Arlington, Va–The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission met Monday to consider additional restrictions on striped bass fishing, but ultimately decided to hold off on any new measures until reconsideration of the matter in early 2025.
According to an announcement from the ASMFC, the Commission chose a longer-term approach.
The action responds to the results of the 2024 Stock Assessment Update, which indicates the resource remains overfished but is not experiencing overfishing. Short-term projections estimate an increase in fishing mortality in 2025 due to the above average 2018 year-class entering the current recreational ocean slot limit combined with the lack of strong year-classes behind it. This action is intended to increase the probability of rebuilding the stock by adjusting subsequent 2026 management measures to ensure the stock is on the necessary rebuilding trajectory.
At the meeting, the Board considered two possible paths forward. The first was to take immediate Board action to reduce fishing mortality in 2025. The second was a longer, more comprehensive process given one of the primary options being considered is seasonal closures, which represents a new management approach for the Board. Ultimately, the Board chose the second path by initiating an addendum that would provide the Board more time to develop a fuller suite of management options, allow for the incorporation of full 2024 fishery removals data, and afford the public with a more robust opportunity to provide input.
Reproduction rates for striped bass have plummeted over the last six years.
Maryland’s young-of-year survey indicates that there have been six consecutive years of poor reproduction in the Chesapeake Bay, which accounts for 70% to 90% of all striped bass along the Atlantic coast.
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