January 13, 2025

2 thoughts on “LETTER: Increased CAFOs will harm fragile groundwater supply

  1. Once again, we have an example of a thoughtfully composed, science-based rationale for restricting high-volume chicken houses in Northampton. Isn’t it ironic that the Supervisors seem to turn a deaf ear to logic on this and other arguments that fly in the face of their rezoning efforts? There are ways to improve the current ordinance, no doubt–it is supposed to be a “living” document, not written in stone. The answer is not found in the push for “finding out what the poultry industry wants,” increased density in the areas of the waterfront villages of Oyster and Willis Wharf, and several other risky and seemingly capricious rezoning provisions. There is still time for Supervisors to consider environmental impact and other studies before an irreversible Pandora’s box is opened.

  2. Thank you for reading my letter and commenting positively. I found some of the information I’d researched distressing, to say the least. The toxicity of the concentrate of these compounds cannot be stressed enough. Just airborne byproduct is enough to cause extreme respiratory issues. Especially in small children and the elderly. But one of my main concerns is this, if the Board of Supervisors will so readily change a zoning ordinance for chicken farmers, what else is coming down the pike. They are stepping out on a slippery slope. The lower Eastern Shore is at a cross roads. Now is the time to hold accountable those who would endanger a life style along with a habitat for an early profit today and a costly future tomorrow. Thank you again for reading.

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