February 19, 2025

18 thoughts on “Mapping Short-Term Rentals

  1. Where is the map located?

    Editor’s Note: Scroll down the page, the map is an online/interactive version. You can scroll in to see more detail.

  2. The neighbors should make the Short Term Renters feel so uncomfortable that they would not only not return but leave poor reviews. There is always more than one way to skin a cat.

    1. And Yet You Respond? Bless Your Little Heart. LOL!

      Freedom of speech is unnecessary if the people to whom it is granted do not think for themselves

  3. The underlying principle of freedom of speech is the balance of self-restraint against spontaneous self-expression. Blessings to you, too.

    1. You claimed in this article http://www.capecharlesmirror.com/op-ed-racism-is-alive-and-well-on-the-eastern-shore/ that you vowed to never return again….. Paul Chandler says:
      June 25, 2018 at 10:35 pm
      There was a time when I used to occasionally glance at the Cape Charles Wave and laugh quietly to myself at the small-mindedness and pathetic back and forth in the comments section, mostly prompted by the ramblings of Mr. Wayne “I can’t wait to leave” Creed. Today I accidentally found myself here, at Wave 2.0. To my total lack of surprise nothing has changed. I vow never to return again. Enjoy your petty squabbles while the rest of us enjoy our resurgent town.

      So why are you not a man of your word? You must be a Liberal.

  4. I just rented a STR in Cape Charles & our experience was so horrible I will never look at Cape Charles the same again, We had a neighbor call the police on us & when the police told us we weren’t doing anything wrong the neighbor called the sheriff, For what? sitting out on the porch of our rental on a Friday night. He actually yelled “you don’t live here we do”. There was no music, no drinking, no party, Just a married couple on vacation sitting on the porch talking quietly. I live in Va Beach We deal with visitors every day including folks from CC who come to our Drs offices & stores & entertainment venues. I would hope you wouldn’t be treated the same way here as we were there. As far as the “Free Speech” coment-keep in mind that we are all entitled to many freedoms including speech because of the sacrifices others have made INCLUDING that couple on the porch, The husband is a veteran of multiple tours in the middle east. He deployed 2 days after the birth of their 2nd child. He left not knowing if that baby would know him when or if he returned at all. His wife was home alone with a newborn and a 2 year old. Their children have experienced birthdays, holidays & daddy daughter dances without their dad, Shame on anyone who thinks treating renters poorly is an acceptable solution. That’s not going to fix your problems, the genie is out of the bottle and the tourists are still coming. Just not my family EVER again.

    Editor’s Note: Thank you for your comment. We rarely get the other side of the story.

    1. And they tell us families cannot be separated. I can’t wait to see Operation [radio edit] 2025 in full swing.

    2. I am so so so sorry that you had to experience terrible full time neighbors. I hope you reached out to the owner so they could deal with the disrespect you received.

    3. I call BS. If you really weren’t ever going to come to CC ever again, what the heck are you doing on a site that’s all about CC? I think Mr. Bell’s comment just got under your skin so bad that you felt the need to make up a fake story.

  5. Dang; relax, everyone stop,
    sit down and enjoy a large warm glass of prune juice. Let it take effect…
    I think you’d all agree there’s too much online rudeness these days.
    Not the renters fault. I sympathize with them. I did a couple tours down South myself back in the mid 60’s and if someone got in my face over something like this there would
    have been fireworks. Might have faced charges.
    I don’t live in Cape Charles, (thank goodness), but my rural route address includes the words Cape Charles and I find all of this Sturm und Drang embarrasing.

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