February 19, 2025

4 thoughts on “Kiggans Stands Up for Women’s Sports

  1. Its a sad state when this country has to install laws to protect genders playing sports . Common sense tells you that regardless of what you identify yourself as ( gender identity) you cannot be involved in the obvious. If you want to be in sports but do not want to be involved in the gender you were born as then you can form your own sports grouping being male now identify as female or female identify as male .

  2. There are only 2 genders. A vial of their blood will easily determine which of those two genders they really are. The rest is all smoke and mirrors.

  3. Why not form, say, separate sports leagues for women, men, hermaphrodites, bisexuals, polysexuals, transexuals, hobosexuals, unisexuals, supersexuals, pansexuals, lesbians, animal lovers, retrosexuals, nonsexuals and well trained goats.
    What a hoot…think of all the groovey team names..
    and mascots.

  4. A man or a woman can be homosexual, but a man cannot be a woman and a woman cannot be a man.

    If a man dresses as a woman, he is a transvestite.

    If a homosexual man dresses as a woman, he is a homosexual transvestite.

    If a homosexual man mutilates himself and dresses as a woman, he is a mutilated homosexual transvestite.

    It’s really not that hard. Why do we fear using accurate language? And why is using accurate language hate?

    The Left invents and deploys all the other euphemisms and tortured distortions of language to manipulate others. It’s Newspeak.

    “The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name.” ~ Confucius

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