The Town of Cape Charles Community Enhancement Program is based on the Virginia Main Street Program. The Virginia Main Street Program is a preservation-based economic and community development program that follows the National Main Street Center’s Main Street Approach™. Virginia Main Street offers a range of services and assistance to meet the variety of needs of communities interested in revitalization.
The focal point of the program is assistance to competitively selected communities that are working in traditional downtown setting sand meet certain threshold criteria. Communities with a population of 75,000 or less with a high degree of commitment and readiness that wish to use the Main Street Approach™ in a traditional downtown setting may apply for formal Virginia Main Street designation. For communities that are just getting started, do not want full Main Street designation, or for communities that wish touse the Main Street Approach™ in compact, pedestrian-oriented commercial settings, there is an Affiliate Program. Communities o fany size, counties, and cities with neighborhood commercial districts may participate in the Affiliate Program.
The Cape Charles Town Council supports the Virginia Main Street initiative and the town joining the program as a Community Affiliate member. The goal of a Community Affiliate is to employ the Main Street Approach in the development of the organizational stability and public-private partnerships necessary for successful administration of a downtown revitalization program. Community Affiliate core services include: access to training by state and national downtown development experts; organizational structure development assistance; and eligibility for grants through the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) as available.
Affiliates have the opportunity to learn about best practices in the field and to network with peers from around the state.The town will be accepting applications for volunteers to serve on the Cape Charles Community Enhancement Board. The Community Enhancement Board Application with information regarding the duties of the Board of Directors is available by clicking the link below.
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