ESSO Yard Sale, 8 AM Saturday July 16th at 5059 Magotha Road Townsend 23443 All proceeds will used to spay/neuter the cats and dogs on the ES
For Sale
Antique Oak Hall Tree, 72” bookshelves, Seaside Candles inventory closeout, lots of new glassware, knitting & crocheting supplies, craft supplies, vise, chum grinder, crab pot floats, misc.

Love Me, I'm a Liberal Song by Phil Ochs ‧ 1966 I cried when they shot medgar evers Tears ran…
J Wheaton: Let me give you some insider information: those cuts you mentioned were likely discussed a year in advance.…
The biggest problem with illegal labor is that the savings is never passed on to the customer. Contractors have used…
I attended a couple of these events over the years. People barking at me from the left and right. Everyone…
I understand you're passionate about this issue, but I think it's important to address a few points in a way…