Construction on the Phase 2 Cape Charles Trail Project is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, May 31, 2016, in the North Peach Street and Washington Avenue area. Phases I.B., II.A. and II.B. have been combined and contracted for as an integrated Phase II. They are fully funded.
The Cape Charles Community Trail Network links residents and visitors to the town’s many destinations, and incorporates the bicycle and trail recommendations of adjacent localities and
planning district commissions. The Trail Project is a direct result of a detailed analysis with input from many stakeholders and citizens. Once implemented, this system will provide pedestrians and bicyclists safe access to the many destinations in Cape Charles.
Previously Funded Activities
Enhancement funding to date has been used to develop a comprehensive trail master plan (see attached document), environmental documentation for the entire trail, design and construction of Phase 1A—Central Park, design and construction of Phase 1B and 2A, and design of Phase 2B. When these phases were bid, contractors bids exceeded our anticipated budget. The bid package was modified to include Phase 2B as a bid alternate and the project is being re-bid in September. We anticipate the construction for Phase 1B and Phase 2 will be complete by May of 2016.
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