January 21, 2025

1 thought on “County: Citizens protest racial bias in new zoning

  1. Whether there is racial bias built into the re-zoning of lands or not is not the larger of the issues brought forth by this re-zoning fiasco put forth by the Board of Supervisors. As odious as perceived racial bias is, I cannot believe the Board would be so malevolent in their course of misdeeds within the re-zoning criteria to be directly in conflict with the black land owning populace of the Eastern Shore. Personally, I think a stringent look at what the re-zoning does change is the course to follow. There are enough missteps in this re-writing of the zoning laws and citizens should keep their eye on the ball. And it’s not that our black brethren don’t need protections too, but there within the new ruling (should it come to pass) is enough to do harm to the entire general populace of Northampton County. Fight this first, because it sets bad precedent. Fight this because it will do undue environmental harm. Fight this because it is NOT in the best interest of the citizenry of the lower Eastern Shore. Fight this, because it is your duty. Lastly, if there WERE statistical evidence that this re-zoning was prejudiced within a racial format…then may God have mercy on the Board’s collective political careers. Because if there is a flashlight shining down on the re-zoning scam now, think of the spot light thrown on it when racial bias is uncovered. Would not be a pretty sight. Indeed.

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