February 19, 2025

5 thoughts on “Asses&Villains: Wildfire

  1. I recently saw on CNN that all of our home, auto and personal insurance rates will almost double next year due to the costs associated with these California fires, including replacing the miltimillion dollar homes of the Hollywood folks.
    No worries.
    I’ll be glad to cough up a coupla’ grand so these folks get their valuables and homes taken care of.
    All I ask is that California be a bit more proactive in clearing the brush surrounding their lovely neighborhoods…
    ..and a bit more humble.
    A coupla’ grand is nearly 10% of my yearly income….

    1. Your forgiveness, generosity, and willingness to carry others is noteworthy sir. You are a special person.

      I am not. President Biden has promised to pay all the costs for 6 months and encouraged them to spare no expense. Those are our tax dollars at work. Add that to your insurance. News clip the other day indicated the lady in charge of having the reservoir empty of water during a peak fire risk time, is paid 750,000. salary. That sort of thing adds up after while with tens of thousands of bad choices being hired. See where the money really goes?

      You can try, try, try to help someone but you can’t prevent their demise when they choose to continue to act foolish. Sooner or later you just have to recognize them as a dumb ass and move on.

      Very few individuals involved so far are anywhere near what I would consider a worthy charitable candidate.

  2. It is wrong for these corrupt insurance companies to increase premiums for folks that have absolutely nothing to do with California, the land of fruits and nuts. Only fools would buy into that type of logic and pay the increase. What did they do with the monies they received in premiums from those that lost their homes? Pay inflated salaries? FEMA is gave all it’s monies to Ilegal aliens.The hydrants are dry, but the DEI hire in charge of their water makes $750,000.00 a year. It all smells like the fires in Maui..just doesn’t pass the sniff test. Please do not pay any increase in premiums, just pay your normal rate. Let the insurance companies borrow the money they need or fall on their faces.
    Maybe they can borrow it from the Billions we wasted in the Ukraine.

  3. The lack of understanding about what an insurance company is, and does is horrifying.
    Hint: it was the politicians in Cali who are going to foist these costs non us, NOT the insurance companies.

    1. Funk those insurance companies. We are forced to buy their ‘insurance’ both auto and home. I was an uninsured motorist for 14 years, just to prove you do not have to purchase it.

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