This article written By Karen Davis, PhD, President of United Poultry Concerns. This article was first published...
Vegan Thrive
When I worked in DC, we never went out to lunch at a sit down place. Instead,...
The foundation for the modern animal rights movement is the belief that nonhuman “animals have basic interests...
Besides humans, no species drinks milk beyond infancy, and never consumes the milk of another species. Cow’s...
One of the best way to ensure a happy, healthy gut and bulk up the immune system...
Love Me, I'm a Liberal Song by Phil Ochs ‧ 1966 I cried when they shot medgar evers Tears ran…
J Wheaton: Let me give you some insider information: those cuts you mentioned were likely discussed a year in advance.…
The biggest problem with illegal labor is that the savings is never passed on to the customer. Contractors have used…
I attended a couple of these events over the years. People barking at me from the left and right. Everyone…
I understand you're passionate about this issue, but I think it's important to address a few points in a way…