January 22, 2025

15 thoughts on “Lucha Libre: Cape Charles Candidate Forum

  1. If any person in this town is stupid enough to re-elect Steve Bennett, to vote Dora Sullivan back into town office or to vote for Andy Bucholz, then you will get exactly what you deserve. While Dora Sullivan was mayor the town went more than 10 million dollars into debt. Steve and Andy both live in Bay Creek which means they will be looking out for Dickie Foster’s interest. The three of these people that are running for Town Council are more interested in tourism then they are the residents of the town. Steve Bennett is now not only looking out for Dickie Foster but he is now on the Eyre Baldwin train. I would love to see people get on This Town Council that will actually look out for the people who live here and not just worried about tourism. I would like to see water that doesn’t smell and taste bad. I would like to see a basketball court like they promised us years ago. I would like to see parking back to the way it originally was. This reverse angle parking is stupid! Don’t be fooled by any of these people into thinking that they are looking out for the best interest of this town. They are looking out for themselves, they will drive this down further into debt and our taxes will be increased. If you don’t believe what I’m saying then by all means vote them in. In the end you will see that I am right.

    1. Bay Creek is in Cape Charles which includes the harbor district, Historic District (which I own two properties) Marina Villages and the Marina (own by Cherrystone LLC) Dick Foster only has a 5% stake left in Bay Creek. Sinclair is the major investor in Bay Creek now and putting a large amount money and resources to develop this district. Do you even understand the amount of money that tourism bring in to Cape Charles? If no tourism, then you have no Businesses in town to hire the citizen of Cape Charles. Please educate yourself on what’s going on in town..

      1. Andy, I am not totally against tourism. I get that the small businesses need tourists to survive. What I AM AGAINST is these people that are driving this tiny town so far into debt. If they would spend just a little time on better water, a basketball court for THE LOCAL KIDS, and figure out how to stop THE RUNAWAY SPENDING maybe, just maybe I wouldn’t be so irate. This town of barely 1000 residents is more than 13 million dollars in debt. Do you think that’s normal? SERIOUSLY !!!

        1. In my experience, when there WAS a basketball court in town, it was hardly utilized by the local kids you seem to be so concerned with. It was generally used by middle aged people. Not say that having a recreation facility for citizens is a bad idea, just stating that it wasn’t used by children at all really. What’s left out of these comments is that the reason the hoops were taken down in the first place was because of all the fights that would happen there, including at least one that ended in a stabbing.

          1. The Hoops were taken down because the town gave away the school get your facts straight

          2. The hoops were taken down prior to the sale of the school. Ms. Bender, please “get your facts straight.” Also, anytime there is a monetary transaction in a business deal it’s considered a sale, not a gift. Let’s try to use less pathos when making arguments on this page before everyone resorts to name calling and acting like curmudgeons.

            Note: Ms. Bender is correct here. Town employees took down the hoops one week after Mayor Dora Sullivan signed over the park basketball court, the playground parking lot, and the old Cape Charles school to Echelon Resources, Inc., a private development firm. (see Story Here)

        2. I digress, thank you for clearing that up. One question however, if this website was designed to be an exercise in transparency, why do comments have to be approved or, subject to editing?

          Editor’s Note: We moderate comments mainly to be able to filter the profanity; we generally let most everything else go (as much as we love 4chan, we have to show some restraint, however, we have, at times, been accused of allowing too much). As far as editing, we generally only edit profanity, while trying our best to keep as much of the intent of the comment in tact. The editor is a bit of cynical idiot who probably enjoys adding his own snide comments a little too much, but what are you gonna do?

          It is our belief that the public dialog, via commentary like yours, is really the only interesting thing about the Cape Charles Mirror, and probably the only reason we bother with it. We just wish more folks were like you and Ms. Bender, and were willing to enter the debate. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

          1. So Jeremy did you mean to use the word apologize? Digress is hardly you saying you were wrong! It appears the YOU should get YOUR facts straight!

    2. If you want to create negative press for a candidate, I suggest doing better than: 1) He supports tourism, and 2) He lives in Baycreek. Just a thought.

      Note: Ms. Bender is exercising her right to criticism, pure and simple. If more folks directed their analysis towards those who will soon be handling a multi-million dollar budget, rather than a fellow citizen that dares cast a critical eye on the so-called process, we might all be a little better off.

      1. As I am exercising my right to be critical of her criticism. Her opinion of Sullivan and Bennett, it appears has some merit. The “analysis” on Andy wasn’t exactly a dissertation.

  2. There is something I just don’t get: How are Bay Creekers’ interests different from those living in the historic district? I would vote for fiscally-prudent candidates with management experience anywhere in Cape Charles, with one important exception: I would not vote for those who have recently recklessly pushed us into an unsustainable debt.

  3. I think Dana is on to something. But Deborah is also touching on the very essence of what may be both the downfall of tourism and consequently the downfall of Cape Charles economically. I will give you a quick example. Several years ago, my wife and I had the pleasure of staying at a B and B in Cape Charles. Our experience was pretty good. We have stayed at multiple B and B’s up and down the East Coast and have had good and mostly great experiences with B and B’s. Just last year we stayed at the same B and B where we had previously stayed and were sorely disappointed. The experience we had was vastly different and the amenities had degraded to the point we were actually uncomfortable. The shower water and the tap water had taken on a foul odor and the entire structure felt neglected. We decided we would not again stay there. Granted, some of the deficiencies were on the owner, but the bath facilities are another story. My point is this, discriminating visitors will markedly decrease their second or third visits if something is not done about the infrastructure of the potable and non-potable water in Cape Charles. The moral being, Cape Charles will stand to lose their status as a tourist destination quickly if this is not taken care of. My wife and I love coming to the Eastern Shore. We love the people, the serenity and the good food. We love Cape Charles. Personally, I could sleep on a blanket on the beach and bath in the bay if I could chose to do so, but my wife is a different story. I imagine most visitors would agree with me, it is the amenities that separate the good from the great. When given choices, most travelers are going to choose great over good every time. These are the issues you folks running for City Council should seriously consider. Get your house in order before the guests arrive. It’s just good manners.

  4. I would like to thank all who came out to vote. Also, congratulations to those who won. Although I may not agree with all decisions, I take issue more in the manner deals are sealed. Also, when our school was sold, there was the matter of money given over to the buyer exceeding greatly the sale price. Therefore, the buyer was paid to take it. I realize we cannot live on sentiment, but we also can not get by when we give away assets.

    The basketball courts were greatly used by the teenage boys in town. Used or not, they were public property and should not have been removed because certain folks do not like the idea of mostly African Americans doing something that keeps them out of trouble – Crashing the stereotypes and making them look foolish.


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