February 19, 2025

5 thoughts on “CORRECTION: Phase II of the Community Trail

  1. From one who walks on Washington Avenue on a daily basis, I look forward to the completion of Phase II of this project. I would also like to thank the Town staff for securing a large grant to substantially fund this asset.

  2. A town of 1,000 people needs a million dollar new sidewalk? Cape Charles has delusions of grandeur. 75% of the children in this County live in poverty. Don’t you feel embarrassed spending that kind of money for a sidewalk knowing that the schools need it, the children need it?

    1. What you describe is being done by a Liberal/Socialist/Democrat Government nationwide. As long as we have hungry, homeless people in this country there should be no Refugees allowed in this country. As long as one American Citizen is unemployed, not one work visa/illegal alien should be allowed in this country.

      Hillary for Prison

      1. This is due to lazy voters in Cape Charles who don’t pay attention to how their money is being spent. Where did the grant come from? Answer: the government. And who pays for those grants from the government? The taxpayers!!!!! And who pays for all those government employees running around Town Hall grubbing for taxpayer grant money? The taxpayers! What a joke!

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