December 13, 2024

2 thoughts on “Cape Charles Election Results: Buchholz, Ashworth, and Newman Lead Town Council Race

  1. Are these new folks pro tourism and growth or more conservative keep/return Cape Charles to its roots? Asking as a new Cape Charles fan. Thanks

  2. For those of us who want to see limits placed on the number of STRs allowed in Cape Charles, these election results were not encouraging. Two of the council members live in Bay Creek, which has an HOA to manage STRs in their community, and the third council member is also a fan of STRs, though he advocates for wanting to attract “young families” to Cape Charles…given the cost of purchasing a home here, these will have to be very wealthy “young families.” If you are disappointed in town council’s resistance to limiting the overall number of STRs, or the density of STRs in town, I suggest you put a LIMIT STRS sign in your yard, until such a time as we have a town council willing to do this for those of us who call this little town “home”…while we still have a little town with people who live here.

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