January 22, 2025

5 thoughts on “DRINKING LIBERALLY MEETING 9/14 in Onancock

  1. Now I understand….it makes being lied to much easier if you’re drunk.
    Is it too soon for …..”falling down drunk” jokes or is against the law to insult Chairwoman Mao errrrr…. Hillary?

    1. Hillary Clinton has committed perjury while under oath to Congress. This is a felony; the same felony her husband was impeached for committing. If not for Obama and the MSM’s illegal protection, she’d be behind bars at this very moment.

      Try as she might, Hillary will never distance herself from Obama’s horrific middle class killing policies; the difference between the two is negligible. Hillary IS Barrack Hussein Obama. She is a narcissistic sociopath who lacks any ability to demonstrate actual compassion for another human being. She has no friends, just victims and potential victims. She epitomizes a totalitarian existentialist.

      Trump/Pence 2016!

  2. On a trip this weekend to Pennsylvania I saw numerous Trump/Pence lawn signs. Did not see one for Hillary/Kaine! Great news. The polls are manipulated. Landslide for Trump or will you be ridiculed for voting for the loser Hillary!

  3. I have my Trump sign up in Belle Haven, and want to see more. With the horrible record of Hillary, I would be ashamed to put her sign up!

    1. She will never be The President of The United States of America! She is unfit to be the president of a home owner’s association. I would love to see Hillary, Bill and Chelsea (yes Chelsea…she has long knelt down and fed from the Clinton’s feed trough) housed at GITMO….right along side the Bush family.


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