January 16, 2025

6 thoughts on “CBES Poultry Forum: Lots of data, lots of uncertainty

  1. Our biggest take-away from that forum was the realization that there is NO official monitoring of the chicken houses. The DEQ representative said they only check things out if there is a direct complaint!! So, in other words, you can have all the regulations in the world, but whether they are followed or not is anybody’s guess!!

  2. The people of Northampton and Accomack Counties eat chicken eat 3-4 times a week, 52 weeks a year. There is something very wrong with any group of people that wish to eat chicken, each week, but are unwilling to support the industry that provides the chickens.

    1. Mr. Bell you are correct, most of us enjoy eating poultry often. In fact the question was raised at the forum by an attendee: who eats chicken?
      It should have been two-part: who eats industrial or CAFO chicken and who eats organic?
      As folks continue to become aware of how their food is raised there will be an even greater shift toward the latter.

  3. Its not about being against chicken, its about insisting that the industry that makes its wealth off our people and our land be accountable. The poultry litter, massive amounts that will continue to grow in tonnage as the industry grows -the public needs to know how is it being handled, where is it going, what’s the impact on our waterways and our aquaculture industry [$50 million +] Why are the poultry grower and not the Perdues and Tysons of the world given the burden of taking care of the litter when they don’t even own the birds- the industry does.
    Also, the way the regulatory framework is now set up –there is no way to answer a basic question: HOW MUCH POULTRY CAN THE EASTERN SHORE SAFELY HANDLE? In regards to the health of our children, our environment, our other industries –tourism, sustainable farming, aquaculture…
    Answers are needed now. Our citizens and future Shore generations deserve as much and that’s why Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore held this forum. Thank you to the Mirror for covering it and the 150 folks who came out a very cold Wednesday night.
    Donna Bozza,
    Executive Director, CBES

  4. So far Northampton County has been lucky. I say let’s keep it that way. Accomack County will go down hill with all the new chicken houses. Nobody will want to live there. The hospital will be sorry it moved.

  5. ‘ its about insisting that the industry that makes its wealth off our people and our land be accountable. ‘ ??
    Really?…you make it sound as though they get nothing in return…’our people’ get tons of protein in return.

    ‘the 150 folks who came out a very cold Wednesday night’….you make it sound as though they came in horse drawn carriages. Their cars have plenty of heat. I hope they came with their bellies full of poultry.

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