January 16, 2025


Please send all Anonymous to capecharlesmirror@gmail.com

5-19-2020 –How the owner of Table & Tonic chose to “communicate” their mask requirement to me this past weekend, thus losing our business forever:

*I walk into the store and begin to look at items on a table, without touching anything.*

Store owner: “Uh!” (Trying to get my attention) Do you have a mask?”

Me: “No-“
Owner: “No! UH-UH.” *Gestures towards door*

The owner of Table & Tonic may benefit from a course in dialogue or communication, as well as taking breaks from wearing her mask and allowing for more oxygen to reach the brain. In a matter of 5 seconds, in her choice to react in such a spiteful manner, she lost local customers- for life. First impressions are everything in business. I’m stunned that a business owner could make it this far with an attitude like this.

It’s probably important to note that I have nothing against those businesses who have chosen to implement mask regulations. We must have missed seeing a sign at Table & Tonic, but for those establishments where we noticed a sign stating their mask requirement, we simply skipped them during this outing. I would never walk into an establishment that was asking their customers to wear a mask and berate them for their decision. What I WOULD do is ask for the same respect and dignity with which they would wish to be treated. Especially considering the fact that I had no idea that a rule was in place. But in every cloud there is a silver lining. At least we got a teachable moment out of this for our children. Lesson: How NOT to treat people. Especially if you want your business to thrive.

For reference below, if store owners would like to keep these in mind, a list of appropriate and POLITE responses to a customer who may not be wearing a mask when you’ve implemented a mask requirement. Please remember that some people may wish they COULD wear a mask, but cannot, simply for medical reasons.

– Hi, we currently have mask restrictions and are only allowing customers in if they are wearing them. I’m sorry!

– Hello, thank you for stopping in! Unfortunately we are only allowing in customers who are wearing a mask. Do you happen to have one with you?

– Hi there, I understand that some customers may have medical reasons which hinder them from wearing a mask. However, we are strictly allowing only those customers who are wearing a mask at this time. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Please… do not respond with:
“NO. UH-UH.”


A local customer in utter disbelief

4-5-2020 – Many of us are having a hard time believing that this Chinese virus was mistake. It’s no coincidence that Trump was holding the Chinese government’s feet to the fire on tariffs, economics and trade. Over 1.3 billion people in China so they can actually afford to lose a few million and never miss a beat. With the upcoming elections and the economy doing so well in America I don’t believe this was a coincidence.
This One Belt One Road economic  deception tactic that the Chinese have employed is all part of their world domination plan. Unfortunately Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Hussein Obama fell for that line of s***. Donald Trump, the real businessman, didn’t . We will never know the real truth in our lifetime. China must pay dearly for what they have unleashed on the world.

3-29-2020 – The various police departments up and down Rt 13 should back off on pulling over cars for minor infractions until the virus is under control .

3-22-2020 – I suggest Riverside consider keeping the new Shore Memorial Hospital free of Coronavirus cases by reopening Shore Memorial Nassawadox or Physicians and Surgeons , Nassawadox .

3-1-2020 – The article by Daniel Burke addressing water issues was short and to the point. I’m no engineer but I also have concerns such as “why is or was the main pipe for town water located so close to that drainage area the town created for the material from the bay?”.
Is that a health concern or am I incorrect? The town appears to be booming now with real estate prices and tourism but years ago Dickie Foster and his group- some of them still there in town leadership poisitions- were suppose to be providing monies according to an Agreement of 1991for waste water issues. If I’m wrong please tell me; if not what’s the hold up? Big problem was back in the day very few people wanted to stand up against Foster and his minions. If you did you were ostracized from the group or possible job. Now the town is relinquishing its control over the marina? Whistling past the graveyard indeed!

12-22-19 An extremely well written article on 1619 Project. There is no doubt the media has a left-leaning agenda and is promoting it through any means necessary. Years ago many of us studied what was known as Asymmetric Warfare.
A majority of that tactic is swaying the minds of the public with complete lies which is something the New York Times does with finesse. Once again the Cape Charles Mirror is way ahead of the power curve. Keep up the great work!

12-22-19 – Milan Hübl, Ph.D., a Czechoslovak/Czech historian, university professor, academician, and Communist Party politician, summed up what the new yak slimes is pushing; “The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory.  Destroy its books, its culture, its history.  Then have somebody write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new history.  Before long the nation will begin to forget what it is and what it was.  The world around it will forget even faster.”

9-19-19-HEADLINE:Dominion Energy plans a 220-turbine wind farm, 27 miles off the Virginia Beach shore, that should generate enough electricity to power 650,000 homes when the wind is blowing steadily.

Now does everyone understand why the Cape Charles Harbor is so well sought after by these private companies for operational purposes? Second deepest port and shortest distance to travel for resupply ships when this occurs.
Pirates come in many forms and they are circling Cape Charles now.

6-23-19 -FRIED GREEN TOMATOES –Is anyone in the Cape Charles to Nassawadox corridor selling dark green, hard as rock tomatoes yet?

4-7-2019 – Respect that Congresswoman Luria served 20 years in the Navy. However, it has been reported that she voted Republican for former rival Scott Taylor  before she was tapped to run as a Democrat. Only after she made a $17 K contribution to Northam’s campaign  and another $ 10 K to his victory ball fund. Information was printed in the VA PILOT; hardly a right wing paper as you know. Seems her family has money from scrap business in Alabama-so now she’s an expert on nuclear issues ? A USNA Supply Officer with 20 years? Give me a break.

3-24-2019-Bravo Cape Charles Town Council rejecting the sale of more harbor properties! Well, not everyone on the council but the people I expected to vote in favor of selling the property did exactly that.
Stop giving away something you don’t own. Years from now the future
generations will benefit from that Harbor whether you are too short minded to realize it or not. SAVE THE HARBOR!

3-18-2019 – Contrary to the writer who believes Mr. Creed is “not the voice of the town”; I would respectfully challenge him or her to find someone who has been consistently reporting the issues involving Cape Charles.
The fact that Mr. Creed understands the significance of selling any portion of this harbor to anyone at any time makes him the voice of the people.
He has done more in the last 5 years to shed light on the nonsense with the old school, water issues, selling the harbor properties, beach safety, animal welfare than any single person living in Cape Charles.
I think the person that wrote that paragraph is simply jealous.

2-16-2019 – Mr. Creed and his Mirror IS NOT the voice of the town.  “Folks at Rayfield’s and Kelly’s” need no hard copy to pass on their opinions.   There are many who do not believe that this “paper” is reporting facts.

2-11-2019 – I continue to read The Cape Charles Mirror and believe that Mr. Creed continues to be that voice of the town.
My only wish is that this could be a hard copy- paper print- for those who don’t have access to a computer or know about the existence of this online newspaper.
The town has moved forward in leaps and bounds but some of the old culprits and issues remain in place. It’s my belief that Mr. Creed’s efforts gives most of these culprits pause on their attempts to take over the harbor, fund personal projects and hoodwink the public under the guise of town service.
Bravo for Mr. Creed’s efforts and I hope this newspaper can at least have limited hard copies for the folks at Rayfield’s, Kelley’s and a few other places.
Unfortunately, The divide in the town still exists but that gap gets closed once a week with this paper’s reporting facts and not the agenda of pirates who want to take over the town.

1-15-2019 – Missing the Pendant (2) – The Pendant’s name was Elliott Wilkins. I miss him too

12-21-2018 – Missing the Pendant -Some years ago in Cape Charles there was a pedant . He wrote a column called Pedant’s Corner and was quick to  point out blowbags and jackasses . He was one of a kind but sadly died alone by freezing to death in his own home . I don’t remember his name but I wish he were here now to stifle some of our well-meaning but long-winded contributors . RIP Pedant .

8-19-2018 -Time to look at what’s happening at the Harbor
– Thank you once again Cape Charles Mirror for the insightful opinions and news articles on Cape Charles.

I would like to see you do an in-depth study on the Harbor.

It seems to several people that there is a group out there circling this town’s natural asset and they are intent on turning it for private profit.

It is no secret that wind turbines will eventually be off the coast of Virginia and that makes this deep harbor a valuable takeover target.

Looking at the current Town Council lineup it appears some of the people might have some personal agendas.

I wonder how these harbor developers are going to try to influence this new crop of council people?

Please pay attention to what’s going on at that Harbor!

Every little thing the town gives up now will have an impact on the harbor and town’s future.

Go back over the last 15 years and start connecting the dots!

8-11-2018 – What Chemical is the Town Spraying Weeds With -I just read that Monsanto has been found guilty of causing incurable cancer in a school custodian from a product called RoundUp . The award was $ 289 million to the custodian. On Wednesday , August 8 , 2018 I was standing in front of Saint Charles church in Cape Charles with about a hundred other people when two city employees in a golf cart rode by hosing down (not spraying ) individual grass sprouts with a chemical. What is that chemical ? It ends up in the waters around Cape Charles Beach and harbor.

7-8-2018 – New Anchorage off of Cape Charles? – It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this is not going to be of any benefit to this little town.
I’m hoping that the town will show up in force and reject this bonehead scenario presented by the Coast Guard. All you have to do is walk these beaches in the early morning to see this disgusting debris that is surfacing on the properties! It is time for the town to band together and say no to this disgusting proposal.

6-17-2018 -HISTORICALLY CORRECT FACT – That first black slave owner in America was actually from the Eastern Shore of Virginia according to records on file.
I think people need to research before they post in the Cape Charles Mirror. It’s sort of diminishes the argument about racism on the shore doesn’t it?

I enjoyed reading Ms. Bauer’s Op-ed up until a point: 1. Racism is unfortunately a two-way street and all you have to do is read a newspaper or watch the television to confirm that fact 2. Like most liberal individuals she is attempting to rewrite history and make it the “history of now” while gingerly sidestepping the fact that the Democratic Party stopped blacks from voting for decades and the Democrats were the founders of the Ku Klux Klan. Remember that former WV State Senator Robert Byrd was actually a leader in that organization! 3. Black men, women and children were very often sold into slavery by other black tribes who captured them during the territorial disputes. Remember that Anthony Johnson, a black man, became the FIRST SLAVE owner in America and his “slave” was another black man names John Casor. Opinions are wonderful but they need to be backed up with factual information otherwise we keep repeating the same lies over and over again. Racism sucks and a myopic view filled with half-truths doesn’t solve the issues. Ignorance is ignorance on both sides.

6-14-2018 – Are the ships spoiling the beaches? – I hate to state the obvious but ever since those ships started anchoring off the town the beaches have been pretty screwed up.

I remember walking the Bay Creek Beach and finding some pretty nasty things on the shore. I’m wondering aloud if anyone is monitoring what they are dumping overboard from the ship’s?

We have a great Coast Guard but they’re not out there 24/7 around the ships to see exactly what’s going on in the middle of the mornings at zero dark thirty.

It’s very important Cape Charles monitors the water and those beaches. Remember it’s supposed to be a destination!

6-11-2018 – Time to Bring Joe Vaccaro back! – After reading all of the posts about Bob Panek, the corruption in Cape Charles government and how much former Town Manager Joe Vaccaro was loved because he refused to give in to the corruption and sought only the best for the town, why haven’t they asked him to return? At least an interim basis to straighten things out and get the town back on solid ground? Maybe if the town asked him…

6-11-2010 – Carrying Water for Corruption – Interesting to see the “steel curtain” some of town employees are erecting around the current town actions.
I don’t believe any of these people were around for the last 10 or 20 years to see all the things that have brought us here.
God bless The Cape Charles Mirror for bringing these things to light. The Cape Charles Wave also attempted the same strategy. Without these unbiased media reports Cape Charles would have gone over the proverbial cliff years ago.
Agree or disagree what they are reporting ; I have found their accuracy to be 10 times more than any other local paper.
BTW, these articles contain information from “sources” and they are the same people who provide national news – if it doesn’t agree with your political agenda or view don’t read it.

6-10-2018 – Cape Charles PANEK‼- “The Town has told the Mirror that, even as Mr. Panek has tendered his resignation as interim town manager/assistant town manager, he will continue working with the town as a contractor managing capital projects.”-editor

And now, that same town is still employing him for anything other than forced litter pick on the streets after betraying public trust for years???  Has the town collectively lost its mind in allowing their elected and appointed officials to tolerate gross negligence that is tied at the navel to criminality?

The comments from Ms. Marshall & Ms. Bender should be screamed at the mayor and council as they are beaten over the head with the editor’s excellent historical fact collection!  Is that elected group composed of IDIOTS or are they historically a party to Panek’s transgressions?

Too bad COASTAL LIVING MAGAZINE could not provide an evaluation of Cape Charles that reflects the tax rape of citizens by scam artist Panek made possible over a decade of elected government changes WITH continuous citizen commentary highlighting the continuing financial problems generated by Panek.  If the citizens, in mass,  do not start demanding changes to their local government decisions NOW, they will get more of the same while they drink the town water that puts them to sleep more effectively than alcohol.

But, all can only marvel at the high degree of perfection to which Mr. Pakek has brought the art of SCAM, the effectiveness he has demonstrated its use and the effect on the cost of local government transferred to its many sleeping citizens.

6-10-2018 – Vaccaro was best, honest Town Manager – When Joe Vacccaro was the town manager he worked 7 days a week and you could frequently see him out all hours of the day.
He loved the town and the people but he was nobody’s fool either. As a former federal law enforcement officer and Marine officer he wasn’t going to allow conflicts-of-interest, shady back room deals or rich people with money to set his or the town’s agenda. The town lost a great advocate when he was forced to leave by some of the very people involved in the current questionable activities and agendas.

4-30-2018 – Lack of Restrooms a problem – Is there anywhere to use the restroom downtown? Merchants aren’t willing for even buyers to use their bathrooms. Really hard to go shopping up and down Mason with no where to go to the bathroom except the cinderblock one by the beach.

4-16-2018- A WORLD GONE MAD WITH BRATS– You know world has gone crazy when an 18 year old limelight junkie like David Hogg can weild so much media attention with his sophomoric rants on gun control. A closer look at this little dandy reveals that his dad, a former FBI Agent, actually might have a political axe to grind with President Trump. So Hogg’s methodology makes sense but his logic and reasoning remains that of a quintessential brat seeking attention. Attention that the left wing agenda people in America have gladly provided him. Civility was the first casualty of Barrack Obama’s 8 years and the left wing in America loves hand puppets like Hogg.

4-2-2018 – David Hogg – I’m wondering aloud who appointed this angry, and possibly mentally disturbed, young man as the spokesperson for this movement? His foul and vile language is not impressive but some of the left wing anti-gun agenda folks merely dismiss this speech as that of a young victim. He’s nothing more than a limelight junkie. We’re still not completely clear where he was physically present during this tragedy- hiding in a closet, at home, riding his bike- since his story has changed at least 3 times. He and his cohorts have turned this tragedy into a full scale circus. Hogg is nothing more than a hand puppet being used by the left to promote an anti-gun agenda they’re not going to win. Hogg and his mischief makers never gave their school, their classmates or their community a chance to mourn and heal. His 15 minutes of fame were up weeks ago. Shameful.

3 -18-2018 CAPE CHARLES TOWN COUNCIL – I guess it’s legal- then again you never know in Cape Charles- but I have to point out that there are now two council member sitting on the board who were never elected by the citizens of Cape Charles. Does anyone else see this as a potential issue down the road? I am not implying anything is wrong with these individuals but the process certainly stinks to have two people on council who are actually never elected into those positions.

3-4-2018 – Gun Violence – Another set of good and thoughtful articles by The Cape Charles Mirror. All of these incidents are indeed tragic but made more so by the political circus that follows these events. It’s my belief that these children, their families and that community has not been given enough time to mourn and heal before the crisis actors showed up with a political agenda. This might upset some but this tragedy falls clearly on a federal/ county law enforcement officials who failed to follow-up and act on terrifying and timely information. The second factor is the mental health of the shooter himself. Gun laws? Look at Chicago, tons of strict gun laws but look at the violent deaths there! Want a solution? Enforce all the laws on the books to the fullest degree, identify the mentally ill and ensure they don’t have access to weapons (Like that tragic school shooter in CT where his mother took him to the range! Are you kidding me!) and finally stop the B.S. rhetoric and see the situation for what it is ; people killing people NOT guns.

3-4-2018 – Annexation Agreement of 1991 – This is a document surrounded by more mystery than a Sherlock Holmes story ! The fact of the matter is Bay Creek has never really lived up to its obligations contained in this document. Over the course of time it has been reported that The Town of Cape Charles actually utilized the services of the Bay Creek lawyer to draft the document! While the Cape Charles Mirror has done some outstanding investigative reporting on these matters ; the suggestion is to research the former Cape Charles Wave who also did some outstanding work on the issues. Bay Creek made a lot of grandiose promises to the town that they never followed through on. Makes me wonder who’s looking out for the citizens here?

2-25-2018 – NRA- I really enjoyed the detailed history of this organization presented by The Cape Charles Mirror. This is something you don’t see in journalism anymore – factual information. Keep up the great work!

2-11-2018 – I continue to read the articles in the Cape Charles Mirror
– Some of the things written I disagree with but the majority of the information that Mr. Creed publishes is spot-on. I applaud his efforts for trying to bring transparency and sunshine to some of the crazy things that occur in this great area. For decades the people with money and family connections have ruled this rural eastern shore. Tradition unhampered by progress.

1-15-18 – Wrong about Bennett and Murray – Mr. Creed, I think you are making a race to judgement that is not justified. In fact, you may be perpetuating what you are seeming to criticize. Your following comment appears nothing more than inflammatory, and I am struggling to understand to what you are referring.:
“Once again, the Franktown/Wellington Neck Mafia has a firm grip around the neck of the county.” is particularly strange as no County elected official resides in or is from Franktown or Wellington Neck.

Let’s put aside the fact that Mr Bennet’s politics in Dec 2015 were for a massive zoning change that would have hurt many low income people and that he has indicated on more than one occasion in public forums that the code word, “his people”, were his primary concern, not the interests of the entire county. Also let’s ignore the thinly veiled vindictive threats apparently directed to Mr Murray that you quote from Mr. Bennet: “Your time will come,” and “Everything comes around,” Bennett said.

I do not want him to serve as Chairman of any meeting as he has great difficulty in forming and then speaking sentences that convey a complete thought and are understandable. During meetings when he does speak or has served as Chair, he frequently mumbles and rarely projects his voice so as to be heard and understood by all present. Either the microphone where he sits is not used or possibly does not work. The one nice exception to this is when he has offered a prayer in the past, which was done clearly without a microphone and in understandable sentences.
He is simply not a good choice to serve as Chairman for meetings, Board or otherwise. If you don’t agree, think about this when you review his words on meeting recordings.

12-5-2017 – Wagner Borrow Pit – Those pits in the photos look like they’re full of water. What happens when the bridge-tunnel starts dumping and the water overflows. I see some houses right next to the pits. Too bad for them? And there’s no way those pits are going to hold all that dirt from the tunnel. What happens when the pits get full?

11-20-2017 – Salt Grove Developer has not paid $7500 fine – A disgrace to a family name; scofflaw
(US, informal) a person who habitually flouts or violates the law, esp one who fails to pay debts or answer summonses -Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition

11-13-2017 – Northampton Homeboys – this election, we rejected what they are selling.

11-13-2017-Time for Rural VA to Secede?– Excellent analysis. That map really brought it home that maybe this wasn’t much of a victory for Northam.

8-22-2017 -Northampton County Chicken House Concern – The chicken house pollution issue has been dormant of late but the chicken house expansion on the Eastern Shore of Virginia has been extremely active. I hope our Supervisors are staying on top of the issue in Northampton County . I have no reason to believe they are not. I noticed a huge new chicken house construction project in Accomac on the west side of US-13 that is nearing completion . It appears to encompass about 10 large chicken houses side by side on about 100 acres . I have no idea about other projects beyond the tree line. That type of pollution source here in Northampton County could be a disaster to aqua farming and as well as threat to our sole source aquifer.
But it is not that the chicken house business is bad or wrong . It’s a matter of how much and where . And Northampton County is not a good place for the chicken house business for many reasons .

We need our Supervisors to hold the line at the county line .

8-17-2017 – Thanks for Teacher Article – I am just writing to thank Mr. Creed for his work on the article about teachers for Northampton County.  As a former educator for NCPS, it is reassuring to hear others share some of the same concerns I had during my time there, both within the article and in some of the comments.  I look forward to seeing the follow-up with others who have left the division.

6-12-2017 – Mathai Case – reply to Karen Allums Well he’s just not rubbing elbows with the right people cause there has been many that have done the same and nothing was ever done. But your right money talks and B.S. walks

5-30-2017 – On Monday, May 29th, Memorial Day; my wife and I took a drive to Cape Charles. As it was a warm and sunny day, and unofficially, the start of the summer season, the beach front was packed. The entire town looked scrubbed and clean and bustling. Such a dramatic change since the early nineties and points earlier. I know the town has had fiscal issues in the past and even more dangerous, council member wars. But, from a passing glance and the view from the wind screen of our vehicle, the town exudes warmth and welcome. Every citizen should be proud. Your town is a throwback from a bygone era and I mean that as a compliment. Keep on the tack you are presently taking. Reign in the over expenditures and learn to work together to enhance the town’s best qualities. My wife and I will be back.

Kudos to & welcome our new VDOT Supervisor Joseph Zuchel and his team who recently tackled the north entrance to our County Seat.
The jungle of crepe myrtles and a statuesque sweet gum tree begged for help as did the attractive Welcome sign which travellers could not see until almost ‘on it’ after the exit.

1-25-2017 Thanks to the CCPD -Thank you, Cape Charles Mirror, for posting the statistics on our police department and their work. They seem to be a good group of dedicated (and thoughtful) officers, and are much appreciated.
I was surprised, however, to see almost 800 hours of “Foot Patrol” logged on the summary for 2016. I don’t remember seeing an officer outside of his/her vehicle except when talking to other officers, next to their vehicles – several times across from Vance’s, and once or twice at the beachfront. Seeing a police officer in uniform walking down Mason would be novel, and although Mayberry-esque, I think it might increase community policing efforts in 2017. How many officers do we have, and how many total hours did they work our streets, for comparison’s sake?
Thanks again to our Chief and his troops!

1-20-2017 The Trump inauguration– Wasn’t it great to see a President and Vice President salute the American flag and troops as they marched by and actually mean it? Over the last 8 years good people have been forced to keep their opinions to themselves otherwise they’re labeled racist, homophobic, xenophobic or misogynistc. This is despite the fact that they are none of those things. Everyone’s opinion is important and certain groups have found a way to psychologically and verbally intimidate people with those hateful labels. There’s a new morning in America and we need to lock arms and move forward. Hate nor political correctness has a place in America anymore.

1-20-2017 TRUMP TWEETS — I think President Trump should keep on tweeting. That is what he does. That’s better than Donald Trump being on TV. Also, I can tweet back from his remarks.

12-27-2016 2017 HAPPY NEW YEAR – Wishing our town council, manager, and town employees a Happy New Year. Hope your decisions are talked over first and discussed for the benefits of the town citizens in which most are retired and living on a fixed income. I attend all the town council meetings, and I invite more people to attend so you can see for yourself what is going on in this town.

12-17-2016 The Russians are coming? – If the Russians did “hack” our systems that’s a BIG problem but lets’ not forget that former Secretary of State Clinton had an UNSECURED computer system for years. So it appears that some/ a lot of these leaked emails are associated with Clinton’s UNSECURED system. Apparently all that information SOMEONE leaked is TRUE so that was bigger problems for the Democratic Party. So Ms. Clinton screwed up NOT following the rules and regulations and someone took advantage of it and NOW we complain? Amazing.

12-17-2016 Response (6) to Trump Mr. Trump has not even taken office yet but everything the pundits said would happen have gone in the opposite direction. How about we give this guy a chance before we call a doomsday scenario? I realize people are upset and the puppy dogs, safe spaces and the tin foil hats are not working as well as they should. However, this is still America and we have a great system in place that will not allow bad things to happen unless you consider the last 8 years a failure of that system. Besides all of that if worse comes to worse we can always blame the Russians or the Martians for whatever comes next. In the famous words of the Great Bill Murray “relax Francis”.

12-17-2016 Response (4) to Trump – More important issues are at stake than nickle and diming presidents’ lifestyles. It is time for the angry middle class to understand that their lives will change radically for the worse in the very near future. Your already meager social security and educational opportunities (compared to the rest of the developed world) will be diluted to welfare levels you only see in third world countries. Your pensions will be worthless as runaway inflation is bound to set in shortly. Putin’s American puppet will pluck the feathers of the grand American eagle to feather his nest and those of his government picks. To quote a wise analyst, you don’t have the fox guarding the hen house, you have the industrial slaughterhouse machine guarding the hen house. You should also fear any Russian interference. You obviously don’t read and are clueless when it comes to history, or you would know that Russia is a ruthless dominatrix, willing to inflict pain and destroy to achieve domination. She was welcomed with open arms into our elections and she already has its American puppet by the balls. It is difficult to fathom how you will be able to dig yourselves out of this mess. Educate yourselves and vote wisely next time.

12-9-2016 My Christmas Wishes for the Town of Cape Charles– Stop fighting each other and concentrate on what the community wants-better water- and needs-more oversight on finances, Collect the debts that are due to your town and make no apologies for doing so, Stop the internal financial bleeding and take a long hard look at what needs to be cut and make those cuts, protect your harbor at all costs because that will be a cash cow in future days; especially when they build wind turbines off the coast of Virginia, Stop making deals and cutting corners with builders and business people who have no real interest in the town or the people- other than lining their own pockets- haven’t you guys learned that yet over the last decade- and finally- if you’re elected or appointed to a public office remember this- it’s not a national title so stop acting like a big shot because and its a small job in a small town but if you screw it up (like a few of you have been doing) you’ll have a perpetual negative impact on that great town. This is a chess game not checkers- think before you act and never kowtow to these pirates who want to make the town their personal ATM. Make 2017 the Year of Change for Cape Charles.

12-5-2016(Response (3) to TRUMP)– I beg to differ regarding the “misread(ing)’ of the comments on Trump. Re-read the comments again here- ” Is President-elect Trump really going to live in the White House or is Trump going to fly every day from New York Trump Tower? Is Trump going to pay to decorate his living quarters and pay for it? He should — Trump has the money. Trump claims he is going to accept only $1.00 salary. Is Trump really going to create jobs like he says he is going to do?” Why didn’t anyone bother to ask the same questions of Obama? Obama’s mother-in-law lived at the White House on the taxpayer’s dime, Obama spent millions of dollars of taxpayer’s monies on golf trips, date nights in NYC, personal plane rides for his dog separate from the family, did Obama pay to decorate his living quarters or did the taxpayer’s, did Obama create more than a horrendous deficit in America where China is controlling our economic future? No one misread a thing in those comments. It was another way to “weasel word” another back handed slap at the incoming President. I do agree on one thing- he will be a great President because his political agenda is America.

12-5-2016(Response (2) to TRUMP) -The previous reader misread the comment. There are NO hateful, ridiculous, and disrespectful comments made on President-elect Trump. I think President-elect Trump will make a great President. In the Virginia Pilot newspaper, the late night show, Jimmy Fallon said, I read that Donald Trump doesn’t want to live at the White House full-time. He’s thinking about commuting from New York City. It’s all part of Trump’s plan to make America great again, and to make traffic in New York City worse than ever — Ha, Ha. Of course, Air Force One will be flying him. Trump apparently wants to commute to Washington, D.C., by helicopter. Trump asked the pilot if he’s got those radio headphones so they can talk to each other in the air and the pilot was like, “NOPE.” My hope is that somehow Trump will find a way to create more jobs! Trump says he will “Make America Great Again”.

11-28-16 (Response to) TRUMP – You would never know that the elections are finally over based on some of the hateful, ridiculous and disrespectful comments on President-elect Trump. Here’s the issue that I see- where was all this scrutiny and oversight when President Obama was cutting government programs and creating tremendous debt, decimating the military, providing illegal weapons to Mexico, the countless vacations and golf trips (even flying the dog “Bo” separately to the State of MA!), the Green Fund scams etc. ? Folks, America has spoken and its time to give this guy Trump a chance to lead. Its my bet that if he falls off the rails there will be movement to quickly impeachment him which is something everyone was afraid to do with Obama otherwise you’d labeled a “hater”. Its time for America to heal and if you really want to undertake a crusade about something then ask the DNC why they threw Bernie’s presidential campaign under the bus.

11-21-16   TRUMP — Is President-elect Trump really going to live in the White House or is Trump going to fly every day from New York Trump Tower? Is Trump going to pay to decorate his living quarters and pay for it? He should — Trump has the money. Trump claims he is going to accept only $1.00 salary. Is Trump really going to create jobs like he says he is going to do?

11-1-2011 Stop Feeding Homeless Cats – Please stop feeding homeless cats on property that is not your own, even if it appears to be vacant. If you want to continue to grow the cat population, feed them at your house. Thanks so much!

9-11-2016 Annoying Tourists(3) – Yes, tourists bring life to Cape Charles. That’s not a fact I disputed in previous complaint. It’s the rising cost of real estate and the continual seemingly limitless need for expansion and “ritz-ification”of a town I appreciated much more for its salt of the earth simplicity than fancy yacht center/schmoozing. Now it seems to be all about “Where’s da money, Honey!” It’s very symbolic of the ever increasing divide between rich and poor. It started with the Jelly Bean farm… Yes it’s great the way it is now but more and more rich people from up north moving here and bringing their yuppy granola loving relatives yada yada yada … Soon it’ll become like all the ugly beach towns of Delaware onwards. The history will be cemented over and it’ll just be a busy body Starbucks loving super expensive tourist trap. Locals and poor people are powerless pawns and servants. It’s like that boyfriend you spent a lot of time changing for the better, only to have a new girl enjoy the benefits. End rant.

9-5-2016 Annoying Tourists(2) – Tourists bring life to the Cape Charles community all year long. I, for one, would never want to go back to the Cape Charles of the late 1990s, with rundown houses and constant crime. Were it not for the tourists, we would be “dining” at Rebecca’s, rather than at the Coffee Shop, Kelly’s, or the Oyster Farm. Tourists are the reason Cape Charles exists in the first place, and tourists account for the rise of Cape Charles to a recognized resort status. You don’t want annoying Northerners? Move to the Cape Charles “exurbs.”

9-4-2016 Annoying Tourists – Cape Charles has become a cesspool for annoying northerners from Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey. I wish they’d go back to the land they came from ASAP.

7/18/2016 Response to “Clean up old Gas Station” – Thanks so much for the heads up, our yard guy is on it. However, we are not permitted to touch the building until we get the go ahead from the NPS, the state and then we hope we can start our work. If you have any questions (or complaints!) feel free to email me directly – thanks! bethann@easternshoredog.com . Beth Ann

7/13/2016 THE OLD GAS STATION– How about cleaning up the old gas station in town, it looks abandoned.

7/1/2016 Response to Paint Color Police in Cape Charles – I wish someone would pay more attention to the “junkie” homes and yards !!!!, instead of opinions toward someone who takes care of their home – wouldn’t that help the historic area blossom?

6/24/2016 THE GUN CULTURE AND THE DILEMMA OF POLITICAL CORRECTNESS – Over the last 7 plus years we have had more mass shootings (meaning 4 or more people) than any other time in recent history. At the time of this writing there are over 200 deaths and climbing. While the media and political pundits are desperately trying to blame specific groups of people ; I simply wonder aloud what is causing this spike in violence in America? My opinion is that we have simply failed as a nation to honestly identify what this problem is. The politically correct response is that it’s an abundance of guns and gun owners in America. However, I believe it’s terrorism, mental health and hate. Think back to the Fort Hood shootings where a deranged Army Major (with a history of bizarre religious beliefs) yells Allah Akbar prior to killing innocent fellow soldier’s and other military personnel. The White House called that incident work place violence.

The latest tragedy in Florida is already being labeled as a hate crime (the investigation has just started) despite the fact that the shooter pledged his allegiance to another terrorist organization on a recorded police line- something the DOJ desperately tried to scrub from the public access.

The school tragedy in Connecticut was blamed on a semi-automatic guns and very little attention (if any at all) was paid to the fact that the villain who committed this horrible crime had severe mental issues. Compounding that issue was the fact that his mother took him to the local shooting range and he had access to her guns. Hello? What ever happened to SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING? Why didn’t someone say something??

The tragic shooting that took place in a church was blamed on a flag and those dreaded semi-automatic guns again but little attention was paid to the sub human who also had mental issues and guns! This begs the question of where his family and friends where throughout this moron’s march to this despicable act (his videos and anti-Semitic postings were a clear warning) so why didn’t anyone report him?

The politicians and the media hyper- focus in on these semi-automatic guns and the people who own or sell them rather than the actual facts of the case- extreme religious beliefs, mental issues and pure hatred.

Someone said that we have a history of violence in America. Here’s a news flash, America, like most countries of the world, evolved from violent beginnings where the people in power unfortunately had to be removed by force. America is not the most dangerous country in the world (that distinction belongs to Syria and Afghanistan) but we are one of the most politically correct (along with Sweden, Germany and the UK). Which could be the problem why we are not addressing this plague of mass shootings.

Personally, I find it interesting that the loudest political voices for gun control are themselves surrounded by a phalanx of heavily armed men and women (Bloomberg- the former Mayor of NY had to get special permission for his security detail to carry their guns on an island vacation he went on- an island with absolutely no guns except for the police, military and his security detail). So while we analyze and re- analyze the 2nd Amendment consider this- the weapon of choice for deaths last year was box cutters- where’s the outcry over box cutters? The weapon of choice in Boston was pressure cookers proving once again that these deranged individuals can kill with almost anything and not necessarily a gun.

We’re in the middle of one of the craziest election cycles in our history and both sides of the political spectrum are acting more like spoiled children than leaders. Elected officials are now in the middle of a sit-in at our seat of government over guns; I would find all of these actions to be more creditable if every elected official who is protesting guns gave up their armed security details as an example to the rest of us peasants.

Want to deal with a real gun issue and violence? Address the inner city violence in Illinois, Michigan and New Jersey. These states have some of the toughest gun laws in America and young men and women are still being murdered in record numbers. Where’s the protests for them? One place to start is to heavily enforce the gun laws already on the books and force Hollywood to stop the gratuitous violence- but wait- that would mean all these actors against guns and violence wouldn’t have jobs (remember guns, sex and violence sell movies and video games). Yes, there is a gun culture in America but that includes hunting, business, sport and survival. So maybe it is time to remove the facade of political correctness and call these violent incidents exactly what they are terrorism, mental health and hatred. That’s called cause and effect. STOP THE VIOLENCE BY CORRECTLY IDENTIFYING THE CAUSE AND STOP POLITICIZING IT. GET THESE GUNS OUT OF THE HANDS OF THE MENTALLY ILL & BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS IF THEY EXHIBIT THESE SIGNS OF MENTAL HEALTH AND HATE. SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING

6/21/2016 Town turns down almost a million dollars of sand – Well some of the names may have changed recently, but the dumb ass decisions keep coming from the Cape Charles Mayor and Town Council. Mayor Proto, in what universe does a “Beach Town” that badly needs sand at its north end turn DOWN a once in 30 year chance of getting close to a MILLION DOLLARS worth of sand for FREE !!! the Army Core OF Engineers stated that the beach could handle that amount, how is it that YOU and your COUNCIL know more than them !!! The Mayor stated that ”we wanted to address the concerns of the different groups.” Well just WHO are the different groups??? Please tell us !!! These different groups that have led you and your council to make this again, DUMB ASS decision. Why can’t you change that decision, and simply put the sand on the beach and then actually have some of the multitude of town employees manage the sand and beach. Mayor Proto please either start or stop taking your meds, and fix this !!!!

6/21/2016 Response to Sign your name or shut the hell up (6)-You’re being screwed and Anonymous explains how. You should know when your representatives are corrupt liars who can be bought for fifty cents or when they make stupid decisions because they’re plain dumb. Your head’s up your ass if you believe all the nonsense you write so you need this section more than anyone else.

6/20/2016THE STATE OF HEALTHCARE IN NORTHAMPTON COUNTY-This has been an ongoing discussion over the last few years and I haven’t seen anything significant that comes close to answering this vital issue. There are definitely good doctors, nurses and EMT folks in the county but the issue that needs to be addressed is emergency and hospital care. If you are unfortunate enough to suffer a heart attack or other major injury on the lower end of the shore you will definitely be making a trip to Norfolk via helicopter. What happens when the hospital moves out of Northampton County and you lose more golden minutes? I believe it’ll be easier to move the patient across the bridge for medical care but then you better hope for EMT availability, ideal traffic and weather conditions. How did Northampton County allow this to happen? The Eastern Shore is being touted as an ideal place to retire- one thing these retirees better consider before they move to this area is emergency health care and hospital location. God Bless all the EMT’s on the shore because their job just got a lot harder thanks to the lack of planning of Northampton County.

6/20/2016 Response to Sign your name or shut the hell up (5)-Sign your name or shut the hell up- I was going to write a response to this writer’s comments but a few folks beat me to the computer. With that said, I’ll say this: One, everyone has a right to their opinion as long as it doesn’t personally embarrass, verbally assault or harass another individual; that’s called civility. Two, this anonymous column serves the specific purpose of allowing people within the inner sanctums of our local governmental organizations to voice their observations without fear of reprisals. FYI- which can occur with a vengeance in these small towns. Three, while I personally admire loyalty and friendship there are times when we can no longer overlook our friend’s actions ; especially when it has an obvious negative impact on an entire community’s fiscal future. Four, a local newspaper had the same conclusions about non-signed letters and did away with their anonymous section and the result was very negative reaction from their readership. Why? Because that action allowed the local and county governments to operate with impunity since no one was calling them out on issues. How would people know what they were doing if it wasn’t made public? Transparency in government is an illusive concept on the Eastern Shore of VA and if you live here long enough you’ll see that everything is not necessarily what it appears to be. Cape Charles is a wonderful town but it has its faults (like other areas) but how would you know where to look if you’re not an informed individual? The great thing about The Cape Charles Mirror is that you can read all sorts of information and the reader can select what he/ she wants to read. I agree that people shouldn’t be allowed to personally attack individuals in this paper (I would consider a defamation, slander or libel suit in some cases) but it’s important that there are unfettered voices that can’t be manipulated, cajoled or be bought off with a couple of glasses of wine or a glass of beer. I understand the writer’s frustrations but this area and the people who occupy it have a long history of personal agendas; if you study that history this anonymous section will make more sense.

6/19/2016 Response to Sign your name or shut the hell up (4)-Don and Debbie Bender–

Sorry for the curt response, typing a long response on a phone is tiresome.
1. I am sorry my only being in CC for 8 years offends you so much. If I could go back 50 years and beg my folks to move here instead of Tennessee, maybe that would be different.
I think you completely missed my point. Folks have differences. Some folks are more passionate about some things than others. You two have never shied away from your opinions AND attaching your name to them. For this I applaud you.
I do not have to agree with you, but you can rest assured I will never take the cowards way out and not stick my name on my opinion.
Where was I??
During the mentioned things I was probably out of town working. Why??
For the record I also consider Wayne Creed a friend, Gene Kelly, Jon Dempster, George and Nancy Proto also get lumped in there. I do not necessarily agree with them all the time, but friends nonetheless.
Thanks for putting your name on your comments. Thats what my post was about to begin with.
Brent C
522 Tazewell

6/18/2016 Response to Sign your name or shut the hell up(3)-Dora Sullivan is a compulsive liar and dimwit. Most everyone in town knows this. Bob Panek is a manipulative scam artist who is more dangerous and selective of when to tell his lies. Both are incompetent, but in Cape Charles, they reflect the moral composition and lack of real intellect of those who would elect and/or defend and ignore their corrupt ways. Just google “Bob Panek Navy” and you will soon see he should have spent time in a prison cell instead of having anything to do with our town’s management and finances. They say you get the type of government you deserve. My question is, what did Cape Charles do to “deserve” those two.

6/18/2016 Response to Sign your name or shut the hell up (2)-Two summers ago when little Ace drowned I went to the town and complained that there needed to be buoys out in the water so that people could tell where it got deep. The town did NOTHING ! Last spring the town in all their wisdom enlarged the beach. That made where people walked out into the water even closer to where the deep spots are. On Father’s Day we had yet another drowning. I went to the town meeting and they would not let me speak. I told them that I was going to call Channel 3 News and the entire Town Council sat there like bumps on a log. Mayor Proto admitted liability on live TV! Where were you Brent Carpenter when we were fighting for a community center? The Town Council basically told all of the citizens that if there was a Community Centre our taxes would go up. So they gave away the school. The people that own the school,which is now apartments, went to the county, had the assessment reduced and locked in for 10 years. So basically the town is getting a little or nothing in taxes for that apartment building. Oh and by the way we didn’t get a community center and our taxes still went up. So now after living here for a big eight years you think that you know everything. Go on to the town’s website and read up on some of the past Town Council meetings. Maybe you will learn something about the people running our town.

6/18/2016 Response to Sign your name or shut the hell up (1)- So you’ve lived in Cape Charles for eight years. WOW ! I have lived in Cape Charles my entire life. I must say that for a town of less than 1,000 full-time residents, with a big 250 votes in the last election, do you really think that a budget of over eight million dollars for this year is normal? The entire Northampton County school system has a budget of right around 16 million. As far as your opinion of Doris Sullivan, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
When Dora Sullivan was mayor she insulted my wife and I at a town meeting and never apologized publicly. She has been an ignorant little b**** to many town residents. Steve Bennett only cares about what he can do for Bay Creek. All the Town Council and mayor are concerned about is tourism. They don’t give a rat’s ass about the locals that live here year-round. We have water that stinks and I wouldn’t even cook with it. My dog vomited every time he drank it. And you think this is normal? Don’t worry Brent I’m easy to find if you have anything to say about what I have said.

6/17/2016 – Sign your name or shut the hell up – Hello to all Mirror “Anonymous” contributors, I am a resident of Cape Charles going on 8 years. I have made myself known in town, I am active in the Palace theater, helping the high school arts program, Emmanuel Episcopal church, and love the town we live in, and am not hard to find. I HATE the anonymous section of the Mirror. If you have an issue with someone elected to a town pos and are mad enough to name them, you should put your name to it. Don’t be a coward about it. Your descriptions of our ELECTED town leaders is appalling. Dora Sullivan is a lovely woman who has given her time selflessly to our town. Steve Bennett, the same. Lovely man. Brent Manual, Bob Panek.. all the same. I am proud to call Andy Bucholtz a personal friend, even though we disagree on many subjects. Most of these folks have been in my home at one time or another, and are folks trying to do their best for our town. If you don’t have the stones to add your name to your critique of these folks and what they do for us, then your opinion is worth less than the hard drive space used to create it in the first place.
I have a feeling “Anonymous” was created to say stuff like “Hey you, letting your dog crap in my yard,.. stop it” , or “Is there a leash law I do not know about?”, or “Can we fix the spots on Mason Ave before tourist season”. Not a pointed condemnation of our ELECTED folks, most of whom donate their time and get little in return.

Sign your name or shut the hell up!!!!


Ticketing Wedding Party was ridiculous, as is the back-in parking – Wouldn’t it have been just a little more reasonable to walk inside Kelly’s…or call Kelly’s and tell someone the whole group had parked incorrectly? Certainly our police officers have cell phones in their vehicles, or dispatch could have handled it. Or can we all agree that this back-in angled parking is ridiculous and repaint those lines so we can get back to parking the way sane people do?

Response to LETTER: NONE OF THE ABOVE: MY VOTING STRATEGY– The writer makes some good points; some of which I don’t necessarily agree with but that’s America- right? Hopefully Americans will get past the “political noise” and understand that we’re in a very critical situation now. The main issues that voters should consider are national security, sovereignty, employment, medical care, education, veteran issues and care for the elderly and young. No matter how hard we want to believe that money grows on trees, that we can change the minds of religious fanatics with love , peace and understanding, that no one needs to work hard because the rich will be forced to share their wealth and the world will break out in love and happiness- its probably not going to happen. So study the candidates well- whoever they are- and vote for the person you think will lead us out of this malaise we have been in over the last decade. No political party is responsible for this- its the American voters who cast their ballots based on notions like they’re voting for Dancing With The Stars. Then again, how smart is the American public when we have made the fools from The Jersey Shore ,The Kardashians and the various Housewives shows into American icons? We might not have great candidates this year (have we ever?) but remember this- if you don’t vote there’s some organization out there lining people up to vote to make sure that their agenda is front and center. Your vote does count so chose wisely.

Quick and Dirty Cape Charles Election Results – I guess it’s safe to assume that with the re-election of Bennett the Town of Cape Charles will never see the water/ waste water issues resolved with Bay Creek. Good job folks…as was once written…DRONE ON CAPE CHARLES.

Response (3) to A Disgusting Dora – Disgusting yes. Also a (radio edit).

Response (2) to A Disgusting Dora – Good job Cape Charles voters, you just made sure the value of your property takes another dive. Get ready to be royally screwed over and over.

Lucha Libre: Cape Charles Candidate Forum – Once again, pretty entertaining writing and some interesting points made by some follow on writers. This almost begs the question of what is the essence of The Town of Cape Charles? The answer is the people who occupy that space. The problem is that over the years this small voter population has been lied to, hoodwinked and deemed persona non grata by the very people they have voted into office. This didn’t just start over the last 10- 15 years. If you follow the money and personality trail you’ll see that the town has had some pretty colorful and unqualified people occupying leadership positions for years. The ONE thing that is certain is that anyone who arrives here and starts asking a lot of questions isn’t going to last long in politics, business or socially. Maybe this election year will be different other wise it’ll be business as usual. Drone on Cape Charles.

Response (1) to A Disgusting Dora – Queen Dora is a disgusting lying snake in the grass. She will smile to your face and stick a knife in your back. She needs to crawl back under that rock and stay there. Buchholz is sniffing right up behind her.

More on the Hogg, Rural Health Interaction – This is an interesting article and I hope The Cape Charles Mirror pursues it. Supervisor Hogg has always presented himself as the “champion” of the voters that he represents and is an intelligent individual so these actions (if confirmed) are discouraging. His alleged “interrogating the applicant for an extended period of time”; especially if he has a personal interest in this project can be a major violation of the law. Of course, the entire Eastern Shore of Virginia is a breeding grounds for Conflicts of Interest and it just depends on who you are and whom you’re associated with that will determine if legal action will be taken. Once again, nice job bringing information to the public’s attention.

Arts Enter Board Selling Palace Theater – Is it true that the Arts Enter board is going to sell the Palace Theater? Word on the street is that the theater will be sold to make apartments. Sound familiar? The middle school, the little league, the old school and the basketball court, and now one of the crown jewels of Cape Charles, the Palace. What else can the adults take away from the children? The Arts Enter website makes a big deal about how they are all for the kids and the youth programs, but it seems they are moving in a different direction. What will Arts Enter be without the theater? How will they fulfill their mission without a place to do it? They will be a dis-embodied ghost of an organization existing solely for fancy cocktail events. Please Arts Enter Board, re-consider your direction and leadership. Go look at all the old cast photos from all the productions over the years, see all the kids, and adults, who came alive on that stage and get a grip on yourselves and the organization. Once it’s gone, it ain’t coming come back. And our kids will just walk on past the old bones of an empty theater…

A Disgusting Dora Sullivan on Council would be a Train Wreck – It would be another big train wreck if Dora Sullivan is voted on to Town Council. I don’t believe what she says. Dora Sullivan does exactly what she wants to do and makes promises she has no intention of keeping.

Another point of view on the EMS scandal, or lack there of.
Maybe, just maybe, what to some appears to be an attempt to bypass the long standing and ineffective emergency medical services committee, and to gut the current EMS department, is actually an attempt to farm out those facets of the necessary merging of volunteer and paid professional facilities, equipment and staff that will be out of the financial and management range of county resources.
Coordinating the complex scheduling involved with meshing paid and volunteer members, insuring and maintaining public and private vehicles and equipment, and a myriad of other things that must be a part of emergency services development will require adding another layer of county bureaucracy ( involving software, personnel etc) that Northampton citizens can not pay for.
The farming -out of the myriad of necessary processes required to make paid and volunteer parts of our EMS functional, will no doubt be a better deal financially for Northampton.
Of course, those interested in departmental empire building , and personal power boosting would be very disappointed to lose status and control to a private entity, where personal agendas would, in theory, carry less weight. We already have a county administrator who, ( due to a lazy former BoS with no leadership) wielded far too much unchecked, unsupervised power and discretionary leeway. We are still suffering the ill effects.
Put your egos aside, and wait for the report.

CAPE CHARLES ELECTIONS- I would like to see The Cape Charles Mirror interview all of the candidates running this year. I attended all of the forums the last election and it was pretty clear that some of the candidates had little to no knowledge on the requirements of the job they were seeking. Don’t get me wrong- they were all good candidates but some were better than others. I’d like to see some of the following questions asked: What do they think of the current economy in Cape Charles and how would they improve it, what do they think of the current budget and what changes they would make, what do they think of the current water/ waste water issues and how would they address it, what do they see as the future of Cape Charles over the next 5, 8 and 10 years and finally why do they think Cape Charles has so many employees for a town of 900? Small towns are a petri dish for true leadership to grow but you need to find the right people to make that happen.

OK- I GIVE UP; WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT HERE? “Now we know who was behind the rezoning in 2015 – a bean grower from New Jersey, a real estate developer from Virginia Beach, and Mr. Smooth Guy from Connecticut who lives in a fancy house, you know where!” Can someone please make this clearer for the benefit of us who are not politically astute?

Pity Platform – Is anyone running on a pity platform? Pity the taxpayers of Cape Charles.

Regarding Dora Sullivan running for town council – So I hear that Dora Sullivan is running around town campaigning for Town Council. From what I understand Dora is telling people that they can change their residency to the town in order to vote in this election. That’s nice Dora let’s play dirty like your little friend Joan Natalie. Let’s don’t forget that while Dora was mayor the town went over 11 million dollars into debt. Dora was the driving force behind selling or should I say giving away the old school to Developers. A vote for Doris Sullivan is a vote for more debt. The people in this town had better wise up and realize that the town is so far in debt it will never see the light of day.

“It’s hard to tell what is correct on these issues, but one thing is clear….the guy who wrote this article has too much time on his hands.” What a wonderfully naive comment! Imagine that someone would take the time to write a sentence like that without giving a thought that someone is actually trying to make things better here? The last group of “writers” who tried to bring Cape Charles facts to the surface – The Cape Charles Wave- were dismissed and also disrespected- I’d say that The Cape Charles Mirror is in good company. I’m starting to think that the people who are most freighted in this area are those who moved here and realized that they made a mistake and can’t return home; so now they’re pi**ed off at anyone who reports the obvious. As they say- I’m responsible for what I say- NOT for what you understand.

Pull back the curtain -There is a lot in common with the problems of Cape Charles and Northampton County. Now we know who was behind the rezoning in 2015 – a bean grower from New Jersey, a real estate developer from Virginia Beach, and Mr. Smooth Guy from Connecticut who lives in a fancy house, you know where! Thanks, but no thanks. I saw the video. Even though you think you know more than us, dumb country people don’t want your help. What do you say to the young people who have grown up to hunt and fish and enjoy the wildlife here on the Shore, when you want to turn everything into more subdivisions for tourists? The young people do not want to be driven from the land. They have roots here. You are not doing this for the poor. We are not stupid. Tourists come in the summer and leave in the winter. Those are not jobs that support families. Packing beans for minimum wage does not support families. How many agriculture employees are even citizens of the United States?

Dora Sullivan Crawls out from under her rock – Just read that Dora Sullivan is running for Town Council. So much for Dora Out the Door in the Wave anonymous section http://capecharleswave.com/anonymous/ Panek must have pushed her to run so he can keep his job and together they’ll sell the whole town to the highest bidder.

Zoning Meeting, Real Estate Brokers and Yellow Shirts – Anonymous hit it right. In between Yellow Shirts and their family members, the real estate people had a lot to say about keeping the bad news 2015 Zoning Ordinance. A Cape Charles developer droned on, blaming zoning for everything from climate change to herpes. A nearly hysterical Machipongo Broker spent her three minutes pounding the table and screeching into the microphone. Then an Eastville Real Estate business owner rambled down memory lane, before revealing that he himself had helped write the zoning!!! The best quote of the evening came from a supporter of the repeal effort. He asked where the Yellow Shirts and Real Estate people had been during last year’s meetings to speak in support of this new zoning. They didn’t have to show up, he said. They knew with the old Board the votes were there and “the fix was in”.

Regarding the public hearing on keeping the 2015 Zoning vs approving the improved and amended 2009 Zoning – Wednesday evening at Northampton High School – The “Yellow Shirt” speakers, repeatedly claimed, that realtors and other promoters of unbridled, unsustainable development here, were not behind their sudden vocal support of the fatally flawed 2015 Zoning, that was dumped on Northampton County citizens by a lame duck board. However, I counted quite a few realtors and developers among the speakers promoting the 2015 Zoning; they even brought a Virginia Beach attorney to speak. Really? Do you think we are that stupid? The calling out by name(I consider that an honor not an insult) of those individuals and organizations who have repeatedly taken the time to participate in this process and have spoken out in favor of responsible, sustainable zoning, is oddly reminiscent of the tactics used at a recent Accomack Board hearing, leading me to believe, that DPI, and/or other nefarious forces are at work. I also found it amusing, that the honorable Spencer Murray was quoted repeatedly in an effort to discredit him; that tactic backfired. It sounded as if those who spoke had their speeches written and handed to them. The most disappointing aspect of that hearing, was the demeanor taken by Mr. Leatherbury, and other members of the Planning Commission, toward those objecting to their ill conceived visions for Northampton County, as reflected in that travesty of a zoning document, the 2015. I would like to remind the Planning Commission that they are appointees, chosen to serve at the pleasure of Northampton Citizens, and the our Board of Supervisors are our ELECTED representatives.

THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS – I’m following this dust up between the town and the people who want to open the Brew Pub. I have to say the whole situation looks somewhat suspicious. Why didn’t the town provide the details on how they arrived at this ridiculous $42 K hookup? I applaud the Brew Pub for asking these questions and puting a FOIA in play. The two things that I have learned from living on the Eastern Shore of VA is that it’s picturesque and very mysterious when you ask for specific details on monies, taxes and spending.


ROUTE 642 RECONSTRUCTION and the ANNEXATION AGREEMENT-Is the Bay Creek developer responsible for building / paying for this road ?

Cape Charles Town Council’s Secrecy
Cape Charles plans to buy something, but the Town is not telling! Why? It is the citizens tax dollars, we need to know what the town is buying!

INTERESTING THAT A COUNCILMAN HAS SUCH GREAT INTEREST IN SIDEWALK REPAIRS- Maybe he could better spend his time pursuing The Annexation Agreement? You know that pesky document signed November 25, 1991 that talked about things like payment to the Northampton County ($300.00 and later $400.00) for structures on what is now known as Bay Creek? Do we have anyone out there who can even confirm that the county has ever received this money and if so where was it spent? That Annexation Agreement was very specific where those funds were suppose to be spent- interesting once again that all of this takes place in Cape Charles but the county owns the program? The best way to avoid a real issue is to create a diversion- sidewalks are important but where’s the cash that should have been collected over the years and what was it spent on?

Supervisors met Illegally with Real Estate Salesmen
There is a rumor through the county that real estate salesmen organized a meeting of lackeys to try to get the Northampton County Supervisors to change its mind on throwing out the zoning that was just passed in December. Yellow signs saying I’m With Stupid…….not sure where the finger is pointing. They had a meeting at the Eastville Fire hall and some of the supervisors were there, planning commissioners, and the ring leaders. Open meeting law? What is that in Northampton County.

I read where someone said “From our perspective we see Cape Charles as four, distinct districts all working towards a common goal. These districts are The Marina District (Bay Creek of course), Historic District (Great old homes), Harbor District (One bar, a concrete plant and a rail road that goes where again?) and Golf District (Bay Creek again). We must all work together to create and brand our community for shared success.” That’s funny because I always thought Cape Charles was ONE town period NOT 4 distinctive districts. This goes against the entire concept of the “small town” America label the town has been pushing for years. Maybe a better way to say it is that “it’s a small town atmosphere that is blessed with a harbor, beach, historic district that offers excellent golf”. Separate “districts” ? Since when did Cape Charles become Manhattan with districts? Once again it appears that the tail is attempting to wag the dog.

LOVE Sculpture is anything but Art
The LOVE thingie is anything but art, nothing original about it either, just a variation on Robert Indiana’s kitschy sculpture, which got more exposure than it deserved. Bonfire anyone? Bring back the dolphin or just leave that handsome king and his well-staged sea turtle reign over the beach. This is one instance where less is so much more.

LOVE Art Relocation
I’m curious as to why the LOVE art was moved from the beautiful location near the town pier to the intersection of Strawberry and Mason Avenue. I can’t tell you how many people I saw taking photos of the art with family and friends posing with the work and our beautiful bay in the background. I’m not sure how many will continue to want their photo take with a train, construction work and a paper littered gutter in front. Please – whoever’s brain child this was, be brave and undo a bad decision. Perhaps the town leaders will follow suit and be brave enough to admit the back-in parking is also a mistake. It was nice to see people having breakfast and lunch on the sidewalk at the coffee shop…until diesel trucks backed in sent diesel fumes all over the patrons and food. Same thing happens at Brown Dog. Tis’ a pity.

Editor’s Note: The Town will be moving the LOVE sign back to beach, however not sure of the exact time-table.

Town Needs Movies, not the Arts

We need to get the movies back for all children not the arts. when the movies were here it was always a good weekend, something for all ages. They were the good old days. Wow cape charles is going down hill like a SNOWBALL.

Happy New Year to The Mirror– My wish for The Mirror is that more people step up and address the issues like they use to in that other magnificent paper called The Cape Charles Wave. I learned more about what was happening in Cape Charles and Northampton County than I did from the Eastern Shore News. So I consider my only 2 news sources as The Mirror and The Eastern Shore Post. I recently read where the Eastern Shore News went down significantly in readership- sad- but expected. So where’s the readership here on The Mirror? Where are all those focused reader comments and the detailed information we use to read about in The Wave??? Please tell me that the people of Cape Charles have not given up on exposing information that the rest of the citizenry needs to know. We can’t change something if we don’t have the information, the facts and who voted for what. That’s called Democracy. Best wishes to The Mirror for another successful year.

Why is Cape Charles out there on bended knee asking NHC for monies? As I understand it, Cape Charles contributes over 22% of NHC’s tax base- it actually might be more than that! The Library? The town library has always “increased the usage rates” for the NHC statistics so the county could get more funding from the state and federal government. Here’s a fact- for years the citizens of Cape Charles paid the entire bill for the 4th of July fire works and the “free” beach that is also being used by the residents of NHC. What is the real value of having NHC in the equation? Is it possible for Cape Charles and Cheriton to combine their efforts and depart from the county? Seriously, what services is the county providing these areas? Fire-no, some “partial” law enforcement? some EMS? water/ waste water-no. I’d like to see The Mirror conduct an investigation on the taxes Cape Charles pays NHC and follow that money trail- it seems to me that Cape Charles is not getting it’s fair share of what the citizens are paying for regarding these non-services.

Zoning Motion: Is there a doctor in the house?
After Tuesday’s memorable landmark BoS meeting one cannot help but wonder why are we so incapacitated ? And in this day and age. For upwards of two years if not longer it seems as if Northampton has had a cancer festering. Citizens persistently have tried to tackle it, painstakingly & tactfully. Is there a doctor in the house?!

Nearly four centuries ago: 363/4 years actually since future America’s first protest against taxation without representation in the spring of 1651/2, Northampton complained to James City of several years weighty taxes. We know better what happened in a similar vein over a century later.
Yesterday morning amid our ongoing lovely weather, throngs of bluebirds and myrtle warblers flocked around their rarely utilized birdbath to the west. Looking east out of their sight range we discovered a large feral cat dwarfing their regular dive as it sipped, perched grossly topside, arrogantly staring us down & refusing to depart when coercive noises were made.

Such a visual experience at once reminded us of our history and the frustration and reality of our meetings and lower shore dilemmas.

It is very disturbing to read that you have elements within the local government who want to barter away the greatest natural resource the town has. If you connect the dots you’ll see that these are the same people associated with organizations who have wanted “our” harbor for years. The very people who sold the town a bill of goods on Bay Creek-who still owes the town millions of dollars in water money- so it comes as no surprise that the same faces are surfacing again. Years ago the town went through a crisis with an alleged Conflicts of Interest situation with 3 elected officials. If you’re following the news you’ll see that the Mayor of VA Beach is also going through a similar situation and is surrounded by an army of high powered lawyers. The point is that Conflicts of Interest do exist in local govenment and the citizens must remain vigilant to protect the community’s assets. If and when the wind turbines are built off the coast of VA- the Cape Charles Harbor will be a major operations center for supply and distribution due to its harbor depth. Protect your harbor because it’ll be worth millions of dollars in the future; why do you think people want to OWN it?

Comprehensive Plan…say what???
What?!? No mention of gay tourism in the Comprehensive Plan? Gray hairs and babies with shovels don’t contribute much spunk to this otherwise sleepy little town. Bring some drama and joy and enliven those melancholy country violins to a new tune: my dog died, my wife left me for Lady Gaga. Open your minds and your shop doors, and let my people come!

Bored in Cape Charles
Andrew Follmer was hyperventilating in a meeting recently about the town not spending money to market Cape Charles businesses. Instead, he should ask the local businesses where they are during the week, or even on the weekend. The bed and breakfasts are doing their part staying open, there are plenty of home rentals and enough traffic in town. Where, oh where are the open businesses? The Boardwalk just posted on message on Facebook: “Hey, Yelp users! Head over to our profile and give us your reviews, and don’t forget to check in on the app next time you drop by!” Easy to drop by on Facebook, but not in person if you’re not open after 4 p.m. on Sundays, when I like to walk offSunday dinner and shop. Brown Dog closed shop for the season. All I can say is that we need several ice cream parlors in town. If I buy a quart to eat at home alone, I’m getting Ben and Jerry’s or Dove bars because they’re better and cheaper. It’s fun to watch the tourists and to hang out with them at restaurants, but there is only so much mindless beach and town walking and golfing you can do. Open your stores, create some excitement. Who knows, you might even make a profit. Am I the only one who feels Cape Charles is becoming a ghost town?

Town Debates Selling Harbor(5)
The 3rd option of SELLING THE HARBOR in Cape Charles that Town Manager Brett Manuel presented at a recent town council meeting is a “RED HERRING” designed by the “MANCHURIAN” ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER BOB PANEK to manipulate the gullible public and of course the Mayor and Council into NOT objecting to the 2nd option of a simple LEASING OF THE HARBOR while he CLADESTINELY INSERTS AN OPTION TO BUY. THEN BYE, BYE PUBLIC HARBOR!!!

In Cheriton, we don’t panic over the likes of Panek(4)
Cheriton, Darling, you most cerrrrtainly and categorically have your gays…. sadly, still in the closet. You don’t have to cross 13 to find them – look no further than across the street, or in your boudoir… trust the statistics and your intuition. So chill sweetly and languorously and don’t envy us our hypothetical pipe.

Panek’s tunnel of debt
Panek’s contribution to the Town has been debt, arrogance, impertinence, and put-downs. Let’s not kid ourselves that he contributed anything beyond the ill-conceived poop palace. Those who worked to improve the town were the town managers Dora fired who spent hours working on getting us grants and spent money judiciously. Yup, they [radio edit] off Town Council for spending on law enforcement to reduce crime. The vision for a better Cape Charles belongs to those town managers, to people like Ceila Burge and others like them. Panek’s vision is a tunnel of debt for the Town.

In Cheriton, we don’t panic over the likes of Panek(3)
We might heat our hot water with a water heater here in Cheriton, but we sure don’t have a WATER BILL of over $100 a month like you have in Cape Charles, so ditto to keeping your Mr. Panek and his sewer pipe in the part of Gay Cape Charles where “The Sun Don’t Shine”. Don’t mess with Cheriton!

Panek should resign
Assistant Cape Charles town manager Bob Panek should submit his resignation and the Cape Charles town manager Brett Manuel should accept it.

In Cheriton, we don’t panic over the likes of Panek(2)
Thanks for the morning laugh! Next time, instead of writing about the gay homosexuals, talk about obese fat people or a three-legged tripod, being downstairs in the basement, wet rain, cold ice, your feline cat. I bet you have a water heater in your house because people like you heat their hot water.
So fun!

Cape Charles needs an Inspector General
Bob Panek was lucky enough that when he attempted to bilk, scam, flim-flam, steal , defraud, etc …. from the United States Taxpayers the Navy Inspector General caught him and his co-conspirators before they could pull off the million dollar heist. Here in Cape Charles we aren’t lucky enough to have an Inspector General that can keep up with the manipulative Bob Panek, we just had/have Mayors Sullivan/ Proto and their bands of mental midgets on the Cape Charles town council. Anyone feel that’s an adequate system of checks and balances?

(Response to) In Cheriton, we don’t panic over the likes of Panek
So Monsieur Cheriton, how many homosexuals do you have who are not gay?

In Cheriton, we don’t panic over the likes of Panek

Seems like Cape Charles always has its panties in a wad, not so here in Cheriton. We have no debt like your $12 million plus, no stinking sewer plant in the middle of our town that we can’t afford, no harbor with has all its boards beginning to rot after just five years and is losing hundreds of thousands of dollars a year, no gay homosexuals on our town council or preaching in our churches, no golf course that won’t pay their fair share, no beach for drownings ,no public restrooms for rapes, and certainly no scam artists running our town like your Bob Panek. We can drink our water in Cheriton, while you in Cape Charles drink your Panek Kool aid, and suffer panic attacks. We are a GOD fearing peaceful small Eastern Shore town without your DRAMA!!! So please keep your sewer pipe and your Mr. Panek on your side of route 13.

Scam? Really?
With all the hoop-la over a scam that may or not have occured, did anyone stop and look how far our town has progressed in less than 10 years(wow-that’s about when Mr Panek became involved,in our up and coming town…..Why not look at how we have progressed and be greatful for where we are at…and were we re heading….keep the faith…..

Assistant Town Manager 

If the town of Cape Charles indeed handed Bob Panek the proverbial keys to the town in a back room 10 plus years ago, it is now time to take the keys back from the scam artist and tell him what Donald Trump would tell that rascal, “YOU’RE FIRED!”

Town Debates Selling Harbor(4)

Unbelievable that Councilman Bennett wants to sell or lease(with option to buy , no doubt….read the small print ) away what’s left of the town harbor! …To whom?  Eyre Baldwin and Southport again, for pennies on the dollar,… again?… And what do we really know about assistant town manager Bob Panek? What his background? …Does having been a Pentagon paper pusher really qualify him and does he really have the best interest of Cape Charles at heart?….Did anyone do a background check on this guy?…Since he has be involved in our towns affairs we have gone over 10 million dollars in debt!…Running the town ‘s business like the way the Pentagon runs it’s business ( $10,000 screw drivers and toilet seats along with the institutional corruption that is rampant there) is not what we need. We need people with some successful private sector business experience that exercise  good ole fashion common sense and honesty in their dealings, to keep Cape Charles on the right path and our harbor from drowning in a sea of red ink. Yes, things are really starting to stink over at the harbor, again, and it isn’t  just the smell of Wastewater Bob’s misplaced sewer treatment plant this time, it’s worse. So while you hold your nose, keep your eyes wide open so you might have a chance to see our publicly owned and operated harbor disappear before your very eyes.

Town Debates Selling Harbor(3)

Where is Mayor Proto on the issue of selling the harbor?….Isn’t he supposed to be smart?…How smart would it be to sell the harbor and lose the public’s right to the boat ramps etc?…. Why do we need a mayor and a $100,000 town manager when Bob Panek runs all the meetings interjecting and correcting the mayor constantly, gives all the presentations that are important to him and calls all the shots? George Proto and Brett Manuel, man up and do your jobs! Bob Panek…..Stand Down!

Town Debates Selling Harbor(2)

This is like a comic strip. Panek knows everything about politics and nothing about running a business. Let’s elect him to Town Council, so he can make no sense and keep Bennett company. I want the town to cut my grass and not charge me for it.

Old School Developer Sued Again

People were told about the Old School in real time but instead of taking action at the polls, some of the same clueless people were voted in. For the head of the dragon there is karma, but that’s not helping anyone anymore not even Martinsville. Depending on how you vote next time, the town not just the harbor could be sold from under us. Candidates can be pro business, know business AND serve the interests of the town. Not that they are running, but I’d like to see smart people with a business background like Heinz Sommer of Bay Creek and locals like David Gay turn this sinking ship around and I’d like us to trim the toxic fat in town administration TODAY.

Town Debates Selling Harbor

People, this is what you get when you vote for candidates who are clueless when it comes to business but know everything about juggling smoke and screens. You throw a debt for the breakwaters that that the Town should have incurred into the lap of the Harbor and then blame the Harbormaster for an unprofitable operation. Then you give a sweetheart deal to the Shanty AND maintain its parking lot. Everyone who parks at the harbor should pay $5 for the privilege, which the Town should collect for its upkeep expenses. This will also get some people to walk and we will all benefit from having people walk home drunk rather than drive home drunk.

Do due diligence on Microbreweries

Before approving the build out of the proposed microbrewery, the “town” should know, that the treatment of waste water generated by microbreweries, presents some challenges. Before approving this endeavor, the town may want to require pretreatment of the waste water, or some other method of relieving the “town” of the responsibilities and expense of handling, treating and disposing of the effluent. Just a thought.

Art Walk Needs More Maplethorpe

David Gay asked Anonymous: “Is it true that the Town is negotiating with Robert Maplethorp for a piece for the Art Walk?” The Anonymous with some understanding of homoerotic art answers: “So deliriously joyful to address your question about my icon, Robert Mapplethorpe. His bull-whipped, leather-clad men chained to one another, or more current reenactments of the same (the guy is dead, OK?!), belong only in cities that are open minded and homes to the most select art forums, in the stratosphere of intellectual creativity and thought. Hundreds of miles away from these cities (thousands, intellectually), Neptune, scantly clad, is all you can have for the Cape Charles Art Walk.”

Dumb white come-heres speak with forked tongue

“Indian Chief “Two Eagles” was asked by a white U. S. government official, “You have observed the white man for 90 years. You’ve seen his wars and his technological advances. You’ve seen his progress, and the damage he’s done.” The Chief nodded in agreement. The official continued, “Considering all these events, in your opinion, where did the white man go wrong?” The Chief stared at the government official then replied, “When white man find land, Indians running it, no taxes, no debt, plenty buffalo, plenty beaver, clean water. Women did all the work, Medicine man free. Indian man spend all day hunting and fishing; all night having sex.” Then the Chief leaned back and smiled, “Only white man dumb enough to think he could improve a system like that.” Just like the come-here white man of old, the come-heres of recent are also DUMB enough to try to turn Northampton County on the Eastern Shore of Virginia into resembling the places they left from instead of appreciating and protecting our small town rural agricultural life-style here in Cape Charles and Northampton County and the clean waters that surround us. But even more troubling is the fact that some dumb born-heres ,lusting after the rich man’s gold, are also helping them. Town Council and Board of Supervisors “Speak with Fork Tongue” when they have pow-wow about re-zoning, chicken houses and the PSA project. PEACE PIPE YES!——REZONING and SEWER PIPE NO!

Operation Wetback (REPLY 1)

Your little GoFundMe proposal should fund economic development in Mexico. In fact, we’d benefit from an open border to Mexico and a common market that would create wealth and economic development in Mexico and here. Then there would be no need for mass migration and we would benefit, selling more of our products to Mexican consumers. Over 15% of all U.S. exports go to Mexico; imagine how much higher that percentage would be if more Mexicans afforded our products. Mexico is one country where “Made in U.S.A.” has serious cachet.

Mexicans would happily live in Mexico if they had better opportunities for a decent income. Here, we pay them pitiful wages that would be below subsistence for you for jobs you would never touch, but for work we need… and then we dare complain about their remittances back to the family?! Campaign instead to create economic development in Mexico and then you would have fewer Mexicans living in your community. Don’t support the cretins who want to build more fences. Do you, for a moment, believe that Mexicans enjoy living here illegally and working in the conditions your tomato farmers provide when they have a gorgeous country, a vibrant culture, and a family that loves and needs them in Mexico?

As for your fear that minorities are taking over, get used to it. You and your whiteys will soon be a minority.

Operation Wetback
Coming to a town near you in 2017. If a GoFundMe account were set up to fund mass deportation of illegal aliens, the funds would be donated by We The People faster than any money has ever been raised since GoFundMe was started.

This is a controversial subject to say the least; however the reality is that America can not maintain open borders (north & south) and have this free wheeling welfare system that we currently have in place. We most definitely need to take care of ALL the people who are currently in our Country irregardless of what their status is. But that should not include gang members, organized crime members and convicted felons. This criteria should not be directed to one specific group of people but across the boards. If cities want to become Sanctuary Cities then they need to pass that in their local budgets and allow their citizens to voice their opinions / votes on that issue- The Federal Government should not be involved with providing taxpayers monies to Sanctuary Cities. We also need to address how we can keep the monies these good folks earn here in America and NOT sent back to their homelands. America’s infrastructure has collapsed from poor planning and over usage. If you want to stay in America you need to contribute to the overall expenses to that community that you are working and living in. Employers also need to be more responsible for the well being of these good folks and be held to higher standards regarding fair wages, health and shelter. The border issues- north and south- are a real threat to future security and financial issues in America. We need to address them in a humane manner but we most definitely address them now- when you find yourself in a hole the first thing you must do is stop digging.

The issue on the Shore is a simple case of a lack of true leadership and the idiocy of its citizens continuing to vote the same people in office over and over again. Anyone who comes along and upsets that proverbial apple cart will be singled out and dealt with accordingly. Viva La Bubble!

BUBBLE PEOPLE RESPONSE(3) – the pungent smell of their ignorance
What does the bird brained county BOS zoning proposal, which opens the door wider for CAFO’s aka chicken houses, and other unnecessary ecological, economic, and social problems in Northampton county have to do with Gay Cape Charles, same sex marriage, and the gender spectrum? Does understanding and being for or against one or the other, or both, or neither make you a better Christian or just a less tolerant redneck unwilling to accept change? More in the bubble or just making trouble? Make you gay or less gay? Make you light in the loafers or just heavy in those high heels? More or less like a come-here or a born-here? Seems like our elected officials are hell bent on having us smell their brain farts along with vast amounts of actual excrement be it either human, chicken or both. Given the high level of intellectual intercourse in some circles, low level of brain cells in others, the tremendous inbreeding and chromosome damaged moronic ideas that have been produced lately by our respective governing bodies, like the new idiotic county zoning proposal, the aromatic Cape Charles sewer plant with its strategic location, the bi-polar PSA sewer pipe project, the reverse angle parking test, results in increased density, decreased quality of life, etc..….these road apples ideas are propagated , promoted and fertilized by the county BOS and CC town council. We are at the point where we all are going to need the Shrink, the Drink and most diffidently have to get use to the Stink! Ah there is nothing like the pungent smell of ignorance while politicians pursue so-called progress and big money laughs all the way to the bank at the public ‘s expense, don’t you Think?…….

If you read the original comment you’d see that it was a specific reference to an individual who obviously despises change. You have confirmed my suspicions that there are more of you “bubble people” here than I thought- the fact that you still refer to your fellow citizens as “come here’s” and “born here’s” indicates to me that you most likely need to remain on the shore- the real world that requires acceptance, tolerance and understanding might overwhelm you.

Reply (4) Gay Cape Charles
Ooooh, “homey” and “light on my loafers,” love it! Heavy on high heels, to be precise. If I’ve caused any confusion, so sorrrry. I was referring to the gender spectrum and, based on your reaction, you may not be so comfy in your position on that spectrum. See a shrink, or don’t deal with it and have a drink… many drinks… or at least get thee to a CAFO meeting so you can change what you can still change.

A well done to Chief PRUITT and the Cape Charles Police force
The success of our tourist season can be attributed to the constant patrolling and vigilance allowing for a safe and secure venue for all to enjoy their vacation. Look n Good! Your professionalism is a credit to our town.

Wake up to impending ecological, economic and social disaster
I find it disturbing, that many in Cape Charles are so worried about who is ” knowing ” who (I use the Biblical euphemism,)that you seem to be unaware that you are getting ready to be “known” by industrial chicken and their CAFOs. Bed and Breakfasts, restaurants, kayak tours, gift shops, all will be feeling the effects . Where are your voices in this impending ecological, economic and social disaster?

Reply (3) Gay Cape Charles
Describing people in “Cape Charles and elsewhere” as “gay and less gay” sounds like you are a little to infatuated with your own “Homoeroticism” there homey and you are no doubt more than a little light in your loafers also. If homosexuals are “Gay” what are heterosexuals? Don’t heterosexuals deserve a fancy nick-name too? Just saying…….

Reply to “Bubble People”
To the author, the progressive world or any world for that matter must be a scary place for all come-heres like you who didn’t have a place like the Eastern Shore of Virginia to call home, thus forcing you out of the “bubble” where you came from for whatever reason that was. The “wonder” isn’t so much as why “some people never leave” the shore in as much as why some come-heres seem so hell bent on changing the Shore to resemble the place they left from. Now that is what most born-heres view as truly “small minded and scary.”


Maybe – just maybe – there is not enough to raise hell about in Cape Charles, for now. We have a well-intentioned mayor heading a council that is no longer making bad decision after bad decision. Sure, we could ask about Bay Creek’s debts, but they probably found a loophole to dance around their obligations. We could lament our own debt, in the millions. Or we could ask why Skanska is not paying for any of the water it uses, why it is mercilessly polluting our environment, and why it is taking ever more sky away from our view, but maybe it is more efficient to refer these issues to the DEQ, and hopefully someone is already doing that. So, until new stuff hits the fan, maybe we can all chill and enjoy the sweet end of summer, the party this weekend at the Oyster Farm, and the good life in Cape Charles. When we wake up from this glycemic slumber, we should start by demanding that someone address Heinz Sommer’s and Janet Sturgis’ important concerns.

This e-paper is off to a good start but I’m wondering where all the “observers of life” have gone in Cape Charles? The predecessor of the Cape Charles Mirror really stirred up some controversial topics and now I’m reading about “ripe figs” on Monroe Avenue. The interview with Proto was excellent but I’d like to see and hear what’s happening in the town more. Keep up the great work and to the citizens out there- pull your head’s out of the sand and start addressing issues like water, the PSA, the harbor, the back monies Bay Creek owes the town, the lack of county leadership and let the birds eat the damn figs.

Reply to Gay Cape Charles–The Eastern Shore’s Sodom and Gomorrah
You forgot the homoerotic love between David and Jonathan in the books of Samuel. Death will come to everyone in Cape Charles and elsewhere, gay or less gay. An abomination is ranting against one’s fellow man for being who he or she is. Truly wicked are acts committed by psychotic mass murderers, ethnic cleansing, genocide… The divine (and sublime) is not above, in the heavens, unless you’re flying Virgin upper class. Divine is love for others, for your fellow man or woman, in any way that love is delivered.

Some things never change when you live in the bubble called the Eastern Shore
Reading some of the comments in this e-paper and it’s not hard to see who the “bubble people” are here. The same people can’t accept world change or the fact that a town employee is in fact going to be hard to replace. Once again, tradition unhampered by progress on the shore. Then you wonder why “some people” never leave here? The world is a scary place if you have a small mind. Response to: (Gay Cape Charles–The Eastern Shore’s Sodom and Gomorrah ) Say what you want about homosexuality, It increases your chance of getting a date in Cape Charles on Saturday night by 50%.

Gay Cape Charles–The Eastern Shore’s Sodom and Gomorrah
The next time one of Cape Charles’s homosexuals, that ya’all are so proud of, goes to preaching God’s word from the pulpit have them read Leviticus 18:22 “ You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.” Or Leviticus 20:13 “If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them.” And finally Genesis 19:5 “The wicked men of Sodom attempted a homosexual rape of two messengers from God who had come to visit Lot. As a result of this and other widespread wickedness, God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in a storm of fire and brimstone.” God has the power to destroy “Gay Cape Charles” with all its unrighteousness. Do not invite God’s wrath by challenging the written word of God.

Gay Cape Charles—-Homosexuals Yes—–Homophobes No

“Gay” Cape Charles has always been the “melting pot” of Virginia’s Eastern Shore. People of various backgrounds, race, religion, economic status, and yes, sexual preferences have called Cape Charles home. The Gay Homosexual community have made many valuable contributions to our town starting with many Bed and Breakfasts Inns that have played such a vital role in our renaissance and also dispelled many if not all of the negative gay stereotypes that the locals had prior to their arrival . Gay homosexuals also contribute by serving on our town council and in other important civic roles. And while the Roman Catholic Church might not approve of Homosexuality, here in Gay Cape Charles, Gays proudly assist with Mass by reading scripture in the pulpit straight from the Bible on Sundays! Hallelujah!

 if Northampton County does away with the PSA? It seems to me that the town placed a great deal of their planning around this PSA moving forward. I know the water bills went up once before so does this mean that they are going to continue the climb? Once again, what is the status with Bay Creek paying the town for this water expansion as part of (I believe) that Agreement of 1991? Will Sinclair address that issue or does everyone wait around for the next shoe to fall? Seems to me that the town has been paying their high priced town attorney a great deal of money to pursue the wrong issues.

It appears like the arriavel of the new town manger ….things are slowly slipping away from the towns goals  of a vacation destination….The departure of Smitty is a poor reflection of town council, town mangers, town mayor….when things are top heavy…..it can cause BACKSLIDE.

I just finished reading The Cape Charles Mirror and I’m happy to see that this e-paper has taken over where The Cape Charles Wave left off. I can also see where very little has changed in the town or county. When the citizens have had enough of some of these alleged incidents; they should address their concerns with the state and federal law enforcement. If you really believe that a Conflict of Interest or a politically motivated money scam is underway- contact the VA State Police in Richmond or the local FBI office in Norfolk. Don’t contact them about nonsense- parking issues, chickens etc.- but real issues that you can articulate.

I have always considered myself an optimistic person and have believed that “people are generally good.” That is, until I lived on the Eastern Shore. After many years of living here, I still feel like an outsider; still feel as though I will always be considered a “come here” rather than a “from here”. I am a stubborn person, who will continue to try to make things better for myself or others; as long as I have a clear cut goal, I work towards it until its achieved. But, it all reminds me of a Jackson Browne song, “Doctor My Eyes”. Have I kept them open for too long? Have I allowed myself to be optimistic and hopeful to a fault? By continuing to “try” I have left myself vulnerable, and thus, I continue to be disappointed and hurt. I was working the concession stand at a festival last year, and I was approached by an acquaintance. When he places his order, he does not look me in the eye; he does not use any pleasantries or manners. He does not say “please” or “how are you?” or any such courtesies that I might get from a total stranger. I bring him his order; I’m smiling and I’m still expecting some acknowledgment of my existence, but I get nothing. Not a “thank you;” No eye contact, no smile; absolutely nothing. By acquaintance I mean he has met me numerous times over the past several years; we’ve attended small dinner parties together; my son has purchased items from this individual’s store. What is this “invisible” status that I have somehow achieved? This may seem like a minor occurrence and nothing to get upset about, but unfortunately, it is in no way an isolated event. I shopped at the Cape Charles Food Lion weekly for years before any of the staff would acknowledge me as anyone they’d seen before. Is this what it’s like to be at the brunt of racism? I get in the line to check out, and the cashier will not look at me, will not talk to me, much less be friendly and use any sort of customer service. My eternally optimistic side tells me that maybe the cashier is just in a bad mood, and I diligently opt NOT to personalize the event. But, then I watch them cheerfully engage in discussion with the next customer. We all went to high school. There were the popular kids, usually the very attractive, athletically gifted kids. There were the “geeks” who still had their own little clique, as did the “freaks”. Like those high school days, all of the social scenes where I’m excluded for mysterious reasons, leaves me scrutinizing myself like some t

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