January 21, 2025

6 thoughts on “Brew Pub: Is the Town Out to Get Them?

  1. Let’s be serious. This is a bizarre way for the Town to operate.Some get a break, some don’t . What is the criteria. Who is the common denominator. As a county resident, I read these stories of cape charles in terror because I know we will someday end up paying the price for the kids playing government with other people’s money.

  2. Manuel, “Yes it has.” Is not true. There has been no response to my emails. No one from the town has contacted me at all about possible solutions to this fee roadblock.

    Furthermore, we have decided not to pursue the venture at this time so we can all stop beating this dead horse. My goal was to be an asset to this town and have a creative outlet-my heart is no longer in this project.

  3. My question to town council…. when will; the residence /tax payers get equal treatment its seems that the council and town manger believe in the mushroom theory ,meanwhile the phrase VACATION DESTINATION ….has become lost/forgotten lets get back to our goals….keep cape charles moving toward a great place to vacation….

    1. The government is not responsible for making a vacation destination. The government is responsible for spending tax dollars on necessary duties – health safety and welfare, zoning. Health care, education. Emergency management. The government is not a slush fund for vacation destination frivolous expenditures. Let the businesses who want vacationers invest in the tourist attractions. Cape Charles needs to stop wasteful spending. If everyone paid their fair share of sewer and water, nobody would be stuck with hugely disproportionate bills. When is the next election? Cape Charles badly needs new leadership. Or should I just say leadership.

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