January 13, 2025

8 thoughts on “County: Severely limits poultry operations, appoints Fauber to Planning Commission

  1. There is something very wrong with any group of people that wish to eat chicken, each week, but are unwilling to support the industry that provides the chickens.

  2. Okay Mr. Bell, I’ll bite. (Pun intended) Actually, there is something wrong with the way we are going about the industrialization of farming today. The massive amounts of chemicals along with bio-engineered food crops ingested by the public today should give you pause to think. Yes, I love a good piece of chicken just like everyone else. I also enjoy a cool glass of clear, untainted water. Is it too much to ask that those who have charge over the land, the water, the sky do their best to ensure the health and welfare to it’s the citizens? Those who live by the water, on that land and breathe that sky? We have given them the public trust and as dutiful politicians, they would be remiss to just let industrial farming grow unabated on such a fragile and delicate eco-system such is the lower Eastern Shore. I, for one, am thankful for Supervisor Granville Hogg and county administrator Katherine Nunez, whom seem to be asking the important questions and stating proper precautions. Because as you well know, Mr. Bell, once that hen house door has opened and the fox has entered; there is no turning back. You have a great day and stay dry!

    1. You side stepped my comment like Obama and proceeded to confess your agenda. What are your thoughts on a group of people who eat chicken 2 or 3 times a week but are unwilling to support the industry that provides the chickens? That, to me, is a ‘Mirror’ that no one is willing to look in to.

      1. Man, you are a riot! You previously stated that there was something wrong with people who eat chicken (each week) but are unwilling to support the industry that provides that chicken. So, I proceeded to show you how I would support that industry by instilling proper precautions in the form of regulated industry growth. For as you well know, raising chickens today is not farming…it is an industry. As far as my “Agenda” (and please explain to me, pray tell, what you believe that to be) is concerned, my only agenda is being able to live in an environment that ensures a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. End of story. I support regulated industry growth. I do not support the methods by which Monsanto and Tyson and Perdue, DuPont (Pioneer) and Syngenta have injected sickness into our daily lives by adding toxins to crop fields to control weed and insect infestations, and have genetically modified our foods as well for pretty much the same purpose. There are a whole slew of methods we could be using that are healthier and wiser but are being by passed because of money and re-directed science. It is our health, our children’s health and our grand-children’s health they are gambling with. That, Mr. Bell is my agenda. Take a look into your own mirror. Tell me what agenda you see.

        1. My mirror shows a handsome man….

          You side stepped the one thing I was interested in…..’The People’, not the industry.

          1. So, what you are telling me, your agenda is narcissism. I, too, am interested in the people. As in people, all people have a right to question those that carry the authority to either enrich our lives or destroy our lives. Can I be any clearer than that? Or are you just some sad, lonely troll, toying with me…wasting yours and my time. If so, go back to your “Mirror” and watch the world pass on by. I have better things to do.

        2. One Last Time!……I am talking about the severe dysfunction of a group of people who eat chicken, each week, but are unwilling to support the industry that provides the chickens…….How hard is that to understand? How hard is it to discuss that dysfunction? Not the Impact on the land…..The People!

          1. Alright, this one last time…I went back and read your statement. It reads as such; “there is something wrong with any group of people that wish to eat chicken, each week, but are unwilling to support the industry that provides the chickens”. Correct? Then you ask me, “what, are my thoughts on that”. Lastly, you state you were talking about the dysfunction of a group of people who eat chicken, each week (hell, every night for all I care!), but are unwilling to support the industry that provides the chickens. If I am to correctly guess what you are talking about and asking me, what is wrong with these people? Well, first of all (and I am not dodging your question-however convoluted it is) I am not one to judge people, especially folks I do not know all that well. I cannot and will not discuss said dysfunction (again, your words, not mine!) within a group of people. If I did discuss dysfunctions of groups that would open a Pandora ’s Box of a whole bunch of groups I could write about all day. But that is not who I am. But, since you asked. And I am sure you count me as one of that “Dysfunctional” group…I will open up to what makes me tick. And I am sure that this “one last time” will not be sufficient an answer to your question. But, what the heck…it’s been fun.
            I believe that in this country today, money is king. It is the driving wave of capitalism and materialism which makes all things go round and round. Not just in America, but world-wide. It is the candy behind the window through which 99.9999 percent of the world’s population stands and looks at longingly, faces pressed against said window, yet will never acquire. It makes some folks crazy. Those that have vast amounts of it, control the power. Those that control the power, control the money. See where I am going with this? The dysfunction is in the system itself. Oh yeah, it can possibly work on a local level, even on a state level…but the larger the faction, the harder it is to control. It costs a lot of money and power to maintain that control. It just goes round and round. In the last twenty five years, our penal system has grown by over twenty percent! Because crime has sky-rocketed? No…because control has tightened. Yes, you can argue crime has increased over the years, but statistics show a decrease in violent crime (over-all) since the early nineties. But an increase in incarceration and recidivism. But, I digress. The wage gap between the haves and have-nots has increased exponentially as well over the past fifty years. If you think that makes America great, you are sadly mistaken. It makes the have-nots just that more angry as their faces press harder against that proverbial candy store window. Which leads me to that dysfunctional group you are so enamored of.
            They are people who are intelligent enough to see through the rhetoric and party line handed out by big business daily informing the masses that everything is going to be fine, just let us do our jobs and get out of the way. But, Mr. Bell, that is a lie! From the top on down, there is no control, no clear plan, no solutions. Only runaway expenditures, money looting and sense of anxiety from Wall Street to Main Street. We all feel it, but few know the root causes. The one’s you may consider dysfunctional, ill informed, maybe even Un-American are the ones who still have a voice and chose to use it. These are the same folks who will stand up to the Chicken Food Industry and question their tactics and usage of the land. They question with hard questions and expect the truth in return. They may chose not to eat chicken or any meat. They may wolf down copious amounts of chicken, I don’t know. Don’t care. What I care about is the land. Because I am a thinking person. And as an American, and as far as I know….I still have that right to petition and to fight and to vocalize my intent when I feel threatened. If that makes me dysfunctional in your eyes…then so be it! But, I will tell you Mr. Bell, what is wrong here is too many people allowing those powers to be, and in the name of money, do whatever they damned well please…to the bay, to the land and to you and me. I for one will not stop fighting until my last breath because I respect the land, the bay and you…and me and my children and their children. I hope that clears this up for you.

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