January 21, 2025

5 thoughts on “How Dangerous is U.S. Route 13?

  1. Roulette
    The Worst , cross over is Russian Roulette, cell phones are distraction, Food Lion approach a night mare, driving left lane no penalty, VDOT wake up.

  2. What can we, as citizens, do to get this changed? Can we petition VDOT?? I have a lot of good suggestions from other residents, but don’t know the steps to take to get our case in front of the powers that be!

    Note: Best bet is contact District 1 Supervisor Granville Hogg (ghogg@co.northampton.va.us). He is our best advocate for highway safety.

  3. In other countries, highways such as Route 13 have “traffic-calming” measures in place in the form of roundabouts or traffic circles–with or without additional traffic lights. The roundabouts slow traffic at regular intervals and prevent the “yellow means floor it” mentality that prevails under the current scheme. It is true that for tractor-trailers to negotiate the roundabouts, they need to be a certain size, but there are areas that could accommodate this and others that could be purchased. The safety benefit would be well worth it.

  4. NJ pioneered the traffic circle & they are a disaster. They asked a state trooper some years ago to say what part of 13 was the most dangerous & he said “from the Bridge Tunnel to the Maryland line. It was reported at the time that Accomack County was tied with one other Virginia county for having the most dangerous driving conditions in the entire state.

    Engineering is a big part of the problem with in places narrow shoulders & telephones poles right next to the pavement as well as narrow or non-existent medians seperating the north & south bound traffic. In my opinion there are perhaps too many traffic signals on 13 and all the signals go red for 13 too quickly and too often. Every time a signal goes red there is a potential for rear end collissions & some of these have been disasters with 18 wheelers going over the tops of two or more cars. On 13 a light should hold green for perhaps no less than 2 minutes & then let cross & turning traffic proceed. There are too many cycles or phases where for each turning vehicle another red for 13. Ambers should be for the speeds of ample dua=ration with all lights red for a second or so. Even professional drivers are not clear as what to do when a light goes amber & there are ways to make evident whether to brake or keep going. Professional drivers know a green light to be “fresh” or|”stale” & if a stop is imminent.

    Another problem is enforcement. Rarely, if ever, is a car stopped for running a light. With radar speeders are often ticketed and many hard core violators have detectors & always speed but are never caught. There are many dangerous violations that are not notices such as irratic driving; an indication of drug or alcohol impairment.

    It used to aggravate me how often I was stopped in a check point at 10 am as I was 300 yards from my driveway going for my mail. So many troopers (10) in the same location with all the police cars & people who were in violation were turning around in my driveway & on another road in my neighbor’s driveway or turning to go down yet another road thus avoiding the check point. One morning a trooper caught wise & I had a police car & a violator in my drive followed by another trooper & a roll back.

    In my opinion it was a waste of police man powere & a waste of the same honest people’s time over & over when the 10 troopers could be observing traffic & probably catching far worse & even more offenders than the few illegals or unlicensed operators or ficticious tags such as red light violators, speeders, DWI’s & drug runners, etc.

    Education is anothe key to safety & a big thing to know is don’t rely on a green light, ever. Always be preparedto avoid a crash.

    There are things beyond control like using a car to commit suicide and for sure the policecan’t be everywhere or see what isn’t obvious. My sons drive big rigs & being up high see very many who are texting. People do stupid things like pull out in front of other vehicles, perhaps dump trucks or tractor trailers. Perhaps poor vision, my eyes were failing & I quit driving after a lifetime of accident free operating everything except planes & choppers, or blinding sun light.

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