The Eastern Shore Soil and Water Conservation District presented its annual awards at its Christmas dinner on December 16, 2024. Several awards were presented to members of the community in recognition of their conservation efforts.
2024 Conservation Educator Award
Angela Neal was selected as the Conservation District Educator of the Year. Angela currently works as the guidance counselor at Chincoteague Elementary School. She was formerly a 5th grade teacher focusing on science and mathematics at CES. She enjoyed bringing hands-on experience to her students. She has pushed her students to think beyond the test and understand the why’s and where’s of the concepts.
2024 Conservation Stewardship Award
When Norman and Susan Colpitts moved to their property, they quickly realized that there were significant erosion issues with their shoreline. The shoreline was vulnerable due to the wave action caused by wind and boats but also an odd phenomenon where fresh water was seeping from underground onto the affected shoreline. After learning about the Virginia Conservation Assistance Program (VCAP) they applied and were approved to begin construction on 164 linear feet of living shoreline. The project included a 3-level oyster castle enclosure, tons of sand that were brought in, coir logs, and marsh grass plantings. After the main structures were put into place, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation provided oysters in hopes of repopulating them on the shoreline.
2024 Conservation Farmer Award
Matt Young of Young Farms is the recipient of the Conservation Farmer Award. He tends 1,380 acres in Accomack County. He maintains a current nutrient management plan with the District and uses a number of best management practices (BMP’s) in his farming operation including no-till planting, buffers, and cover crops. His cash crops include soybeans and corn. He also maintains a small herd of beef cattle.
2024 Clean Water Farm Award
The Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation sponsors the Clean Water Farm Award recognizing farmers who implement conservation practices and are doing their part to preserve water quality. The District nominated Nathan Eulo of Eulo Farms for this award. Nathan farms about 1,50 acres of cropland and has about 20 acres of woodland. He utilizes several BMP’s including no-till farming methods, cover crops, and 100-foot buffers on any farmland adjacent to wetland soils. He also follows nutrient management plan to help decrease run-off into the Chesapeake Bay. He has participated in career days with local schools explaining the importance and role of a farmer.
2024 Grand Basin Coastal Award
From the pool of Virginia Clean Farm Award recipients, winners representing VA’s major river basins each year. Grand Basin Award winners must meet the Clean Water Farm Award’s criteria and demonstrate exceptional conservation on the land and in managing operations. The District nominated Nathan Eulo for the Grand Basin Coastal Award and he received the award and was given special recognition during a ceremony in Roanoke at the VA Association of Conservation Districts Annual Meeting.

2024 Conservation Partner Award
The 2024 Conservation Partner Award was awarded to Robbie Lewis with the Virginia Department of Forestry. Robbie developed a passion for the outdoors as a child when he was hunting with his grandfather. As the district forester for the Eastern Shore he helps manage the local forests and provides help and advice to private landowners on their forestry practices. He is active with wildfire suppression, coastal resiliency work, and has been the Eastern Shore Envirothon Forestry Judge for many years.
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