Over the summer, due to lightning strikes, computer crashes and software upgrades, the monthly harbor report was not completed or delivered to Town Council in time for the Regular Meeting. While the report did make it in this month, things apparently are still in shambles. According to Harbormaster Farlow, part of the issue is trying to get the old numbers to jive with the new software. While specifics were not given, much of the issue has to do with ‘the way they (figures) had been entered’ before Farlow took over. Whether this was referring to Smitty Dize’s tenure was not made clear.
The bottom line is that the Town has absolutely no idea about the financial status of the harbor. They apparently don’t seem to care much either. During the oral report, the majority of Council, including the Mayor and Vice Mayor Chris Bannon sat frozen and glazed over, hardly inquisitive, seeming more in the mood for good nap than conducting town business. Only newcomer Andy Buchholz seemed to be paying attention. Buchholz also appeared to be the only Member that had bothered to read the report. At issue is the table below:
Buchholz correctly noted that the numbers just did not add up, did not reflect the reality of the new harbor, sans Smitty Dize. First, the table makes little or no sense, glomming together disparate items while totaling by the foot. Buchholz complained that this technique was confusing and in the end didn’t come close to producing an accurate record of what was really going on.The big problem is with the totals. The report states that this year, the harbor stands at $296,310, while last year at the same time it was $231,789 a difference of $64,521.
“I don’t know how that can be…I’ve been to the harbor, and every time I’m there, it’s pretty empty, especially compared to last year,” Buchholz said.
Buchholz is correct. The ‘Dize’ effect, taking all the business that used to be located at the town harbor and moving it to King’s Creek, has had a negative effect. The lively C-Pier stands in stark contrast to the harbor’s empty slips, and docks with a view of Bayshore Concrete.
While Treasurer Pocock has been helping out, the time frame for getting the books in order is late fall, early winter. Whether we ever find out what we really don’t want to know is to be determined.
The Dize effect? I love it! Go Smitty!