During the last Town Council meeting, the following exchange regarding the proposed brew pub occurred between Frank Wendell, Joan Natail and Town Manager Brent Manuel:
Brent Manuel, “It is my understanding that is the actual figure; the connection fee was calculated and it was in excess of $42,000. That is the fee based on our current connection fee structure. One of the elements of the tourism ordinance is that it does have a rebate for some portion of the hookup fee, but, of course that ordinance is still in draft form”.
Wendell, “So, has that been communicated to them? (the applicants)”
Manuel, “Yes it has.”
Councilwoman Natali, “Can I just ask Jeb (Brady) about this specific rumor? Jeb did in fact quote based on their information a cost of $42,000 to connect water and sewer to that building…just for your information. I also understand that they were told that they could ask the town to pay over time. I believe they were also told they could undertake a historic renovation and then get tax credits that would reduce that cost…”
Manuel, “The overall cost.”
Natali, “Yes, the overall cost, well, could reduce that cost to somewhere under twenty. So they have all that information, so they are actually the ones that requested the FOIA information on some of the information that the town was using for planning, and what the site costs. And they are reviewing their options. I don’t believe they have come back to us….”
Despite assurances that the applicants had been in communication with the Town, the following comment submitted by the applicants seems to contradict that:
Manuel, “Yes it has.” Is not true. There has been no response to my emails. No one from the town has contacted me at all about possible solutions to this fee roadblock.
Furthermore, we have decided not to pursue the venture at this time so we can all stop beating this dead horse. My goal was to be an asset to this town and have a creative outlet-my heart is no longer in this project.
Moreover, if the applicants had all the information, and felt they were dealing in good faith with the Town, why would they go to the trouble to FOIA Plum Street for more clarification? The following email trail tends to back up the applicant’s assertions, that Councilwoman Natali and Town Manager Brent Manuel are mistaken in their assertions:
From: Jeb Brady [mailto:codeofficial@capecharles.org]
Sent: Monday, December 21, 2015 9:11 AM
To: Christy F. Smith
Subject: Slick Cam Brewing
I have computed your Water/Sewer Connection & Facility Fees for the Slick Cam Brew Pub.
The fees are $42,654. These fees must be paid prior to issuance of a building permit.
I also just sent out the plan review for the plans that were received.
Jeb Brady, CBO, CFM
Code Official
Town of Cape Charles
2 Plum Street
Cape Charles, VA 23310
757-331-3259 x 22
From: Christy F. Smith [mailto:smithagronomic@verizon.net]
Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2015 1:50 PM
To: ‘Jeb Brady’ <codeofficial@capecharles.org>
Subject: RE: Slick Cam Brewing
I need the formula you used to compute the fees. I didn’t mean to “shoot the messenger” but I know my temperament and when it’s best that I leave the situation and regroup. Before I ask the Board about some changes in the fees I need to know exactly how they are computed. I would like to do some research over the holiday break. $42,654 in fees is certainly not in my business plan and I need to make a final decision to either let the project go or continue asap. Luckily the brew equipment company has not started on my order and has agreed to hold until the new year for a final decision.
Thanks and Merry Christmas.
Christy F. Smith
From: Christy F. Smith [mailto:smithagronomic@verizon.net]
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2016 9:44 AM
To: ‘Jeb Brady’
Cc: ‘brent.manuel@capecharles.org’
Subject: RE: Slick Cam Brewing
Good morning-
My business plan includes $15k for connection fees. Between these connection fees and replacing VDOT’s frontage, we will have spent over $50k before we even start the renovations on the building and purchase equipment. Fiscally it is not a smart decision for us to pursue the project at this time with these conditions. Thanks for your time.
Christy F. Smith
From: Christy F. Smith [mailto:smithagronomic@verizon.net]
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 3:43 PM
To: ‘brent.manuel@capecharles.org’
Subject: new business
Hi Brent-
In the future, when a potential new business sets up a meeting with the town code official and health department to review site for changes needed and fees required in order to make a decision whether or not to pursue the business venture, everything should be disclosed. I was only told a $15,000 connection fee. Also, the fees and “the formula” are not on the town website. It is very deceptive to withhold this information until after spending $$$ on architect plans.
And FYI, no other town on the Eastern Shore would ever charge more than $7,500 for fees of any kind for a new business, much less $42,654.
I hope you/the town make some changes in the fees in the future, or at least let potential businesses know about the fees beforehand.
Christy F. Smith
Following here, the only response Ms. Smith received from the Town was an explanation of the bill, along with the statement, “These fees must be paid prior to issuance of a building permit.” Of note, the Smiths are not out of town developers, or recent transplants from northern locales, but have roots and multi-generational family ties to Cape Charles. Where the Town has in the past been more than willing to make concessions for any number of outside developers, when it comes to locals, the same rules no longer seem to apply.
I can t help but agree with Mr Smith on the town (code enforcement) not responding to e mails I know they are short handed,but a little courtesy ‘GOES A LONG WAY’
Short handed??? That was meant to be a joke, right? Compare the number of town employees in Exmore and Cape Charles.
Bill, not so long ago I did a comparison of Cape Charles vs Exmore,, Onancock, Parksley and Chincoteague. The town of Cape Charles has more employees than any of these other towns. It’s almost ridiculous the amount of money the town of Cape Charles wastes. Our little town has become a cash cow and we are all paying the salaries. Bad government at its finest. I went into a meeting and presented this information. Not only was I totally ignored by everyone but Frank Wendell shortly afterward the town hired more employees. TWO town managers for a town of 600 people is ridiculous.
Why do you expect the people in charge to be interested in this information? They are the ones who decided this is the way to run the Town. You should send your information to the Post and the News. The problem is the voters in Cape Charles. Who are the people on the Council? Joan Natali? Who is she? What is she qualified to do? Who is Proto? An engineer I hear? What does he know about government? I think an engineer must know math but that doesn’t mean he can balance his check book. Cape Charles will drag the County into bankruptcy. They do not know how to run a government and manage money!
Note: The Post and the ES News have access to the same information as the CC Mirror. Given they have 10 times the staff, budget and resources, the question should be is why do they ‘choose’ not to report it?