January 13, 2025

9 thoughts on “New Royal Farms: Has the Developer Lost Vested Rights?

  1. Why is it fine and dandy for Mr. Hogg to sell his property to a commercial enterprise which will locate istself on the rt. 13 but not anyone else?

    The very fact that Mr. Hogg has sold this property for a commercial business and is now saying he is against someone else using their property on rt. 13 for a business venture is the very definition of a hypocrite.

    1. AT is correct about the self serving actions of Mr. Hogg. Route should should be used for commercial use to benefit all of us. Off Route 13 is for farming and the very slow development we would experience.

  2. About 20 years ago we were able to stop the construction of a major prison complex in Capeville .

    A serious concern was the amount of fresh water required to be taken from our sole source aquifer . Saltwater intrusion into the only source of drinking would be disastrous . This happened across the Maryland line when the prison opened there .

    Has the water requirements for a major commercial development like this Royal Farms been done ?

  3. What impact does the Nassawadox Shore Memorial Hospital have on the ground water system?

    Better yet what impact does Northampton Counties largest nursery/land monger have on the aquifer? What happens to all of the pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, & other kinds of icides that runoff onto the ground and into the aquifer from this nursery? How many of migrant workers have cancer or have died from cancer from working with the chemicals that these ‘farmers’ use on their agriculture, horticulture, and floriculture lands?

    What impact will the new medical building have on the ground water — A building which is to be built on the property that Mr. Hogg sold, while serving as a member of the board of supervisors?

    Commercial business SHOULD be located on the rt. 13 corridor because that is where the business is & everything else can be kept as primarily farmland. Would potential commercial business on rt. 13 possibly attract more visitors to the local towns of Northampton?

    I hope we soon get a state of the art high speed mag-lift train built that connects the shore to Virginia Beach and then onward to Richmond, Washington D.C., and New York.

    This is because the residents of the Eastern Shore deserve a first world quality of life, not a third world hell.

    As far as the Planning & Zoning department- Please make sure to leave enough room on rt.13 for setbacks that can accommodate the high speed mag-lift train project & also enough room for a bicycle trail as well.

    Let the free market system speak for itself and locate itself where it deems to be logical – The rt. 13 corridor seems to be a logical place for this kind of activity and it has been ever since the Chesapeake Bay Bridge was completed/connected to Northampton County.

    1. Any project that threatens the availability of drinking water in Northampton County should be scrutinized .

      In fact it just might be a good time for an in-depth review of how close we are now to the dreaded tipping point in our sole source aquifer when salt water intrusion stops all progress .

  4. The Northampton middle school was lost a long time ago now and soon the hospital will be gone too, so they won’t be consuming very much ground water.

    Do these losses allow adequate replenishment of the aquifer to the extent that a new gas station might be sustained?

    Why is it okay to continue drilling wells for mixing up a vast array of toxic chemicals to grow plants but not for other kinds of business?

  5. So now there will be three more abandoned gas stations in that area. Three small business owners put out of business. There is no net gain for the county. Not in taxes, not in jobs.

  6. There are abandoned gas stations in that area because those people either didn’t know how to run a business and/or county officials have disrupted the free market economy in Northampton to the extent that nothing can survive.

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