January 21, 2025

2 thoughts on “MARY MILLER: The Comprehensive Plan – the People’s Roadmap for the Future

  1. Mary Miller again is trying to confuse the good people of Northampton about the Comprhensive plan

    of no growth, what Mary will not tell you the crafted proposal by her is not a law, I repeat it is not a law,

    its aprroved and addopted by the likes of the CBES as a guide not to approve growth in Northampton

    County but to put into control a rig system to fill their pockets (CBES) and stick their middle up to the

    good honest people of my beautiful Northampton County

    people of Northampton County, I repeat the Comprehensive is not LAW but words put on tiolet paper.

  2. Superb article (as always) by Mary Miller, former Planning Commission and probably…no actually…one of the most respected authorities on zoning and responsible planning short of Dr. Michael Chandler, arguable THE planning guru in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Even a cursory glance at the notes of the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee in 2012 (easily accessed on line..) 2 years before this county was splayed open via a ftrontal assault on property rights and law in the form of the preposterous 2014 zoning “amendment”, will let the reader know that the real men “behind the curtain” were working against the will of the majority of residents, as embodied in the 2009 Comprehensive Plan to seemingly accomplish their private agendas.
    These gentlemen, in an attempt to industrialize, commercialize, and break up our waterfronts into postage stamp-sized parcels, called on the National Association of Realtors to fund their work. The final report recommends steering business away from towns, building more industrial parks (remember STIP?), densely developing our waterfronts, and swinging the pendulum away from an agriculture and aquaculture emphasis into pursuits that would benefit those wishing to profit from turning this county into the unique resource it is into a gleaming and steaming Ocean City model.
    Hats off to Spencer Murray, Granville Hogg, and Robert Duer for disbanding this collage of private interests operating far outside the interests of the general public, and a bow to Cape Charles Mirror for printing this great article. And to Mary Miller, an electronic bouquet of roses and a toast with the finest wine.

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