January 16, 2025

3 thoughts on “Coyote Sighted in Bay Creek

  1. I received an anonymous letter, typed and sent from Richmond, that told me this coyote was a werewolf. I would have kept it a secret but my cat told me to not to hide this letter. It is possibly Wayne Creed but the sheriff will not comment. The anonymous letter said that Wayne has a tail. And there is a bond for $20,000 hidden at hole 9.

    1. And I received an anonymous letter stating that if you put a thousand B. Taylors in a room full of typewriters (or in this case, a roomful of computer keyboards), they would possibly type out a coherent, no nonsense letter within a year. But, I seriously doubted it.

      1. Lighten up, bro.

        Editor’s Note” Mr. B, please forgive Mr. Cornweller. He is a known vampire, and sometimes can’t control his urge for a bit of intellectual bloodletting.

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