February 19, 2025

2 thoughts on “Larry DiRe: pipeline to close Mason Ave access to harbor

  1. Why can’t the pipeline be buried for that part of the area allowing people, bikes and golf carts to still have acdess to the harbor? Seems like a no brainer!

  2. The article did not address if this pipeline is permanent or temporary. If temporary, it is not an issue, but a matter of patience regarding the citizens of the Town of Cape Charles. If permanent, then it is altogether another mater. Please more information regarding this.

    Editor’s Note: The pipeline is very temporary, and is part of the USACE channel dredging project, which will be taking dredged material and moving it to the upland spoil site. Planner DiRe is meeting with USACE members this week, and will gather more information and details about the project. Early estimates are to have the project completed by December, but as Larry mentioned, so far this is still a very fluid situation, and things may change.

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