There have been many false oaths issued to the blank and bewildered citizens of Cape Charles, Virginia, but near the top has to be the notion that the Town Harbor is somehow self-sustaining. For years, as the town has dumped millions into so-called improvements, the harbor has never come close to paying for itself. Instead, the town has robbed the General fund to cover up the losses.
This year is no different, and in fact, due to the “Dize Effect”, the harbor is sinking into one of its worst seasons. The first quarter this year is down from last year’s booming $107,423.44 to a putrid $ 66,345.44. Also, an indictment of Town Council’s style of management, the harbor is once again running a massive shortfall, $58,662.00, which will have to be made up by robbing the General Fund.
Note: The Dize Effect relates to the Town’s abusive and degrading treatment of former Harbor Master Smitty Dize. While Dize transformed the harbor into a vibrant carnival with events such as the Clam Slam, sources tell the Mirror that other members of the staff had issues with Dize. The internal strife and politics eventually led to Dize’s resignation and subsequent move to the Oyster Farm. Events and festivities have transformed the Oyster Farm Marina, while exposing the Town Harbor as a dull, dirty backwater with limited amenities that in most cases are never kept up. See the bath house and Shanty pothole farm (parking lot). While many boaters have already left for Dizeville on the Creek, others are also contemplating the move.
Town Harbor Focus Committee
As a way to stem the bleeding, or at least cover up the glorious fail that is the town harbor, Cape Charles is forming the Town Harbor Focus Committee. The committee is to be made up of five stake holders who apparently have at least a marginal, non-nausea inducing interest in the future direction of the harbor. According to harbormaster Farlow, the “members will give input past, present, future and work on guidance of the harbor to report back to town managers and council with outcome.”
Mr. Farlow and HM Andrew are working on a presentation which will shed light on the, “scope of work on current issues and future projects.” The dubitable assortment of stakeholders include Harbor Master Charlie Farlow, Assistant Harbor Master Andrew Spencer, Annual/Seasonal Slip holder Tom Bonadeo, Commercial Waterman Tim Wivell, a yet to be determined Town Council member, and a Town Representative – Bob Panek.
The committee will outline a strategic comprehensive plan (which we assume will be different from aspects of the harbor found in the Town’s Comp Plan) pertaining to “past & present ideas, direction, infrastructure, and funding streams.”
Once this data is compiled, it will be presented to Town Council for direction.
Did anyone else read the note about the “Dize Effect” like the side effects at the end of a medication commercial?
The Dize Effect may cause spontaneous harbor parties, filled pot holes, or better budgeting. Tell you town council if you are experiencing or plan to experience the Dize Effect as this could leads to a happier citizen.