February 19, 2025

14 thoughts on ““OMG, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES, THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING” – For those who like plenty of drama.

  1. Yes, people, if you like drama, the more the better, and the more convoluted the plot the better, and let us face, people, who doesn’t, especially when the polar vortex is bearing down on us, making it too cold to venture far from our fires, then you simply have to love this drama that Barack Obama and his administration are providing us with to take our minds off of all the Christmas shopping we still have left to do with this Russian hacking scandal that Obama tells us was intended to rob Hillary Clinton of the office of U.S. president and instead, award that office to Donald Trump.

    If you love drama, then you will find yourself presented with literal gobs of it in the CNN story “Obama all but names Putin as behind hacking, told him to ‘cut it out'” by Kevin Liptak, CNN White House Producer, Friday, December 16, 2016 where we are given the following details about this on-going passion play that just might be Barack Hussein Obama’s last great HURRAH as he prepares to march off into the dustbin of American history when his term of office finally comes to and end in January of next year:

    President Barack Obama on Friday all but named Russian President Vladimir Putin as behind Moscow’s alleged attempts to meddle in the US election, vowing retaliation for the moves and defending himself against criticism his administration acted too slowly.

    end quotes

    Now how about that for edge-of-the-seat suspense, people!

    That is about as serious as it can possibly get, when an American president like Barack Obama all but does something like naming Russian President Vladimir Putin as being behind Moscow’s alleged attempts to meddle in the US election.

    In fact, the only thing that could be even more serious would be to actually name Russian President Vladimir Putin as behind Moscow’s alleged attempts to meddle in the US election, but to do that too soon, I mean actually name him, as opposed to the penultimate stage of almost naming him, would spoil the flow of the drama, and that is what it is all about in the big-time show business that American presidential politics has become, that necessary sense of theatrical timing that keeps us common folks on the edge of our seats, waiting for the next hammer blow to fall.

    But let’s look at what we do have from CNN to savor here so far:

    Without directly answering whether Putin ordered up the cyberactivity that US intelligence says was meant to bolster Donald Trump, Obama described government in Russia as tightly controlled by the man at the top.

    end quotes

    Now there is the way you do it, people, when you are a pro at exploiting the art of communication as Barack Obama is, a dominator when it comes to being an oratorical genius as well as being world-class rhetorician!

    You don’t tell them something straight out like Putin actually did order up the cyberactivity that US intelligence says was meant to bolster Donald Trump.

    No, you come at it obliquely as follows to keep us in suspense:

    “Not much happens in Russia without Vladimir Putin,” he said.

    “This happened at the highest levels of the Russian government.”

    end quotes

    I read that, people, and I actually find myself shuddering, and that is saying something, since not much makes me shudder these days, but that sure did, as does this following from the CNN article:

    Obama said he personally confronted Putin about the hacking in September on the sidelines of the Group of 20 summit in China, telling the Russian leader to “cut it out” and warned of “serious consequences if he didn’t.”

    end quotes

    “Cut it out, c’mon, buddy, quit doing that ****, or as sure as my name is Barack Obama, some serious consequences are going to come your way if you don’t cause I’m going to give you such a clout as you have never had before!”

    Now, doesn’t that sound like something a real hero like, say, Jimmy Cagney or John Wayne would say to some despicable thug?

    But as action-packed with drama as that confrontation was, the “cut it out” episode as it is now known in diplomatic circles, the drama does not end there folks, not be a long-shot:

    After unleashing a string of putdowns about Russia, describing America’s Cold War adversary as “a weaker country” that “doesn’t produce anything anyone wants to buy except oil and gas and arms,” Obama conceded the country could exploit political divisions in the United States.

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    How about that for giving them Russians something to think about, alright, calling them in public “a weaker country that doesn’t produce anything anyone wants to buy except oil and gas and arms!”

    Isn’t that one of the best presidential put-downs of another country by an American president that there has ever been?

    But then, people, to keep the drama flowing, which is the name of the game in presidential politics in the 21st century in the United States of America, the message turns deadly serious:

    “They (the hated and feared Russians) can impact us if we lose track of who we are.”

    “They can impact us if we abandon our values,” Obama said.

    He attacked Republicans for siding with an arch-enemy of the United States because of their dislike of Democrats.

    He warned, “Mr. Putin can weaken us just like he is trying to weaken Europe if we start buying into notions that it is okay to intimidate the press or lock up dissidents.”

    end quotes



    Now, I’m really scared!

    I almost am too scared to finish this because I feel I have to run and hide before our arch-enemy Russia finds me and turns me into a Trump supporter.

    See how effective this presidential use of drama can be in manipulating public opinion, making us into little more than puppets on a presidential string?

    To close, let us one more time go back to CNN for the following:

    On Friday, he said that Russia’s cyber meddling “was not some elaborate complicated espionage scheme,” arguing instead that a hyperpartisan political environment led to an obsession with leaked emails.

    “I’m finding it curious that everybody is suddenly acting surprised that this looked like disadvantaging Hillary Clinton because you guys wrote about it everyday,” Obama said.

    “This was an obsession that dominated the news coverage.”

    Overall, Obama contended, Clinton was “treated unfairly” in the presidential contest.

    “I think the coverage of her and the issues was troubling,” Obama said.

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    Now I really have to stop because that thought that Hillary Clinton was treated unfairly in the presidential contest by the Russians and the press in this country has me weeping copious tears that make it almost impossible to see the computer keyboard, and that is when you really know that the drama is at its best, when it makes us break down and cry as it is doing right here with that thought of poor Hillary.

  2. “In the end, she had the Russians and the FBI deal, and she couldn’t prevail against that!”

    That people, was none other than Bill Clinton himself speaking on the record this morning in Albany, New York as he met with the other electors of New York state to cast his vote for wife Hillary, explaining to us why his wife Hillary lost the election for U.S. president.

    Those pesky Russians, who have so much influence over the American people, obviously more influence than Hillary herself had, were simply too strong for her, too much to overcome.

    And that really seems to be the story here, people, how, according to people in the know like Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and James Clapper, Moscow and Putin have come to have more control over the American people than our own politicians have in the America of today, to the point of where the Russians were actually able to steal this election away from Hillary Clinton, and instead, award the position of U.S. president to Donald Trump.

    According to that premise, we now look to Russia and Putin for the truth, as opposed to our own federal government in Washington, D.C., and why would that be?

    Is it because we can no longer look to our own government for the truth?

    Is it because our own federal government has become so untrustworthy, that we would rather trust Putin and the Russians, instead?

    And that thought takes us back to the CNN story “Obama all but names Putin as behind hacking, told him to ‘cut it out’” by Kevin Liptak, CNN White House Producer, Friday, December 16, 2016, where Obama himself attacked Republicans for siding with an arch-enemy of the United States because of their dislike of Democrats.

    Doesn’t that sound like treason on the part of these Republicans who sided with America’s arch-enemy Russia because of their dislike of Democrats?

    Or does it sound like hype?

    Is Obama now accusing every American citizen who doesn’t vote Democrat of being a Russian sympathizer, or worse yet, a Russian tool or stooge?

    Will the name-calling by these Democrats never end?

    We have been called racists by Hillary Clinton if we have white skin, we have been lumped into a basket of deplorables if we didn’t like Hillary Clinton, and now, we are Russian stooges?

    It is getting to be a bit much, if you ask me, especially if we drop back in time a little over a month ago to the U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT story “DNC Staff: Arrogance Cost Clinton the Election – The Democratic National Committee is raging against the Hillary Clinton campaign machine” by David Catanese, Senior Politics Writer, November 11, 2016, at 5:27 p.m, wherein we were informed:

    On Thursday, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, held a conference call with devastated staffers that put the rosiest possible frame on a calamitous picture.

    The message to the dozens of mostly young, sleep-deprived and shell-shocked aides: We did everything we could have.

    We wouldn’t have changed a thing.

    You should still be proud.

    Inside the Democratic National Committee headquarters, which sits half a mile south of the U.S. Capitol, eyes rolled and heads shook in frustration and disbelief.

    Clinton’s loss at the hands of Donald Trump amounted to the most surprising outcome in the history of modern electoral politics.

    Of course things could’ve been done differently.

    And ignoring that fact wasn’t going to make the searing defeat any easier.

    “We are pissed at them and state parties are pissed at them because they lost due to arrogance,” a top DNC staffer tells U.S. News, sharing the candid sentiment suffusing the high levels of the committee in exchange for anonymity.

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    WOW, people, how about that now, will you!

    They lost due to arrogance.

    But no, that can’t be – quick, change the narrative!

    Make the narrative say something different – make it be somebody else’s fault!

    So we then had a story from REUTERS by Luciana Lopez and Ginger Gibson on 11 NOVEMBER 2016, where we were told this:

    Hillary Clinton blamed FBI director James Comey for her stunning defeat in Tuesday’s presidential election in a conference call with her top campaign funders on Saturday, according to two participants on the call

    Clinton has kept a low profile since her defeat after delivering her concession speech on Wednesday morning.

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    How is that for blame-shifting, people?

    Pretty good, wasn’t it?


    end quote

    But in the end, people, it was just too pedestrian of an accusation to make, too bland, too boring to keep the drama going, because nobody even has a clue as to who Comey is, so he lacks the necessary thug-factor to really star as a villain in this heart-rending drama the Clintons are presenting us with here, to get that word “arrogance” out of our heads before the thought actually sticks.


    I’ve got it!

    Let’s pin it on Putin!

    EVERYBODY knows he is a thug, and nobody likes him, so that makes him the perfect fall-guy to take the blame for Hillary’s election loss here.

    See how it works, people?

    If you want to be in major-league politics here in America today like Hillary Clinton, you don’t need a speechwriter, you need a good Hollywood script writer, someone with a necessary sense of how a good drama has to flow if you want to keep everybody’s attention riveted to it, to distract them away from the reality that Hillary Clinton simply was not a good presidential candidate, which is why she lost.

    Suck it up, Hillary, it was not the Russians who cost you this election.

    It was yourself.

  3. As an older American who grew up literally surrounded by and just about swamped with all the PARANOIA that existed in the United States of America in the 1950s and 1960s, all that CRAP and HYPE about the “RED MENACE,” and the “RED SCARE” and the dreaded “IRON CURTAIN” coming down on us in the form of Russian paratroopers coming down on us from the north, which they never did because they knew we were all armed here in America, or at least where I am, and that we would be shooting them in their parachute harnesses as they came down, there being no fair or gentleman’s rules about shooting Russian paratroopers while they were still in the air when they are invading your country, which acted as such a strong deterrent on them that never once did they even try it, nor would they today for the same reason, I have to wonder who exactly it is United States President Barack Hussein Obama is talking to in the CNN story “Obama all but names Putin as behind hacking, told him to ‘cut it out’” by Kevin Liptak, CNN White House Producer, Friday, December 16, 2016, when he says as follows:

    “They (the hated and feared Russians) can impact us if we lose track of who we are.”

    “They can impact us if we abandon our values,” Obama said.

    He attacked Republicans for siding with an arch-enemy of the United States because of their dislike of Democrats.

    end quote



    Let me get this straight!

    Let me try to understand the geopolitical complexity and implications and ramifications of what he is saying here: if we lose track of who we are, people, then the hated and feared Russians can impact us.

    Is anyone out there following that, because frankly, I am lost.

    Too much nuance, I think, for me to grasp the subtlety of the underlying message.

    Why would we lose track of who we are?

    How is that even possible?

    How could we even function if we lose track of who we are?

    It wouldn’t be possible, would it, which makes me wonder where Barack Obama gets these strange notions from in the first place.

    And as to that, exactly who is the “we” that Obama is talking about who could lose track of who they are, because it sure does not include me, and what does that mean, “who we are?”

    I’m a human being.

    How can I lose track of that?

    And what of his statement that the Russians can impact us if we abandon our values?

    What are our values in this country anymore?

    Does anyone have a clue?

    If we don’t know what our values even are, then they are already abandoned, which makes it too late.

    Maybe that is why the Russians now have so much control over us today, at least according to Barack Obama and Bill Clinton and John Podesta.

    Because we abandoned our values, we are now a nation of Russian dupes, and as a result, Donald Trump and not Hillary Clinton is our next president, and for Hillary, poor dear, the world has turned upside down.

    As I say, if you love DRAMA, especially the passion-loaded soap-opera variety, then you just have to be loving this RUSSIA-gate passion play that we are being treated to, free of charge, no cable connection fee required, by the administration of United States president Barack Hussein Obama.

  4. As a footnote to this above farce playing itself out on the international stage, where out-going loyal Democrat president Barack Hussein Obama is trying to pin Hillary Clinton’s loss in this last presidential election on everyone under the sun, but not on himself, Hillary Clinton or the Democrat party Obama owes fealty to as a loyal Democrat, the so-called “report” of the FBI and DHS that Obama based his latest round of belligerent and bellicose actions against Russia on, comes with a curious disclaimer on it, according to the Law Newz article “What’s Behind Mysterious ‘Disclaimer’ on Top of DHS/FBI Big Russia Hacking Report” by Rachel Stockman on December 31st, 2016:

    Many have noticed that on top of the Joint Report issued on Thursday by the FBI and U.S. Department of Homeland Security on the Russian hacks, there is a very peculiar thing: A disclaimer stating that “The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) does not provide any warranties of any kind regarding any information contained within.”

    end quote

    According to that article, “Some have speculated that the disclaimer is evidence that the federal government won’t stand by their findings.”

    “As a legal website, we always read the fine print too, and wanted to find out what this means.”

    “The report, which came out at the same time that President Obama announced sanctions against Russia, has drawn criticism for being sparse on details.”

    “For example, even though the report is 13 pages long, the last 7 pages are general tips to the public about how to guard against cyber security threats.”

    “But, drawing even more attention is that mysterious disclaimer at the top.”

    “What does it mean?”

    “We consulted with Stewart Baker, a cyber security attorney, and former first Assistant Secretary for Policy at the Department of Homeland Security under President George W. Bush.”

    “He admitted that during his years at DHS, he doesn’t recall seeing this type of disclaimer on reports that he reviewed.”

    end quotes

    Have we been SPOOFED here by Barack Obama, people?

    Would loyal Democrat Barack Hussein Obama blow smoke up our collective backsides to score political points for himself and his so-called “legacy?”

    Would Obama spin yarns and tall tales and spew copious amounts of pure hog **** in an effort to pull the wool over our eyes to draw attention away from the fact that Hillary Clinton is now a political two-time loser, which puts her in a class with Harold Stassen?

    Not believing a single word that comes out of Washington, D.C., the lying capital of the world, anymore, especially from the CIA, which answers to Barack Obama and does covert operations for Barack Obama, like overthrowing governments in places like Syria using terrorists as a mercenary army, or any of the other political “intelligence” agencies down there, which seem to be devoid of any actual intelligence themselves, I would answer all three in the affirmative.

    Yes, Barack Obama, IN MY OPINION, would cause to be fabricated, like LBJ did with the Tonkin Gulf Incident back in the VEET NAM times, a “report” that he would then use to cause a stir for himself on the international stage for his own aggrandizement and ego satisfaction.

    The other footnote here, and it is an interesting one, is that loyal Democrat Obama has declared in one of his presidential DECREES that the Democrat National Committee, a private partisan political organization that is not a part of our federal government, and if truth be told, represents a clear and present danger to it, is now a part of this nation’s “critical infrastructure,” a charge I find quite incredible, given that the DNC is not supposed to be involved in presidential elections, itself, if people remember back to the recent Wasserman Schultz scandal that caused her ouster as head of the DNC.

    That story of Obama making the DNC part of our nation’s “critical infrastructure” begins with an article in THE HILL entitled “White House could announce retaliation against Russia Thursday: report” by Katie Bo Williams, 28 DECEMBER 2016, wherein was stated:

    The White House is expected to announce a series of retaliatory measures against Russia for meddling in the U.S. election as soon as Thursday, CNN reported.

    Obama has been under pressure from some Democrats to issue a response to Russia over the hacking before he cedes the White House to Donald Trump in January.

    Critics fear that Trump, who has expressed a desire for warmer relations with the Kremlin, will take no action against Russia.

    According to the Post, the White House is still hammering out how best to adapt a 2015 executive order that gave the president the authority to levy sanctions against foreign actors who carry out cyberattacks against the U.S.

    But officials concluded this past fall that the order does not cover the kind of covert influence operation that the Intelligence Community believes Russia carried out during the election – hacking political organizations and leaking stolen emails with the goal of influencing the outcome.

    Officials told the newspaper that the order could be amended to clearly designate that it applies to election interference, or the government could declare the electoral system “critical infrastructure” – a controversial proposal that states have pushed back on in the past.

    If the administration relies on the original 2015 order, it will also have to demonstrate some proof that the individuals or entities it names were involved in the scheme.

    Up until now, the White House has provided little documentation to back up its official October assessment that the Russian government was attempting to “interfere” in the U.S. election.

    end quote

    Obama’s addition of the DNC to a list of this nation’s “critical infrastructure” was detailed in the article “Putin Exposes Obama’s Lame Duck Attempt to Start a New Cold War by Refusing to Retaliate” by Claire Bernish, December 30, 2016, as follows:

    Yesterday, the White House issued an eleventh-hour amendment to a 2015 Executive Order allowing proportional cyber and military response to attacks on “critical infrastructure” to include State actors who “(t)amper with, alter, or cause a misappropriation of information with the purpose or effect of interfering with or undermining election processes or institutions.”

    By so doing, the administration was then able to issue sanctions against Russian entities and individuals – including the expulsion of 35 diplomats from the United States within 72 hours of the decree, and barring entry to two compounds – as a response for allegations “Russian hackers” had interfered in the presidential election.

    Obama boldly declared “data theft and disclosure activities could only have been directed by the highest levels of the Russian government” – intimating these actions were coordinated from as high a position as Putin, himself – an accusation previously and repeatedly laughed off by Russian officials.

    Indeed, no proof of the “hackers” claim has yet been offered – a joint “report” from the Department of Homeland Security and Federal Bureau of Investigation released the same day bore no evidence Russian State actors had meddled in the electoral process, much less hacked systems of the Democratic Party or the election.

    Notably, that joint “report” even came with a disclaimer which, in essence, says DHS does not back the information it contains, stating, “This report is provided ‘as is’ for informational purposes only.”

    end quotes

    The farcical comedy offered up to us by Obama as one of his last political acts, one that seals his fate as a political amateur on the world stage who in eight long years was never able to get the training wheels off his hapless administration, then played itself out in the New York Times article “Vladimir Putin Won’t Expel U.S. Diplomats as Russian Foreign Minister Urged” by NEIL MacFARQUHAR, DEC. 30, 2016, as follows:

    In a head-spinning turn of events on Friday, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia announced that he would not retaliate against President Obama’s decision to expel Russian diplomats and impose new sanctions — hours after his foreign minister recommended doing just that.

    “While we reserve the right to take reciprocal measures, we’re not going to downgrade ourselves to the level of irresponsible ‘kitchen’ diplomacy,” Mr. Putin said, using a common Russian idiom for quarrelsome and unseemly acts.

    “This is a perfect step because it makes Obama’s administration look very weak and it opens a new page in relations with Trump,” said Vladimir Frolov, an international affairs analyst and a columnist.

    Before Mr. Lavrov spoke, Maria Zakharova, a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, took to Facebook to denounce the Obama administration, although she spared Mr. Kerry the bulk of her criticism.

    Ms. Zakharova called the administration “a group of a foreign-policy losers, embittered and narrow-minded.”

    “Today, America, the American people, were humiliated by their own president,” she wrote.

    end quote

    To close, I can’t argue with Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova calling the Obama administration “a group of a foreign-policy losers,” because I call them that myself.

    I do, however, take issue with her statement that anything Obama does humiliates me as one of the American people.

    Obama might have humiliated America, and he certainly made himself look petty and small and untruthful, but as an American citizen, he did not humiliate me, as I did not vote to have him in there, and so, take no responsibility for his actions.

    And there is where this story presently rests.

  5. TREASON. Eight years of treason by Obama, Hillary & others. Trading five top terrorists for a traitor who deserted & went to his Muslim pals. Billions to Iran so they can keep killing American troops with IED’s & other weapons. 20% of our uranium to Russia and come on class, what is uranium used for? Try mushroom clouds over American cities. If you were Putin, who would you rather deal with, Hillary or Donald?

    A Fifth Column in this country with all these nonsensical rabble-rousing protests up to & including the innauragarition on Jan 20th.

    Total insanity with the Democrat mayors sticking with sanctuary cities & now it’s catchin on with colleges and others who are OK with violent felons running loose & picking off the residents at will. This makes as much sense as each city having a zoo & allowing the tigers, lions, polar bears and the like to live among the population and eat to their heart’s content.

    What a disgrace we are from what we once were . Grossly overpaid athletes who never sacrificed a thing for this country disrespecting the Anthem and the flag & little spoiled brat college students traumatized by the electiong not going their way & not being able to attend class or take tests, they are so badly disturbed. Our men hit the beachs at Normandy & suffered horrible trauma & next day saddled up & fought on.

    What contradictions. The age of majority reduced to 18 AGAINST THE WISHES OF THE VOTERS IN NEW JERSEY, and now they are 26, living in their parents basement & need to be covered on the parents health insurance. Meanwhile they have a hugge debt and a college degree in some worthless easy major with no hope of employment. I believe it’s called a collge loan but the money can be used for stereo equipment at Walmart or a vacation in Florida and now what? I’m maybe on the hook to finance all I never enjoyed? Free college for all, at least if their parents earn less than some arbitrary amount and in what major? Something society needs or some already overloaded field?

    We knew Obamacre could not work & we knew the Democrats were committing political suicide & even as the ship is way below it’s waterline they persist. Obama lives in a fantasy land & every sentence he speaks is the cause of laughter in the news room. About the economy & jobs, about international relations and about race relations. All have suffered under his watch. Now he wants to continue with a shadow government, a Fifth Column along with Holder, Soros, Michael Moore & other no-accounts and block as much of what his successor plans as possible, and oh, I forgot the clown from NY, the senator who was “born to legislate”.


  6. Obama is pardoning hundreds, maybe thousands of drug dealers, some also convicted of violent crimes and many with illegal weapons possession so they can return to the ghettoes & continue their lives of crime. Let’s face it. Obama is a racist & in every speech he faults the Christians, the whithe people, especially the police, and the way our country has behaved since its inception. Like Gerinimo & Sitting Bull, Obama does not like the “white man’s law”. Too many black drug pushers in jail.

    This year, more than 700 murders in Obama’s home city of Chicago. The police give the cause as gangs & DRUGS and letting these dealers go free is insane. Just think of what an insult this is to the JURORS who did their civic duty and lost time & money by serving, only to have the president know better than they & overturn their hard work. The president violates his OATH by only enforcing the laws he agrees with and so he is also an ANARCHIST.

    The legacy must go because the entire thing is wrong, so please stand back & let a MAN get us back on the rails.

  7. I have to confess to an absence in here because the constant and continual emanations from out of DRAMA CENTRAL, as the ten miles square is now known up here to the north of you, have become so bizarre that I have literally been rendered speechless.

    I don’t have the words anymore to describe just how ridiculous the national “government” in Washington, D.C. has become, a literal buffoon-o-cracy like something straight out of the pages of National Lampoon back in the VEET NAM times.

    This is such campy high farce going on now with the Russia/Trump thingy-dingy, where the former British spy who spilled the goods on Putin and the Russians owning Trump, lock, stock and barrel and exposed him as a Manchurian Candidate who is a clear and present danger to our government, which means Obama can have the CIA assassinate him with an executive order, sort of how Kennedy got taken out of the saddle back when, has had to give his cat to his neighbor for safekeeping and himself go into hiding in fear of his life from the Russians coming to kill him for outing that Trump was their fully-owned tool, that I lack the verbosity to even be able to talk about it.

    This the kind of slapstick, ridiculous high farce you would expect to see for entertainment in summer stock at the Cape Cod Playhouse, not coming out of the nation’s capital on the nightly news.

    And the bottom line is that now, you cannot believe a word a single one of them is saying, including all the so-called, supposed “intelligence” agencies, all of which answer to Barack Obama, nor can you believe Trump himself.

    They are all full of **** and every day, the mountain of BULL**** just gets higher and higher and higher.

    Pretty soon, people will be begging for the smell of chicken manure so as to mask the smell out of Washington, D.C. when the weather is right.

    And speaking of galloping STUPID on the hoof while at the same time being only two heartbeats away from the Oval Office, God help the nation for that, how about that Paul Ryan the other day at the CNN town hall replying to a woman who identified herself as a DACA recipient with a young daughter.

    DACA, for those unfamiliar with the term, means “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals,” a program under which hundreds of thousands of these immigrants gained temporary protections and work permits from President Barack Obama.

    According House Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday, January 12, 2017, Congressional Republicans are working with the Trump transition team on a solution for immigrants brought illegally to this country as kids.

    What year, or even what century they might finally come up with something for these children has not been mentioned.

    Now given that these children have been granted protection by our national government, mockery and disgrace that it now is, an infantile clown show that never ends, why should Trump be taking it away?

    Or the Congressional Republicans, for that matter.

    Are these children who have permits from our government to live and work here somehow a threat to our national security?

    If so, stop the damn dithering, and spell out how that is so.

    If not, stop putting g these children into fear.

    It is UN-AMERICAN to do so.

    Only cowards pick on children, Paul Ryan.

    As to Ryan’s response to this young woman, who is now living in fear in the supposed land of opportunity, a response which can be heard on the internet as he delivered it, according to the NBCNY story “Ryan Says GOP, Trump Working on Solution for Immigrant Kids – While campaigning for president, Donald Trump promised to undo the protections Obama out in place” by Eric Werner, Ryan told her he did not want to see her deported.

    “I can see you love your daughter, you are a nice person who has a great future ahead of you, and I hope your future is here,” Ryan said.

    “What we have to do is find a way to make sure that you can get right with the law, and we’ve got to do this in a good way so that the rug doesn’t get pulled out from under you and your family gets separated.”

    end quotes

    Get right with the law?


    How is she wrong with the law?

    If she has a DACA permit from our ridiculous national government, then what the hell law is she wrong with?

    And what law can she get right with, when rocket scientist Ryan does not even know what the law is.

    To be truthful, and I say this having immigrant friends, it sounds very much like Ryan is trying to shake her down – “There, there, little missy, these things cost moola, you know, they’re not free, so how much can you come up with to show you are a good citizen?”

    This disgusting, ridiculous state of affairs in our nation’s capital today reminds me of the disgusting, ridiculous state of affairs in this nation at its beginning as described in FEDERALIST No. 62 for the Independent Journal in 1788 by Virginia’s own native son James “Jemmy” Madison, as follows:

    To the People of the State of New York:

    Every nation, consequently, whose affairs betray a want of wisdom and stability, may calculate on every loss which can be sustained from the more systematic policy of their wiser neighbors.

    But the best instruction on this subject is unhappily conveyed to America by the example of her own situation.

    She finds that she is held in no respect by her friends; that she is the derision of her enemies; and that she is a prey to every nation which has an interest in speculating on her fluctuating councils and embarrassed affairs.

    The internal effects of a mutable policy are still more calamitous.

    It poisons the blessing of liberty itself.

    It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man, who knows what the law is to-day, can guess what it will be tomorrow.

    Law is defined to be a rule of action; but how can that be a rule, which is little known, and less fixed?

    Another effect of public instability is the unreasonable advantage it gives to the sagacious, the enterprising, and the moneyed few over the industrious and uniformed mass of the people.

    Every new regulation concerning commerce or revenue, or in any way affecting the value of the different species of property, presents a new harvest to those who watch the change, and can trace its consequences; a harvest, reared not by themselves, but by the toils and cares of the great body of their fellow-citizens.

    This is a state of things in which it may be said with some truth that laws are made for the FEW, not for the MANY.

    In another point of view, great injury results from an unstable government.

    The want of confidence in the public councils damps every useful undertaking, the success and profit of which may depend on a continuance of existing arrangements.

    What prudent merchant will hazard his fortunes in any new branch of commerce when he knows not but that his plans may be rendered unlawful before they can be executed?

    What farmer or manufacturer will lay himself out for the encouragement given to any particular cultivation or establishment, when he can have no assurance that his preparatory labors and advances will not render him a victim to an inconstant government?

    In a word, no great improvement or laudable enterprise can go forward which requires the auspices of a steady system of national policy.

    But the most deplorable effect of all is that diminution of attachment and reverence which steals into the hearts of the people, towards a political system which betrays so many marks of infirmity, and disappoints so many of their flattering hopes.

    No government, any more than an individual, will long be respected without being truly respectable; nor be truly respectable, without possessing a certain portion of order and stability.


  8. Can anyone believe the staying power of this BULL**** storm about so-called “Russian meddling” in the 2016 presidential election lost by Hillary Rodham Clinton that is still coming at us from out of MOROMICA on the Potomac, as former Washington, D.C. is now known?

    I started this thread entitled “OMG, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES, THE RUSSIANS ARE COMING – For those who like plenty of drama” on December 18, 2016, and here it is, July 15, 2017, seven months later and the BULL**** storm is still blowing strong, like a Texas Blue Norther.

    And here I am referring to the USA TODAY story “Ryan: Russian election meddling is ‘absolutely unacceptable'” by Erin Kelly on 12 JULY 2017, wherein was stated:

    WASHINGTON — House Speaker Paul Ryan said Wednesday it is “absolutely unacceptable” that Russia interfered in the U.S. presidential election and urged congressional investigators and special counsel Robert Mueller to get to the truth.

    end quotes



    What interference, Paul Ryan?

    When I started this thread back in December of last year, I made sure to quote from an article in THE HILL entitled “Obama admin defends vote integrity after hacking fears” by Mallory Shelbourne on 11/26/16, wherein was stated as follows:

    The Obama administration has defended the integrity of the presidential election despite fears of Russia attempting to undermine the vote.

    A statement of confidence in the election as “free and fair from a cybersecurity perspective” came Friday as some liberal opponents of President-elect Donald Trump pushed for recounts in three states.

    In its statement, the administration blasted Russian-directed hacking and release of emails from Democratic groups over the summer, according to The New York Times.

    “Nevertheless, we stand behind our election results, which accurately reflect the will of the American people,” the statement added.

    The administration said it was “confident in the overall integrity of electoral infrastructure” and that the “elections were free and fair from a cybersecurity perspective.”

    end quotes

    As I said then, so which is it, people?

    If, as the Obama administration told us on 11/26/16, the “elections were free and fair from a cybersecurity perspective,” then what exactly was the “interference” with our elections that has Paul Ryan’s tail feathers all a’flutter today along with his panties, as that saying goes, all in a bunch?

    Going back to the USA TODAY story, we have as follows on that issue:

    “I think it’s very important that these professionals and these (House and Senate) committees do their jobs so that we can get to the bottom of all of this,” the Wisconsin Republican told reporters at the weekly news conference held by GOP House leaders.

    end quotes

    Get to the bottom of all this?


    Get to the bottom of exactly what?

    Was Obama lying to us then, when he said way back on 11/26/16, that the “elections were free and fair from a cybersecurity perspective?”

    Is that what you are trying to get to the bottom of?

    And going back to the USA TODAY story:

    Ryan refused to answer a question about whether he would have accepted a meeting with intermediaries of the Russian government offering to provide negative information about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

    President Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., has come under fire for revelations first reported by The New York Times that he met with a Russian attorney in June 2016 after being promised information that could damage the Clinton campaign.

    “I’m not going to go into hypotheticals,” Ryan said.

    end quotes

    Paul Ryan, that is asinine, and what a cowardly and weak evasion that is.

    If you were told that some Russian had information damaging to the Hillary Clinton campaign, why would you not take the meeting?

    To protect Hillary because she is Hillary and is a protected person above the law?

    Because it would be a violation of an agreement between the Republican party and Democrat party to keep dirt about their respective chosen candidates hidden from the public so you can foist your dead wood on us as our “leaders”?

    HUSH, don’t tell them, don’t let them know!

    And how is that not meddling and interfering in our elections, pray tell?

    And once more going back to the USA TODAY story, we have:

    “I’m a Russia hawk,” Ryan told reporters.

    “I believe in strong, bold Russia sanctions.”

    end quotes


    Do tell, Paul Ryan, which brings us to this CNN MONEY Marketplace Russia story “Russia is buying up US debt” by Patrick Gillespie on May 18, 2017 wherein we were told as follows about the meddling, interfering Russians:

    Russia is buying up more of America’s debt.

    In March, the country bought $13.5 billion of US government bonds — better known as “Treasury securities.”

    Russia’s total holdings of US debt have now increased to nearly $100 billion, according to recently released Treasury Department data.

    It’s the third straight month of buying from Russia.

    end quotes

    Mixed messages here, anyone?

    If Russia is doing all this meddling and interfering, why on earth are we taking their money to buy our debt, which means we taxpayers have to cough up money to pay interest on that debt to the Russians?

    How weird is that?

    And all this weirdness and scare-mongering about the Russian boogeyman takes me to these following sentences from pp.309-10 of “The Day of Battle – the War in Sicily and Italy, 1943-44” by Rick Atkinson, where we have as follows concerning the Russians and collusion:

    The British had long justified the Mediterranean campaign as a vital antecedent to the death blow to be struck in northwest Europe; but, as Michael Howard observed, London now regarded “the Mediterranean theater not as subsidiary, but as an end in itself, the success of whose operations was its own justification.”

    Major General John Kennedy, a British planner, later conceded, “Had we had our way, I think there can be little doubt that the invasion of France would not have been done in 1944.”

    They did not have their way.

    Stalin gruffly threw his support behind Roosevelt, insisting on both OVERLORD and a concomitant invasion of southern France.

    Moscow also agreed to join the war against Japan after Germany’s defeat.

    Roosevelt left Teheran convinced that Stalin was “gettable” – susceptible to the president’s charms.

    “The Russians are perfectly friendly,” Roosevelt insisted.

    “They aren’t trying to gobble up all the rest of Europe or the world.”

    end quotes

    OMG, people look at that, Franklin Delano Roosevelt colluding with the Russians who have poor, weak-kneed Paul Ryan literally peeing in his pants in fear of them.

    And then we have to contrast that with this trash talk from Barack Hussein Obama in a WASHINGTON POST – DEMOCRACY DIES UNDER A MOUNTAIN OF MSM BULL**** article by Scott Wilson on March 25, 2014, as follows:

    “Russia is a regional power that is threatening some of its immediate neighbors — not out of strength but out of weakness,” Obama said in response to a reporter’s question about whether his 2012 election opponent, Mitt Romney, was right to characterize Russia as America’s biggest geopolitical foe.

    “They don’t pose the number one national security threat to the United States,” Obama said in a news conference.

    end quotes

    So what the hell, people?

    Does anybody know?

    And what a pathetic clown show this is continuing to be, from the looks of it, for some long time yet to come.

  9. And think about that, people, as we consider the weirdness we are being fed here by posturing Paul Ryan, who seems to pee his pants in fright when the name Russia is mentioned, and the other denizens of MORONICA on the Potomac, as the former Washington, D.C. is now known – Russia, who we are supposed to believe is a regional power that is threatening some of its immediate neighbors not out of strength but out of weakness, at least according to the Marxist Barack Hussein Obama, which makes them our mortal enemy, is at the same time a holder of some $100 billion of our U.S. treasury bonds, which means the money posturing Paul Ryan and the other denizens of MORONICA are spending on all their various wars and other adventures, they had to borrow from Russia, which makes us a debtor nation to Russia, people.

    Yes, indeed, people, because the government of MORONICA has no money of its own, it has to go hat in hand to the Russians to beg money from them, which is what it is doing when it sells them our bonds, on which we have to pay the Russians interest, which makes us Russian debt slaves, given as how we are given no choice and no voice in the matter.

    That is about as surreal as it can get, isn’t it- the government in MORONICA having to borrow money from the Russians so it can maintain a smear campaign against the Russians over here to keep us scared of the Russians and off-balance, as a result, so we won’t question what is really going on in MORONICA when it comes to managing this country’s affairs, when the reality is that without the Russians to lend the government in MORONICA money, they wouldn’t be able to function.

  10. Is there any kind of point to this farce on-going in MORONICA on the Potomac, formerly known as Washington, D.C., but now known as MORONICA to reflect the essential nature of the place, that anyone can see, other than having something to generate a lot of sensationalism with to sell advertising?

    Here I am referring to the USA TODAY story “In break with Trump, top Intel, Homeland Security officials affirm Russia’s election meddling” on 20 July 2017 wherein we are informed about the latest developments in this farce, as follows, and boy, do they ever sound serious, perhaps more serious than anything that has come down the pike at us to date, to wit:

    President Trump still won’t say whether he believes the Russian government meddled in the presidential election.

    But his top intelligence and homeland security officials this week affirmed the intelligence community’s unqualified assessment that it did.

    end quote

    Now, how about that, people – does that sound ominous, or what?

    And if that doesn’t sound ominous, is there anything that possibly could?

    So we can ponder the answer to that important question, let us delve further into the USA TODAY story where we find:

    CIA Director Mike Pompeo, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly and White House Homeland and Counterterrorism adviser Thomas Bossert all said they backed the conclusion that Russia carried out a campaign of cyberattacks and fake news to influence the election in favor of Trump.

    end quores

    Talk about “heavy hitters” in the intelligence game, people, there you have them, right there in front of you in a unified group making it as official as official can be – Trump, who everybody now knows from these intelligence boffins is nothing more than a Russian dupe, a pawn of Putin in his quest for worldwide domination by following the methodology laid out by Obama’s mentor Saul Alinsky in Rules For Radicals, which rules, and especially Rule 13 – “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it,” cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy, as he did with Hillary Clinton in this last election, are serving Putin of Russia, who mastered those rules better than Obama did, quite well now as he adds control of our white house to his crown as a jewel, is in the White House because of the Russians, and Hillary is out of the White House because of the Russians.

    end quote

    And that is not all, people, which is a further indication of exactly how serious this really is:

    Pompeo went even further, saying Russia has been meddling in U.S. elections for years, not just in 2016.

    “Of course,” Pompeo said Thursday of the Russian efforts last year.

    “And the one before that, and the one before that.”

    end quote

    The one before that and the one before that one, of course, refer to the election of Marxist Barack Hussein Obama to the presidency, which wins CIA Director Mike Pompeo seems to be attributing to the Russians long with the Trump victory.

    Says Pompeo: “(Russia) has no intention of backing off,” and OMG to that say I, as should all of you here in America, as well, and that with one voice – “AMERICA FOR AMERICANS – GET THE RUSSIANS OUT!”

    And according to USA TODAY, one day earlier, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly also acknowledged the intelligence community’s findings that Putin orchestrated the campaign to hack Democratic political organizations and leak stolen material to websites such as WikiLeaks, which is a vivid statement of exactly how much political power Putin of Russia now yields in this country thanks to the community organizing methods of Obama mentor Saul Alinsky.

    The USA TODAY then continued as follows with respect to this apparent fissuring or splintering of TEAM TRUMP in the wake of those findings by the intelligence boffins that Trump is a Russian stooge:

    The officials’ public remarks, along with previous acknowledgments by top administration officials, appeared to put even more distance between the president and his own top advisers on a critical, and still looming, national security threat.

    As recently as last week, Trump continued to equivocate on whether he believes the intelligence community’s assessment, even after his meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G-20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany.

    “I’m not saying it wasn’t Russia,” Trump said.

    At the Hamburg meeting with Trump, Putin denied any involvement in the election, later issuing a statement that he believed Trump accepted his claim – and that reporters should ask the U.S. president for his thoughts.

    Trump still has not refuted Putin’s assertion.

    Asked to reconcile Trump’s alternative view against a such a widely-acknowledged attack, Pompeo said: “My team is fully engaged; my team understands the threat.”

    “It is not always the case that you can convince the policy maker.”

    end quote

    Which of course makes one wonder why not, if the evidence of Russian meddling is so strong?

    And the easy answer to that is the obvious one – if Trump were really a Russian stooge or dupe, the last thing he would do would be to admit he was one, so of course, he is going to deny it.

    What else would anyone expect him to do – plead himself guilty before the trial even begins?

    But here we get to my point about what is the point of this farce anyway:

    Bossert, who occupies an office just below the Oval Office, reasserted the intelligence community’s claim that there was no evidence that Russia’s operation tampered with actual ballots.

    end quotes

    Which is exactly what Obama himself told us months and months ago now.

    So what on earth is all the HOO-HAH here?

    If the Russians did not tamper with the actual ballots, then where was the meddling and interfering with our election that we keep hearing about day after day after day?

    Which takes us back to this sentence from the USA TODAY article, to wit:

    CIA Director Mike Pompeo, Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly and White House Homeland and Counterterrorism adviser Thomas Bossert all said they backed the conclusion that Russia carried out a campaign of cyberattacks and fake news to influence the election in favor of Trump.

    end quote

    Fake news?

    That is what this is all about – fake news?

    The Russians conquered us with fake news and now they own the White House as a result, and presumably, our intelligence services as well, since their stooge Trump appointed those boffins in the first place.

    So what is it, people?

    Can anyone see any possible point here?

    Are we going to go to war with Russia over fake news?

    Are we going to effect regime change in Russia to remove Putin from power?

    Ah, such drama!

    Stay tuned, for the way this farce is going, there still is much more to come, so don’t touch that dial.

  11. And talk about twists and turns in this farce on-going in MORONICA on the Potomac, formerly known as Washington, D.C., but now known as MORONICA to reflect the essential nature of the place, here is United States Senator from New York Charley “Chuck” Schumer not only giving it real good to Hillary Clinton, one of his Democrat party stablemates, but more importantly, throwing more of the cold water of doubt on all this HOO-HAH coming out of MORONICA about the Russians interfering in our 2016 presidential election to keep Hillary Clinton out of the white house, because they wanted Trump in there instead:

    “When you lose to somebody who has 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things — Comey, Russia—you blame yourself,” Schumer said in an interview with the Washington Post.

    That quote comes to us from the SLATE article “Schumer Takes Aim at Clinton: Don’t Blame Russia or Comey, ‘Blame Yourself’” by Daniel Politi on July 23, 2017 at 8:38 PM.

    But not only did HILLARY blame the Russians for her loss to Trump, so has the Democrat party itself, which is why we now have this farcical sideshow now on-going in MORONICA, with the charge being led by the Democrats, as they hunt high and low for the collusion that Charley “Chuck” Schumer, one of the top Democrats, is now saying never happened.

    Consider the BOSTON GLOBE article “Hillary Clinton says she blames Russian interference, Comey letter for 2016 loss” by Christina Prignano and Jaclyn Reiss, Globe staff, on May 02, 2017, for example, where we were informed as follows concerning this alleged Russian interference that Charley “Chuck” Schumer is now stating or strongly implying is nothing more than a fever dream from the vivid imagination of the drama queen Hillary to deflect responsibility for her loss away from herself, to wit:

    Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton spoke at length about what went wrong during her 2016 presidential campaign on Tuesday afternoon in an interview with Christiane Amanpour, touching on Russian interference, FBI Director James Comey, and sexism.

    ‘‘It wasn’t a perfect campaign.”

    “There is no such thing,’’ Clinton said.

    ‘‘But I was on the way to winning until a combination of Comey’s letter on Oct. 28 and Russian WikiLeaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me but got scared off.’’

    end quotes


    She was on the way to winning?

    Says who?

    And “raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for Hillary but got scared off by the Russians, instead?”

    In a word, that is crap, because how could Hillary know who didn’t vote for her because of the Russians, and more to the point, where is the proof that anyone was inclined to vote for Hillary Clinton but got scared off instead?

    And as an aside, why did Christiane Amanpour sit there silent like a bump on a log instead of challenging that assertion by Hillary, especially this following:

    Asked whether she was targeted by Vladimir Putin, she said the Russian leader “certainly interfered in our election, and it was clear he interfered to hurt me and help my opponent.”

    end quotes


    Where was the proof of that assertion which Hillary made on May 02, 2017?

    How does Hillary Clinton know what Putin over in Russia was thinking or doing during the 2016 presidential election?

    Does she have her own intelligence operation going on in the Kremlin?

    And if it was clear on May 2, 2017 that Putin “certainly interfered in our election,” and it was clear he interfered to hurt Hillary and help her opponent, why is Charley “Chuck” Schumer, the most powerful Democrat there is in the United States senate, today pooh-poohing that assertion in the Washington Post just the other day?

    Here is what Hillary had to say about Putin’s alleged motive for hating her in the Boston Globe article:

    Clinton also said she had been very critical of the Russian leader during her time as secretary of state.

    She said after criticizing him, Russians protested in the streets, leading Putin to blame her.

    “It kind of went downhill from there,” Clinton said, as the audience laughed.

    end quote

    Wow, people, what power Hillary Clinton had over the Russian people, in her own mind, anyway, as she meddled in Russia’s internal affairs, as she alleges Putin then did in ours.

    But now Charley “Chuck” Schumer says that was all a lot of hog **** being spewed by Hillary to shift the blame for her loss away from herself, which is where Schumer says it belongs.

    So, has anything now changed here with Schumer’s charge to Hillary that “When you lose to somebody who has 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things — Comey, Russia—you blame yourself?”

    Will the other Democrats who are hot to lay the blame for Hillary’s loss on alleged meddling by the Russians in the 2016 presidential election hear a word Charley “Chuck” Schumer is saying here?

    Or will they keep the bit between their teeth as they continue to chase this will-o-the-wisp of Russian meddling and interfering all over God’s creation?

    Will the farce end, or will it continue?

    Once again, all I can say is stay tuned, and don’t touch that dial.

  12. Time is a loop, people.

    Like a snake eating its own tail.

    So what went before comes back around again!

    So as we consider all this BULL**** being put forth today in May of 2919 by the congressional Democrats concerning Trump allegedly “colluding” with the dreaded Russians to keep Hillary Clinton out of the white house, we are taken back around again to the beginnings of the sick saga, as are outlined above.

    And thank God the Cape Charles Mirror, unlike that pitiful political rag the Washington Post, keeps archives so we American citizens who are concerned about the direction these congressional Democrats are trying to take the nation can go back in time, as we are doing in here, to debunk the mountain of lies the Democrats are trying to feed us as if we were truly mushrooms to be kept in the dark and fed horse****.

  13. TEACHER: Okay kids, it’s time for civics class.

    Now, your assignment was to read through the contemporary history posted above here using the rule of reason while employing your critical thinking skills we have been working on to see if there is anything in this history that is out of synch with the narrative that has developed since this contemporary history was written.

    LITTLE SUZY: Yes, teacher, if we go back in the record to @ July 26, 2017 at 9:23 pm, this is what we have in the record before us, to wit:

    And talk about twists and turns in this farce on-going in MORONICA on the Potomac, formerly known as Washington, D.C., but now known as MORONICA to reflect the essential nature of the place, here is United States Senator from New York Charley “Chuck” Schumer not only giving it real good to Hillary Clinton, one of his Democrat party stablemates, but more importantly, throwing more of the cold water of doubt on all this HOO-HAH coming out of MORONICA about the Russians interfering in our 2016 presidential election to keep Hillary Clinton out of the white house, because they wanted Trump in there instead:

    “When you lose to somebody who has 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things — Comey, Russia — you blame yourself,” Schumer said in an interview with the Washington Post.

    That quote comes to us from the SLATE article “Schumer Takes Aim at Clinton: Don’t Blame Russia or Comey, ‘Blame Yourself’” by Daniel Politi on July 23, 2017 at 8:38 PM.

    end quotes

    So, clearly, a little less than two (2) years ago now, Senator Schumer was making it quite clear that in his estimation, the Russians played no part whatsoever with regard to the election of President Trump, and that was in the Washington Post, which takes us to a post in another thread on contemporary history @ SEPTEMBER 19, 2016 AT 5:18 PM http://www.capecharlesmirror.com/news/what-kind-of-caterpillar-smokes-a-hookah-does-anybody-know/#comment-143727 where we had this to consider, also from the Washington Post:

    With respect to the surreal and bizarre nature of this up-coming presidential election, for the first time in American political history, we have two candidates running for the imperial presidency on behalf of the two supposedly “major” political factions in this nation, both of which now represent a shrinking minority of voters in this country, and both candidates are highly disliked and reviled by a majority of voters in this country, as we are informed by the Washington Post on 31 August 2016, as follows:

    * A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows 41 percent of Americans have a favorable impression of Clinton, while 56 percent have an unfavorable one.

    * That’s the worst image Clinton has had in her quarter-century in national public life.

    * Her previous low favorable rating this year was in July, when it was 42 percent, lower than any mark in historical Post-ABC polls except a few points in the 1990s when a large share of the public had no opinion of her.

    * Her previous high for unfavorable views was in June, when 55 percent disliked Clinton.

    * If it weren’t for Trump, in fact, Clinton would be the most unpopular major-party presidential nominee in modern American history.

    * Perhaps most notably, Clinton’s image has declined significantly from just a month ago.

    * Interestingly, Clinton’s numbers appear to have dropped since that early August poll mostly in groups that have been very supportive of her:

    * Her favorable rating among women dropped from 54 percent to just 45 percent.

    * Among Hispanics, it went from 71 percent to 55 percent.

    * Among liberals, it went from 76 percent to 63 percent.

    end quotes

    So, according to the Washington Post on 31 August 2016, if it weren’t for Trump, in fact, Hillary Clinton would be the most unpopular major-party presidential nominee in modern American history, and a little less than a year later in July of 2017 Senator Schumer told the Washington Post, “When you (Hillary Clinton) lose to somebody who has 40 percent popularity, you don’t blame other things — Comey, Russia — you blame yourself,” and both of those statements seem to be consistent with each other – Hillary Clinton’s loss was her own fault, and that of the Democrat National Committee and Barack Obama for putting up such a lousy candidate.

    Now, in a FOX NEWS article entitled “Split with Barr? FBI Director Wray says surveillance not the same as ‘spying’” by Adam Shaw on 7 May 2019, just about two years later, we now have:

    DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz is currently looking into the origins of the Russia probe and if any surveillance abuses occurred, but Barr’s remarks were widely criticized by Democrats, with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., accusing Barr of “peddling conspiracy theories.”

    end quotes

    Very frankly, that seems to me to be a case of spinning this narrative off into the realm of the bizarre.

    Where did these conspiracy theories that Senator Schumer is accusing the Attorney General of concocting or hatching?

    The answer is that they came from no where – Senator Schumer is making that up.

    My conclusion is that that is why we are being taught reasoning skill in here, so that when we get out of kindergarten and become old enough to vote, we won’t be misled by Democrats like Chuck Schumer who think that because we are children, we are stupid.

  14. TEACHER: So, okay kids, while we are considering all of that, does anyone else have anything to add?

    LITTLE JOHNNY: Well, doing as we are supposed to do as good American citizens, as opposed to mindless drones who are easily led astray by the Russians, as they were able to do with so many Americans before the 2016 presidential elections, because the American people are so weak-witted they can’t engage in critical thinking, I went back to @ July 26, 2017 at 9:23 pm above here, where we had as follows from Hillary Clinton:

    Here is what Hillary had to say about Putin’s alleged motive for hating her in the Boston Globe article:

    Clinton also said she had been very critical of the Russian leader during her time as secretary of state.

    She said after criticizing him, Russians protested in the streets, leading Putin to blame her.

    “It kind of went downhill from there,” Clinton said, as the audience laughed.

    end quotes

    But that is not true.

    To the contrary, and this is such common knowledge, even among us kindergarten kids, that I am surprised that Hillary Clinton could so easily pull the wool over the eyes of Christiane Amanpour, who being an adult, you would think she would know about the famous Russian reset, which was an attempt by the Obama administration to improve relations between the United States and Russia in 2009, which is when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, and Putin was prime minister for his protege Dmitry Medvedev after being forced to leave the presidency in 2008.

    As we all recall, even those of us who weren’t born yet, on 6 March 2009 in Geneva, Switzerland, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a red button with the English word “reset” and the Roman alphabet transliteration of the Russian Cyrillic alphabet word перегрузка (“peregruzka”) which was intended to be the Russian word for “reset” but due to Hillary’s incompetence, was actually the word for “overload”.

    As we all know, prior to the reset, US-Russia relations had been hurt by the 2008 Russo-Georgian diplomatic crisis in Ossetia and the Russo-Georgian War, leading to Immediate Response 2008 by the Bush administration.

    As Wikipedia tells us, in private, several Obama administration officials expressed doubts about the reset and were concerned that it was overly optimistic, particularly Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and U.S. ambassador to Russia John Beyrle.

    So Hillary was never against cozying up to the Russians – she was just concerned as to how it was to be done, and as subsequent history informs us, Hillary apparently wanted that reset to reward the Clintons financially, and a study of subsequent history reveals it did, to the tune of tens of millions of dollars if not more.

    After Hillary got the reset going with Putin’s political protege Dmitry Medvedev, in July 2009, Russian president Dmitry Medvedev announced that U.S. forces supplies could pass through Russian airspace on their way to Afghanistan and in turn on 17 September 2009, U.S. President Barack Obama announced that the U.S. was dropping the Bush Administration’s plan to build a missile defence shield in Eastern Europe, which Russia had viewed as a military threat.

    Vladimir Putin himself said the decision was “correct and brave” and in March, 2010, the U.S. and Russia agreed to reduce their nuclear arsenals.

    Then, in May 2010, major powers including the U.S., China and Russia agreed on sanctions against Iran and three days later, the Obama Administration cancelled sanctions against the Russian state arms export agency, which had been sanctioned for exporting arms to Iran.

    Then as early as the March 2014 censure of Russia by the United Nations over the Russian annexation of Crimea, which is after Hillary Clinton left the state department in 2013, the reset was described in the press as “failed,” with stated reasons including the Russian annexation of Crimea, the 2014 pro-Russian unrest in Ukraine, and lack of Russian cooperation with the U.S. on Syria.

    Former Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Adam Rotfeld stated that the reset showed “weakness,” while Jeb Bush also called the reset a failure, stating that Russia had “invaded Ukraine”, which Russia had not done prior to the reset.

    It was Jeb Bush and not Hillary who said that Putin was a “bully” and that “nuanced” behavior by the U.S. towards Putin tended to “enable bad behavior.”

    For her part, and this is all a matter of record, however, Hillary Clinton defended the reset as a “brilliant stroke”, as we can clearly see in the Washington Free Beacon article “Clinton: Russian Reset ‘Brilliant Stroke’ – ‘I think it was a brilliant stroke which in retrospect, it appears even more so'” by Washington Free Beacon Staff on June 13, 2014, as follows:

    In an interview with the BBC on Thursday, Hillary Clinton spun her Russian “Reset” policy as a “brilliant stroke.”

    “You famously pressed the reset button.”

    “Are you embarrassed by that now, that gesture?” a BBC host asked Clinton.

    “No I think it was a brilliant stroke which in retrospect it appears even more so, because look at what we accomplished.”

    “Between the Russian invasion of Georgia in August 2008, which of course torpedoed relations between United States and the Russia for good reason.”

    “We come into office, and for that period of time, the interregnum if you will, Medvedev is President, Putin is Prime Minister, and there were jobs that we wanted to get done.”

    “We wanted to get Russia on board with tough sanctions against Iran.”

    “We wanted to have a new START Treaty to limit nuclear weapons.”

    “We wanted to get their help in transiting across through huge country to get things we needed into Afghanistan.”

    “We got all that done,” Clinton responded.

    end quotes

    Of course, there is no mention there of all the lucrative deals that then got done thanks to the reset which greatly benefited Bill and Hillary Clinton and their cronies, especially the ones in the uranium mining industry, but that is well documented elsewhere, so the conclusion I am drawing here as a five-year old kid is that when Hillary Clinton got a reputation for being a dissembler and pathological liar, she earned those titles based on her own merits.

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