Town Planner Larry DiRe reports that the next phase of the harbor dredging project will be beginning in the next two to four weeks. According to the USACE project manager, the project duration will run from early September through December. As part of that project a twenty (20) inch diameter high density polypropylene pipeline will be installed along the railroad property from the water to the upland spoils site.
The pipeline will run across a pathway frequently used as a connection point between the harbor and Mason Avenue. Staff worked with the USACE staff to develop language for public information materials. The attached flyer is a draft of such material. As of Wednesday August 19th the USACE staff has no further comment on the draft flyer.
On the morning of Wednesday August 19th staff met with human resources and operational officers of the Bayshore Concrete plant to update them since a number of their employees cross the proposed pipeline location on foot and by bicycle to get to and from work. They also reviewed the draft flyer and said they would get the information to their employees through announcements at the plant.
Larry also notes that this is a fluid situation, and there still may be changes, however, this is the best information available as of Wednesday morning. DiRe has also sent the USACE project manager an email to see if there was a FAQ sheet available for boaters and residents.

Why can’t the pipeline be buried for that part of the area allowing people, bikes and golf carts to still have acdess to the harbor? Seems like a no brainer!
The article did not address if this pipeline is permanent or temporary. If temporary, it is not an issue, but a matter of patience regarding the citizens of the Town of Cape Charles. If permanent, then it is altogether another mater. Please more information regarding this.
Editor’s Note: The pipeline is very temporary, and is part of the USACE channel dredging project, which will be taking dredged material and moving it to the upland spoil site. Planner DiRe is meeting with USACE members this week, and will gather more information and details about the project. Early estimates are to have the project completed by December, but as Larry mentioned, so far this is still a very fluid situation, and things may change.