials misled policy makers in the United States by suggesting that efforts to combat the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) have been more successful than they have been in reality, according to a report.
Citing anonymous U.S. officials, the New York Times reports that a civilian defense analyst blew the whistle on officials in a key division of the U.S. armed forces that had revised intelligence reports to make campaigns sound more successful.
end quote
At that same time, the NEW YORK TIMES was informing us in the article “Inquiry Weighs Whether ISIS Analysis Was Distorted” by Mark Mazzetti and Matt Apuzzo on August 25, 2015 as follows:
The Pentagon’s inspector general is investigating allegations that military officials have skewed intelligence assessments about the United States-led campaign in Iraq against the Islamic State to provide a more optimistic account of progress, according to several officials familiar with the inquiry.
The investigation began after at least one civilian Defense Intelligence Agency analyst told the authorities that he had evidence that officials at United States Central Command — the military headquarters overseeing the American bombing campaign and other efforts against the Islamic State — were improperly reworking the conclusions of intelligence assessments prepared for policy makers, including President Obama, the government officials said.
The prospect of skewed intelligence raises new questions about the direction of the government’s war with the Islamic State, and could help explain why pronouncements about the progress of the campaign have varied widely.
end quotes
Viet Nam and the “Light at the End of the Tunnel” all over again, people.
In that same article, we were further informed as follows:
But recent intelligence assessments, including some by Defense Intelligence Agency, paint a sober picture about how little the Islamic State has been weakened over the past year, according to officials with access to the classified assessments.
They said the documents conclude that the yearlong campaign has done little to diminish the ranks of the Islamic State’s committed fighters, and that the group over the last year has expanded its reach into North Africa and Central Asia.
end quotes
But for the stupidity of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton in 2011 and their efforts to remove Basher Assad of Syria by force, there would not be an ISIS today, and thanks to the incompetence of Commander-in-Chief Obama, a misfit in that position if there ever was one, ISIS is growing and spreading, although Obama and his crowd will lie about that, as we were informed on August 11, 2016 in the NEW YORK TIMES article “Military Officials Distorted ISIS Intelligence, Congressional Panel Says” By Helene Cooper, to wit:
Officials from the United States Central Command altered intelligence reports to portray a more optimistic picture of the war against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria than events on the ground warranted, a congressional panel said in a report issued Thursday.
The interim report, from a task force established by the Republican chairmen of the House Armed Services Committee, Intelligence Committee and Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, found “widespread dissatisfaction” among Central Command intelligence analysts, who said superiors were doctoring their assessments of American efforts to defeat the Islamic State.
“Intelligence products approved by senior Centcom leaders typically provided a more positive depiction of U.S. antiterrorism efforts than was warranted by facts on the ground and were consistently more positive than analysis produced by other elements of the intelligence community,” a news release about the report said.
“From the middle of 2014 to the middle of 2015, the United States Central Command’s most senior intelligence leaders manipulated the command’s intelligence products to downplay the threat from ISIS in Iraq.”
end quotes
At the same time, in the 2016 Democrat Party Platform, or Manifesto, we are being fed this line of bull**** under the heading “Confront Global Threats”:
Democrats will protect our country.
end quote
Oh, really?
When can we expect that to start?
And we are further told under the heading “Terrorism,” as follows:
We must defeat ISIS, al Qaeda, and their affiliates, and prevent other groups from emerging in their place.
Democrats will continue to lead a broad coalition of allies and partners to destroy ISIS’ stronghold in Iraq and Syria.
end quote
Yeah, right!
And at the same time the Democrats are telling us that, they are feeding us this, as well:
Donald Trump would inflame the conflict by alienating our allies, inexplicably allowing ISIS to expand in Syria, and potentially starting a wider war.
This is a reckless approach.
Democrats will instead root out ISIS and other terrorist groups and bring together the moderate Syrian opposition, international community, and our regional allies to reach a negotiated political transition that ends Assad’s rule.
end quote
Trump is going to allow ISIS to expand in Syria?
Get real here, people.
Trump is a civilian; he has nothing whatsoever to do with ISIS.
ISIS exists in Syria and has been expanding in Syria, and Afghanistnam, and Libya because Obama and Clinton were fools who thought they were Mark Antony and Cleopatra and they were going to rule the world, replacing leaders of countries they didn’t like with toadies and lickspittles who would abase themselves and kowtow to Obama and Clinton as rulers of the world, along with being King and Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Lords of the Seven Kingdoms and Protectors of the Realm.
Incredible, is all I can say.
With respect to the very important question of who Hillary Clinton would appoint as federal judges, which is a lifetime appointment for them, Hillary already has a track record in that regard from her days as U.S. senator from New York, and contrary to what Donald Trump says, they were not liberal judges.
As to the type of federal judge Hillary has already put on the federal bench in NYS, all we need do is to consult the Congressional Record Volume 150, Number 7, Wednesday, January 28, 2004, Pages S304-S307, under the heading EXECUTIVE SESSION, NOMINATION OF GARY L. SHARPE TO BE UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE, where we find as follows:
Mrs. CLINTON. Madam President, I rise in very strong support of the nomination of Magistrate Judge Gary Lawrence Sharpe who has been nominated to the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York.
I ask all of my colleagues to support this nomination.
I commend my colleague, Senator Schumer, for the important role he has played on the Judiciary Committee.
I second his comment that in New York we have worked together with the administration to nominate and confirm judges who will be a real credit, not only to the bench but to this administration and to our country.
Magistrate Judge Gary Lawrence Sharpe is at the top of that list.
I think he will not only serve with distinction in New York but demonstrate clearly that this is the kind of conservative Republican nominee whom we could be unanimously confirming.
end quote
Note those words well, people – “this is the kind of conservative Republican nominee whom we could be unanimously confirming.”
For the record, Hillary’s “conservative Republican nominee” was as far from a liberal as you could get, and when Hillary was speaking those words, George Pataki, a republican, was sitting on the throne of power in New York state and George W. Bush was in the White House, and it was they who Hillary was referring to as the “administration.”
So if Hillary was for conservative Republicans as federal judges back then, which she clearly was according to the Congressional Record Volume 150, Number 7, Wednesday, January 28, 2004, why on earth would she be for liberals now?
I for one would like the hear an answer to that question.
What has changed?
Is Hillary all of a sudden a liberal now, just because she is pandering to them for votes?
As to how HILLARY’s conservative Republican judge then treated the law after receiving that high praise from Hillary on January 28, 2004 and being seated on the federal bench as a district court judge in the federal Northern District of New York, all we need do is to peruse this following article from the NEW YORK TIMES by Benjamin Weiser, dated January 28, 2011, where we are informed as follows:
A federal appeals court in Manhattan overturned a six-and-a-half-year sentence in a child pornography case on Friday, saying the judge who imposed it improperly found that the defendant would return to viewing child pornography “because of an as-of-yet undiscovered gene.”
The judge, Gary L. Sharpe of Federal District Court in Albany, was quoted as saying, “It is a gene you were born with.”
“And it’s not a gene you can get rid of,” before he sentenced the defendant, Gary Cossey, in December 2009.
A three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit said in ruling on the defendant’s appeal, “It would be impermissible for the court to base its decision of recidivism on its unsupported theory of genetics.”
Judges Amalya L. Kearse, John M. Walker Jr. and Rosemary S. Pooler ruled that a sentence relying on findings not supported in the record “seriously affects the fairness, integrity and public reputation of judicial proceedings.”
The panel ordered that Mr. Cossey be resentenced by a different judge, a step it said was taken only where a judge’s fairness or the appearance of fairness was in doubt.
“This is one such instance,” the panel said.
end quotes
There we are, people.
That is not idle speculation, that is actual history, and it very much reflects on the caliber of federal judges we can expect from Hillary Clinton when she becomes president of the United States of America – judges whose decisions seriously affect the fairness, integrity and public reputation of judicial proceedings.
In 2005, in a landmark ruling in the state of New York, noted for being the most corrupt state in the United States, which is what brought Hillary there to be a U.S. senator after she left the White House, as opposed to some other state, that same Clinton judge famously ruled that in New York state, there can be a class of people known as “protected people” who are immune from the law, which ruling was subsequently upheld by none other that Sonia Sotomayor when she was a judge on the federal 2d Circuit Court of Appeals in New York City.
That ruling by Sotomayor upholding the “protected persons” ruling of Hillary’s conservative Republican judge established Sotomayor’s political bonafides and proved her political reliability, which then earned her a seat on the United States Supreme Court, such is the way those things go in the United States of America today where “political reliability” is a necessary qualification for someone to be a judge.
That 2005 “protected persons” ruling of Hillary’s conservative Republican judge also resulted in what is known as the “Katzmann Rule” in New York state which clearly states in no uncertain terms that the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York does not exist to provide justice.
It further provides that it is in reality a silly myth that a federal judge should maintain and enforce high standards of conduct and should personally observe those standards, so that the integrity and independence of the judiciary may be preserved.
And the “Katzmann Rule,” Federal Docket No. 15-90031-jm, was also very open about the fact that the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York and Hillary’s conservative Republican judge Gary L. Sharpe really exist to protect lawlessness and what U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara described in the April 23, 2013 Times Union as “a culture of corruption” in New York State which “has developed and grown, just like barnacles on a boat bottom,” while acting in a punitive and retaliatory manner towards those who challenge that “culture of corruption” in a court of law through the Article 78 process in the State of New York, which serves to explain why we have so much political corruption in this state.
And the “Katzmann Rule” makes it very clear that “judicial independence” in the federal Northern District of New York really means that the Court is a law unto itself, totally unfettered and unrestrained by the Canons of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges.
That is all a matter of public record, which a presidential candidate like Donald Trump should have been well aware of, given that he hails from New York state himself, and that is all thanks to Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is no liberal, and who very likely is going to be our next United States president.
As to three-judge panel ruling of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit that “It would be impermissible for the court to base its decision of recidivism on its unsupported theory of genetics,” that takes us directly to Hillary Clinton’s dangerous, discriminatory and prejudicial statement in April of this year that “If someone has white skin, they are a racist because of Implicit Bias, and we need community programs here in America to cure them.”
That lunatic statement by Hillary herself in April of this year is itself based on an unsupported theory of genetics, and when you put that all together, her dangerous statements in April of this year made based on an unsupported theory of genetics, and those of her conservative Republican judge in the federal Northern District of New York in 2009 based on an unsupported theory of genetics, plus the support of her conservative Republican judge in 2005 for endemic public corruption and denial of honest services in New York state, it serves to give us a very good idea of the types of person Hillary Clinton will be putting on the federal bench when she becomes president, and people, they won’t be liberal nor will they have integrity.
We hear from Sheriff David Clark, a man with 38 years of police experience & a native of Milwauke, just what has happened to his city & what the cause of the unrest is. This is the same situation in every ghetto. The Democrats want the poor confined to the cities & to get their existence from public assistance because it means votes. Un-wed parents and no fathers with 3 generations uneducated & unemployed. When the system doesn’t work it’s always the same: throw more money at it. The Democrats do the same thing with gun control. With 24,000 gun laws it’s clear they are not working & the answer always is more gun laws.
Common sense says if something is not working go back to the drawing board. Trillions spent on poverty in the ghettos & things are getting worse. More felons than ever before possessing weapons & where the gun laws are the most rigorus we have the most murders. You can’t control guns anymore than you can control hammers. The criminals need to be controlled just like the carpenters. In the ghetto they must have JOBS & for a change earn their keep and ways must be found to REQUIRE fathers to support their children AND be in the home for them. One man, one vote. One man, one wife. With all the money we spend to feed children as well as adults, we need to find out WHY children go to bed hungry. Where is OUR money going? We give the poor kids FREE breakfasts & lunches & mom gets food stams so AGAIN, where is OUR money going?
Sheriff Clark says the Milwauke schools are “failed” & this is said to be the case in American education in general but especially in the ghettos. As a retired math, science & health teacher I wonder, are the schools “failed” or is it the kids & parents who are “failed”? Just as we have anarchy in the streets we also have it in the classrooms with students resenting being made to pay attention, study & work & good students being called “nerds”, “dexters” & other names. I can not imagine any teacher not doing his/her best to teach the subject to each class in his/her charge. I happened to LOVE math & science & at the end of the day my hands were covered withchalk dust & my voice was hoarse.
I regard the National Education Association (NEA) as an adjunct to the left & the Democrat party & I never belonged & no force on earth would ever get me to join. I feel the same about the AARP. I think this is a problem with most unions & even corporations and that is getting into social issues.
One in law enforcement was saying how rare to arrest a college grad & how perhaps free college would reduce the crime rate. Studies ahow that most in jails have very low IQ’s so it’s not likely that type will even finish high school. Maybe college grads. like the Clintons & the ex-governor of NJ, Corzine (he was Biden’s pick for Secretary of the Treasury) are just smart enough to avoid prosecution or because they are Democtats & are protected by acompletely corrupt system.
It is scary when you see ordinary people on TV and how little some know about the most basic things. Most get their news, if indeed they even watch the news, from the liberal networks which is nothing but propaganda. In the ghetto when & if they vote it must be for Democrats because they are so good & Republicans are so bad. As an 8th grade teacher it was scary when the kids knew so little about everyday things & things they had been taught in both math & science in earlier years and yet had no idea as to how many sides a triangle had or what a meter was and how many meters made a Km. Some had no basic arithmetic skills like adding, subtracting, multiplying & dividing whole numbers. One wonders where were they all these past 13 or 14 years but not to worry. Most could flawlessly draw a picture on their desk top of a canabis leaf!
Thank God that Trump is getting & listening to good advice. He needs the psychologically powerful TV ads of the type the Democrats use such as building a platform so the boss can tell the workers they are fired. That was as powerful as if they had to dig their own graves & now the one with the gold star National Guard mother.
With Trump we have a chance. With the Clinton’s it’sover. I like Trumps economic ideas & if he cann put his ideas in place I can see a growth of easily 8%. He would be unleashing an economic giant!
This talk of American presidents and the U.S. economy, over which an American president has absolutely no control whatsoever, despite their blather to the contrary, reminds me of Hussein Obama’s Weekly Address from February 22, 2014, where Hussein informed us as follows:
Hi, everybody.
Restoring the idea of opportunity for all requires a year of action from all of us.
In my State of the Union Address, for example, I asked more business leaders to take action to raise their employees’ wages.
So it’s good news that, earlier this week, one of America’s largest retailers, The Gap, decided to raise wages for its employees beginning this year.
Their decision will benefit about 65,000 workers in the U.S.
That means more families will be able to raise their kids, finish their studies, or keep up on their bills with a little less financial stress and strain.
Gap’s CEO explained their decision simply – he said, “[It’s] right for our brands, good for our people, and beneficial to our customers.”
And he’s right – raising Americans’ wages isn’t just a good deed; it’s good business and good for our economy.
It helps reduce turnover, it boosts productivity, and it gives folks some more money to spend at local businesses.
end quotes
Hearing that, I started following economic reports concerning GAP, because quite frankly, I thought Obama was talking right out of his *** in that weekly address, and I had to wonder, how big a fool would somebody have to be to take financial or business advice from Barack Hussein Obama, who never was in business in his life, and doesn’t know the first thing about managing anything, let alone a business, or a nation, for that matter.
So. let’s cut to the chase – where is GAP today?
Let’s take a look by going to this MARKETWATCH article entitled “Gap cuts year view as quarterly sales fall” by Lisa Beilfuss published: Aug 18, 2016, wherein we are informed as follows:
Gap Inc. said sales fell during the second quarter as the retailer continued to struggle with its turnaround efforts.
Through Thursday’s close, the stock has tumbled 25% over the past 12 months.
The San Francisco retailer is in the midst of a prolonged sales slump and has been trying to turn itself around by shutting some stores, shaking up its management ranks and revamping its merchandise to compete better with fast-fashion chains like Hennes & Mauritz AB.
Adding to its woes, credit-rating firms have in recent months downgraded Gap’s credit rating to junk.
Gap, for its part, said Thursday that it still expects to close a net 50 stores this year.
During the quarter, Gap sales at stores open at least a year fell 2%, matching the prior year’s decline.
In all for the period, Gap reported a profit of $125 million, or 31 cents a share, down from $219 million, or 52 cents a share, a year earlier.
end quotes
So much for their decision benefitting about 65,000 workers in the U.S. when they are closing 50 stores.
That means that less families will be able to raise their kids, finish their studies, or keep up on their bills with a little less financial stress and strain.
And so much for Gap’s CEO’s idiotic statement that “[It’s] right for our brands, good for our people, and beneficial to our customers.”
And so much for Hussein Obama’s claim that raising Americans’ wages isn’t just a good deed; it’s good business and good for our economy.
In the case of GAP, it did not help reduce turnover, to the contrary, it contributed to people losing their jobs, and it certainly did not boost productivity, nor did it give folks some more money to spend at local businesses.
It just helped to create more eyesore malls in America with closed and failed businesses.
So much for U.S. presidents and boosting the U.S. economy.
To me, it is nothing more than a bunch of hooey and piffle.
And when it comes to all these claims being made by “HECTORING HILLARY” and Trump about “economists say this about my plan,” check out the record of economists, people, which I follow every day.
Rarely are their prognostications right, and usually, they are far from the mark, to the point of where economists make TV weathermen look far more accurate by comparison, especially up here to the north, where the TV weathermen predict killer snow storms which end up giving us three inches.
As a private bidnessman, perhaps Trump can create jobs in the private sector, but the only way he is going to do that as president is by pumping government money into the private sector, which, if I recall, is a form of socialism.
Or Trump can create private-sector jobs the way Hussein Obama has been doing – bombing the **** out of all these other countries and blasting people with his “WRATH OF BARACK” HELLFIRE missiles which can only be used once before needing replacement, which admittedly has been a boon for the armaments industry in this country and the politicians who hold stock in them while giving a good goose to the U.S. GDP, endless war being good for the economy, afterall.
So let us say that when Trump says he is going to make America great again, I am not a believer.
Obama inherited a declining economy. His first priority should have been to do whatever to encourage hiring & reduce the rate of unenployment. The unemployed are draining the treasury with government payments & benefits & also not doing their “fair share” by paying taxes. In order to spend money on defense & social programs, like any household or business, you need INCOME & again like the rest of us, expenses can not exceed income.
The president is obcessed with his pet projects which are health care for the poor & climate change. He & others lied and the Democrats shoved Obamacare down our throats against all the proteats from conservatives & independents and all the predictons are coming true.
Obamacare has cost many full time jobs. It has taken money out of consumer’s pockets due to higher insurance premiums and high co-pays & deductibles. It was never actuarilly calculated & it is collapsing under its own weight.
All the pages of new regulations have cost business and cost more jobs. Now, closing down the coal ndustry & throwing all the American Hero coal miners to the wolves.
Of course we need to reduce or eiminate the 35% corporate tax to at least level the world wide playing field & keep companies here as well as bring business and jobs here.
As I see the last 8 years, every move Obama has made has hurt this country in every way. He either goes around congress or his puppet Democrats blindly, as Pelosi said, goes along with hisschemes. Some of his actions in my view amount to treason. Releasing 5 high level terrorists for one deserter (as yet not tried by court martial???) and the deal with Iran providing money which we know will be used to kill American service people is an outrage. Can anyone see FDR or HST or Ronald Reagan doing any such thing? Maybe trade a general for a general but not 5 for one. No way provide money to Adolph Hitler, court ruling or no court ruling.
A presidentcan do a lot to help or hurt the economy, especially if he can get congress on board. I think Trump can turn the tide. Just the attitude of the president can instill confidence. “We have nothing to fear except fear itself”, FDR.