January 21, 2025

4 thoughts on “GOSSIP: Business Group eyes Cape Charles for Brew Pub Location

  1. I’ll be curious to we if this group is offered the same deal as the Firehouse folks, or if a sweetheart is gonna pop back up in ol Cape Chuck…….again.

    How’s the schoolhouse doing?

  2. Hi I am the one purchasing The Kellogg Building. We are looking at three businesses to open at the location To ease the tension from reading the above, we ARE NOT coming in with a Brewery of any kind!!!! This information is not true. However, there will be food and drinks and FUN TIMES to be had there. We are also going to be open all year around. We have allot of work to do and this will take time, but when we are done the building will no longer be sitting there vacant. The plans are to leave it just as it is and modify slightly to accommodate the businesses and the public. Our meetings have all gone good and Chad and I are really looking forward to seeing all of you very soon.
    Bev and Chad Petras.

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