February 19, 2025

5 thoughts on “Dora Sullivan appointed to Harbor Focus Group

  1. My wife and I have stayed in there several times in summers past and the bottom line is you need breakwaters up close. The multimillion dollar breakwaters you have are too far out. Way too much fetch between the existing ones and the docks often makes for a VERY uncomfortable stay. Simple but expensive solution.

  2. The harbor was sustainable for the years Smitty was dock master. If the city had compensated him as they had promised, we wouldn’t be in this situation. It’s obvious, we need the right people making the right decisions and can see the harbor’s bigger picture. Other than the Beach, the harbor is Cape Charles biggest asset.
    The days of, build it and they will come don’t work, the competition for boater dollars is stronger than ever on the bay. Look at any boater publication, they all advertise “EXCEPT” Cape Charles. Why, it cost money. If you want boaters to come, get aggressive and spend the advertising dollars necessary to promote the harbor for the great facility it can be.

  3. I have boated for the past 60 years, including the entire East Coast. A Management team is an added expense and is not used in the hundreds of successful Municipal Marinas along the ICW. There are unknown motives here for someone or some group. Look internally or listen to the customers, before hiring so called experts.

  4. The harbor is too industrial for pleasure boaters. It’s too late to make a change now that the Town has added a boat repair yard to the ” mixed-use “. Offer dockage at ” no charge ” to the commercial watermen in order to make it a working marina.
    The future uses of the harbor will likely include material transfer barges and manufacturing plants. Those uses can take advantage of the existing railroad and the proposed new connector road.

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