January 14, 2025

18 thoughts on “Cape Charles Main Street to Undertake Gateway Beautification Project

  1. The Gateway Beautification Project?

    What a Joke. The come-heres that book stays in Cape Charles are interested in getting to their destination, not admiring the ‘Gate-Way’.

    Sounds like a Liberal wet dream.

  2. I think that a large fiberglass statue of a GolfCart about the size of the Water Tower would lend an endearing ring to rolling into Cape Charles.

  3. This is the beginning of annexation expansion along stone road. And a soon to be golfcart trail to food lion.
    The town needs money badly for all the studies and high paying incompetent government leaders.
    The leaders are trying to compete with the level 1 tier cities.
    The town has become big dreamers while on a beer budget.
    They will soon be putting their hands in your pockets!

  4. Well it is such a amusement park of changes , it needs billboards like Chincoteague , Atlantic City , and other resort areas . To make it more like that’s how we did it there . Have a nice day

      1. I do but as I see it today the
        shore has been carved like a turkey and everybody wants the best parts and leave the rest to be picked over. the best parts were its people who shaped this strip of land not the ones who are determined make it like where they came from, crowded

        1. ‘the best parts were its people who shaped this strip of land’….

          Those folks have long been dead and buried. I am quite sure they would be shocked at what their work has become and the actions and attitudes of those that now reside there.

        2. Roy, it is illegal to place billboards on the AC expressway. Sure, a corrupt D admin did once, but D so go figure.

          The people who shaped that land have the exact same right to sell to the highest bidder as do you.

          Gee, I recall Chelsea NY when it twas but orchards, I miss it so…..but I also recognize the economic reality of highest and best use changing.

          1. The highest and best use for Cape Charles would be modeled on Wildwood , New Jersey.

          2. And why on earth should the people on Cape Charles be denied the privilege of bumper to bumper traffic barely creeping along as is the case on Rt. 6 on Cape Cod and God help you getting back in the jam if you dare to pull off into a restaurant to get something to eat, and forget about it if where you want or need to go is on the other side of the road.

            Or why should they be denied the privilege of it taking several hours to go five miles in bumper to bumper traffic like down in South Carolina.

            I mean, it just ain’t right and it’s definitely un-American to have free-flowing traffic in a place like Cape Charles.

            Gridlock is the only way to go, if Cape Charles wants to be like its up-scale peers.

  5. Drop the speed limit to 15 MPH from the traffic light all the way into town and 10MPH in town.
    25 is much too fast and very dangerous for inexperienced golf cart drivers. That large statue of a golf cart would be a nice touch too..
    Hire some Eastville cops part time to write tickets, (only cars and pickup trucks though with just interventions for golf carts). That revenue should cover all town expenses and kickbacks for decades.

  6. A possible scenero:
    Perhaps the final plan will be to turn Cape Charles entirely into a gated community like BayCreek in which local County residents are unwelcome or turned away.
    The folks going to the Medical Center, Rayfields, and other stores and shops to spend money will need passes to enter and you will pay to park.
    Tourist, people with timeshares, STDs, and money to spend will be welcome.
    I watched that whole deal go down in Princess Anne County when we merged with itty bitty Virginia Beach City over 60 years ago. (To avoid being incorperated into Norfolk)
    We used to Surf by the Steel Pier early weekends and after school. That ended. We also drag raced on Princess Anne Road’s Five Mile Stretch but that’s another story.
    Developers tried to bribe my Dad who was on the Planning Commision. Did not work with him, but I suppose he was an exception. Developers made Millions upon Millions because it did often work with others.
    I grew up in Va. Beach but have not been there for 25 years; too depressing…
    Follow the money, indeed…..
    Small minded movers and shakers and big money Do mix.
    However; I could be wrong…

  7. Dang Paul; they’ve already got the traffic creeping along from Food Lion to Rayfields and beyond. The visitors do 25 all the way.
    Kinda creeps me out..

    1. But true success when you have achieved your highest and best use would be true gridlock from the Maryland border to Cape Charles, then you would be in the class of Cape Cod,

      And there is something about free-flowing traffic that seems to set these planning board people’s teeth on edge, and gives them a serious case of agita.

      When they see a stretch of highway where traffic is moving smoothly, they set to work to really **** it up by putting in a bunch of subdivisions and condo complexes after having some high-priced consultants figure out to the car the carrying capacity of that highway so they can max i9t out so nobody can move and you can’t get out of your driveway and a five mile trip takes three hours, and then, only then, do they call it true success – the highest and best use, indeed.

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