January 17, 2025

3 thoughts on “Bay Creek to make $31k on Old Cape Charles Road Reconstruction Project

  1. Darn that outdated written by dead white men (ptoo,ptoo) Constitution that guarantees “no proprty shall be TAKEN without just compensation.” We need more socialism!!!!

  2. “the developer be required to assume full construction cost of all off-site road improvements required to serve the proposed development.”

    This IS NOT A REQUIRED IMPROVEMENT for Bay Creek. This improvement is for the Cape Charles Harbor period.

    From VDOTS website (this is a State Job)
    The purpose of the project is to provide safety improvements and enhance access to the Cape Charles Harbor. The roadway will consist of two 12’ lanes and 8’ width shoulders with 4’ being paved


    Note: Not only is the developer responsible, but conveying the land to a third party HOA does not avoid the Annexation Agreement obligations as the Annexation Agreements are filed in the County land records as a condition of the Special Annexation Court’s requirement under Law No. 27 November 1991, which the County agreed to in its Circuit Court Order. Town Council members take an oath to represent the people, not the developer class. It would seem, given the stakes, Town Council would be moving to get an opinion from the Attorney General on this. The big question is, “why not?”

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