Love the Eastern Shore? Join CBES!
Sign up by June 1-Enter to WIN Barrier Island Adventure…
What helped derail Northampton County’s fatally flawed zoning and put citizens back in the process? When those outside the Poultry Industry were not invited to the table who provided a bi-county forum on the “Community Impacts of Industrial Poultry”? It was as it has been since 1988, members-supported Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore.
The Eastern Shore is a haven of small town living, where watermen still till the tides and family farms carry on centuries of tradition. What an amazing rarity in today’s hectic A strong CBES membership is vital to help protect what our citizens value most. Join CBES and help continue our mission to promote balanced growth, enhance the quality of life for all citizens, and preserve our cultural and natural resources.
Purchase a membership, renew, or get your friends to join now through June 1 and for each membership you will be entered to win a “Barrier Island Adventure for 5” donated by Seaside Ecotours, Wachapreague. What better way to celebrate the natural beauty of this special place we call home?
Members receive the monthly ShoreLine News Journal. For 28 years ShoreLine has been an independent voice providing information and in-depth analysis not found elsewhere on a broad range of issues that can directly impact your family. Learn more about how CBES informs, engages, and empowers Shore citizens at Annual Memberships are $25, Life Memberships are $500. Join online at
You can also download online form and mail with check to: CBES, P.O. Box 882,For more information, contact CBES at, 757-678- 7157
CBES thanks Seaside Ecotours for their generous donation. Click to check out their unique barrier island tours.
I came here some some 27 years ago fron NYC and fought tooth and nail with the CBES because they were not performing what they claim they do.
We lost over 100 businesses, we’re going to lose the hospital, they lay the bulk of Taxes on the poor, they forced a decline in our population, our schools are in shambles, we lost the middle school, Mary Miller and those on the paper called CBES ( Citizens for Better Shore) stand for NO GROWTH and they know it. Propostion 15 and 16 was a good example – they want no growth . I was in the 2010 census and I saw the poverty, a black mother and child sleeping on the floor while her husband was sleeping in the tub; disgusting right? and the tears flowed out my eyes, and there are many stories like this. We are the poorest county in Virginia, or close to it, the average family income here in Northampton is $32,000, national @55,000, and the CBES say they look out for the people. Mary Miller came here and opened a business and immediately shut the door so no one else can do the same, and now look, our high school graduates leave the shore to find jobs some where else because there are none here.
I ran for supervisor and CBES made sure I did not get elected, because if I did I would have run them out of town.
I am not quite sure I understand your statement, “I fought tooth and nail with the CBES because they were not performing what they claimed to do.” You mentioned Proposition 15 and 16. Exactly what did they have to do with no growth on the Eastern Shore? Would you kindly please explain these two points for me?
Also, I understand the poverty on the Eastern Shore. I, too, have seen it firsthand. And you are correct, it would cause a man to cry. But, the fault does not lie at the feet of CBES as much as it points elsewhere. But, I won’t go into that right now. My understanding of CBES is this. First and foremost its purpose is to monitor and, if possible, protect the waterways and natural habitats that make up ninety percent of the Eastern Shore. Its second primary goal is promote a sustainable and healthy form of development within this fragile eco-system. Lastly, it provides information to Shore citizens where the government and other agencies fail to inform.
I think, Mr. Sacco, you would do well to take a hard look at what circumstance keeps the average family income at 32,000 and again take a hard look at the few whose personal property values reach way into the seven figure range and ask yourself just who are pulling the strings. Lastly, if the quality of the water and the land deteriorate to such an extent, and the basic commodities erode, who do you think will bear the suffering first? Not folks who can afford new water softeners, or add new septic fields or travel far distances to buy fresh and organic product. Growth is a two edge sword. Eastern Shore citizens should be thankful that CBES is at the vanguard of this sword, watching every step unscrupulous builders and “growth” experts take.
Your answer to my comments is not clear either;the difference between you and I is you think inside the box I think outside the box, I spoke to the CBES when running for Supervisor and I told them I will be pushing for different types of energy, like wind , tidal, and they told me the turbans would not work, that there there is no wind on the shore… stupid right? So I propose a nuclear retired submarine for tourist attraction they turned that down, I told them the outrageous energy cost to our poor citizens by running a propane pipe line from Maryland to lower cost by 60%, and they turned that down. I told them lowering the tax on farmers or none at all so the poor don’t have to pick up the tax;turned down again. I could go on an on, but why don’t you research the papers about all my comments and you will get a better and clear understand of why the CBES are a Skunk in Chicken clothing.
My last answer to you is it makes me sick thinking and talking about how rotten the CBES are to the Shore.
thank you a CBES member, you are also the problem or you continue to keep your head in the sand.
I know the CBES i dealt with them, one said there is no wind on Eastern Shore when I proposed WIND ENERGY to get their endorsement for Supervisor, as a matter of fact they physically threw me out the door, and were afraid to reopen.
They are keeping blacks back to obtain a better standard of living, Blacks family income is $18,000.00 I bet your’s well over a three figure amount
Anthony Sacco