January 17, 2025

25 thoughts on “PAUL PLANTE: On the now-vanished Virginia Constitution and what that should mean to all of us

  1. Mr Plante, as usual OUTSTANDING good work! Thank you so much!
    I recently sent emails to my two state law-givers, Senator Lewis & Delegate Bloxom with reference to my governor being so like my president & going around the legislature or the congress & going around the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth or the United States. The governor must be a miracle worker to handle 13,000 felons on a case by case basis in so short a time. I gave my reasons why serving a jail sentence does not erase bad “moral turpitude” or restore heartaches to victims, medical expenses, loss of property, physical injuries and even deaths, & why voting privleges & the right to run for public office should NOT be restored.

    In the last election for governor in Virginia I did not like either candidate & so I wrote-in “Mickey Mouse”. I did not fully realize how horrible Mc Cauliffe would be & I will never make that mistake again.

    I have writen hundreds of letters, now emails, to my state & federal law-givers over the last 50 or more years & basically I am ignored. Here in Virginia I have no representation at the local, state or federal levels. No matter how something is wrong and no matter how many lives are being taken any suggestions to correct the situation falls on deaf ears. It’s not just me. It’s all of us. Bill O’Reilly has an excellent proposal, “Kates Law” which would address the problem of violent deportees returning to the United States & it gets no traction in the congress, mostly the left opposes keeping these criminals out! In my opinion “kates Law” is not strong enough but the reality is not even a weak law will stand a chance of passage. Some deportees return as many as 22 times & with wild life they get but one chance. A bear in a compsite is trapped & tagged, returned to the wild. If the bear comes back he is disposed of. PERIOD! A bear doesn’t understand the words “keep out”, a human does.

    You make the effort you make out of patriotism & that plus trying to save lives & prevent injuries to ordinary people is my motivation as well as get government off our backs. Just as you have served our country & sacrificed my entire family has done our “fair share” I have seen the liberals destroy my home town & all the residents in past years picked up & moved. I have also seen the politicians destroyiny my home state of NJ through ever increasing taxes & more regulations to where over a million, including three of my family, have voted with our feet.

    Americans do strange things. Is it because of “dumbing down” or is it drugs or a combo? We buy things that are over-priced & then are surprised when prices keep rising, I look for a gas station with the lowest price & see cars lined up & paying 5 cents a gallon more than I am paying. I shudder to see who wins the White House, sometimes the very worst & in two recent times up for impeachment! The media has a lot to do with who we THINK is the best. When George W Bush first appeared they gave him maximum publicity neglecting the ones “they” didn’t like like my choice, Bob Smith & lo & behold we got W. This time around it was all Trump & my man, Carson, barely got noticed or a word in the “debates”.

    You are right to look at the Constitution of Virginia becuse this is where the idea of independence began & sadly it also looks like where it is dying also. There is a way to amend the Constitution & it is by much though, debate & an overwhelming vote in the congress with ratification by the 50 states and NOT to be changed on a political ideal with activst Justices or ordinary judges.

    We see where we are at today with a president & a governor having pens & phones & being emperors & rights being taken away & others added by controversial judicial rulings and “executive orders” which are being misused.

  2. What a thought. Cuomo for AG & McCauliffe on the Suprene Court. Whoever goes on the Court, goodbye Bill of Rights.

    What is trajic is that all these men & women in high places can’t just enjoy their walk in the sun & all the power they have over us and can’t retire or go to private enterprise, but have the need to continue bossing us around & telling us how to live our lives. Hillary had 8 years in the W H so why can’t she be satisfied, just be a housewife, relax, enjoy life & bake cookies & cakes All the Virginia governors when theeir term is over appear as U S senators. Some would like to be presidents or in Kaine’s case VP.

    Here’s another horrible thought. McCaufille in due time runing for president. As if it’s not bad enough that we are stuck with these people forever we also see 2nd & 3rd enerations seeking power. Watch out for Chelsea.

    Our Lt governor naturally wants to become governor & like Christie, in my opinion, has his eye on a much bigger prize.

    The senior senator in NY state believes he was born to legislate, in other words, born to tell us how to live our lives.

  3. If Hillary Clinton gets the White House, it is an odd’s-on bet that present-New York state governor Andy Cuomo will come on board as her attorney general.

    That is as a result of a chat Barack Obama had with Andy some time ago now, as Hillary was gearing up her run for president, and Andy was considering challenging her.

    Obama told Andy to back off like a good, loyal Democrat and let Hillary have her turn at it, and as a reward, and it is a huge one for someone power-hungry like Andy Cuomo, Andy would be the attorney-general.

    Before Andy became governor of New York, he was the attorney general, just as Eliot “Longshanks” Spitzer, governor of New York while Andy was attorney general, was New York state attorney general, himself.

    New York state attorney general is a good position to get if you want to amass a lot of BOODLE and political power, all at the same time.

    For proof of that, it is only necessary to peruse the New York Daily News article “Eric Schneiderman has raised more than $5.1M in campaign funds” by Kenneth Lovett, New York Daily News Albany Bureau Chief, updated July 14, 2016, wherein we are informed:

    Attorney General Eric Schneiderman will report Friday having more than $5.1 million in campaign cash on hand, the Daily News has learned.

    That’s significantly higher than the $3.6 million he reported in January and the $2.3 million last July.

    Schneiderman, a source says, will report having raised more than $1.6 million since January.

    The attorney general has said he plans to seek reelection in 2018, though he has been mentioned in Democratic circles as a possible gubernatorial candidate, particularly if Gov. Cuomo does not seek a third term.

    “Having enough money in the bank allows you to get prepared should there be a vacancy,” said veteran Democratic consultant Hank Sheinkopf, who worked on Cuomo’s 2014 reelection campaign.

    Amassing a big war chest two years from the campaign can also scare away potential attorney general challengers, he said.

    end quotes

    But let’s get back to Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe, and the now vanished Virginia Constitution, and what that should mean to all of us in the United States of America, and not just the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia, whose governor has declared them outside of his protection, an act unfit for the leader of a free people.

    In a POLITICO article entitled “McAuliffe says ex-felon voters not likely to boost Clinton” by Nick Gass on 08/23/16, we, the people, along with the candid world, were informed as follows:

    “We don’t need these votes, and I speak for the Hillary campaign.”

    end quote

    Oh, really?

    In what capacity are you doing that, governor?

    As governor of Virginia, Terry, you took an oath that you personally did solemly promise and swear that you would, to the best of your skill and judgment, execute the said office diligently and faithfully, according to law, without favour, affection, or partiality.

    When you swore that oath, Terry, did you have any comprehension whatsoever of the meaning of the words “solemly promise and swear?”

    How about “without favour, affection, or partiality?”

    Did those words have any meaning for you?

    Or didn’t they have any meaning for you, at all?

    It would seem to have to be the latter, since as governor of Virginia, you are speaking for the presidential campaign of Hillary Rodham Clinton, who holds no elective office of any kind in the Commonwealth of Virginia, or in the United States of America, for that matter?

    Are you taking time off from being governor, so you can act with favor, affection and partiality on behalf of Democrat Hillary Clinton, instead of the people of Virginia?

    But wouldn’t that run afoul of your oath that you would to the utmost of your power, protect the citizens of the commonwealth in the secure enjoyment of their rights, franchises, and privileges?

    If you are part of the Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign, exactly how is it that you are doing that for the people of Virginia, especially as you are telling us in that Politico article as follows:

    “We have built a massive ground operation, which we’ve worked on many weeks here in Virginia.”

    end quote

    If you were doing that for Hillary, Terry, building that massive ground operation, which you worked on for many weeks, were you also multi-tasking by at the same time conducting a case-by-case review of each felon who voting rights you restored, all the while serving the people of Virginia as their duly elected governor?

    Or did you run the felons through the robo-signer?

    The candid world would truly like to know.

  4. Sadly, it doesn’t seem to matter an iota what you, I or most people think & write.

    I have been yellling “FIRE” in a crowded theater for years & no one has paid any attention while the place is really an inferno.

    The entire system is not working. Felons, as in Chicago just recently, on parole & within minutes of release from prison obtainingg a gun & murdering a lady pushing a stroller. The gun laws do not work, the courts do not work & the “CORRECTIONAL”system does not correct anyone. We, my governor, molly-coddles the felons, in fact, they have the public over a barrel demanding what WE must provide them, and they fear not the police, the courts or the prisons! The wack-o laws of Virginia have denied me the tight to buy guns which in their minds made Virginia a safer place.

    We have millions of fatherless children & I have tried to warn of the problems this is & will forever cause but except for conservatives no one cares, life in the ghettoes goes on & continues down hill. More than 70% of the blacks have kids without being married and the white population is catching up; much of this encouraged by the welfare laws and adding to the problem we have the “no-fault” divorce laws. All of these young male fatherless, undisciplined, uneducated, unskilled, unemployed & unemployable, millions of ticking bombs are giving us just a small taste of what the future holds when they demonstrate, riot, set fires, shoot police & loot.

    Trump is saying much of what most of us have been saying. Laws must be for REAL. Legal immigration. Deported means keep out. Felons will never have a gun & will never again hurt another man, woman or child. There will be jobs & at least every father will work, support his wife or mistress & will support all of his children. There’s much more of course but this is a start.

    Studies need to be done as to how we make the life of a felon miserable, so horrible they never want to return to the court room. First, the law says cruel AND, it doesn’t say OR, unusual so it is legal for it to be either one but not both. Sheriff Joe knows how to run a prison where it’s not a happy place & where the taxpayers are not spending outrageous amounts of money. Ft Benning stockade (jail) was ugly with an hour of exercise at 0500 & another hour late in the evening as well as a day of work detail.

  5. With respect to peace and tranquility in the states which united to form the United States of America, which includes the original states of Virginia and New York, and the now-vanished Virginia Constitution, and the vanished, or should that be vanquished Constitution of New York, which was toppled on July 8, 2015 by Democrat New York state governor Andy Cuomo, slated to be our next federal attorney general by the Democrat party, and a coalition of Democrat state legislators and appellate court judges appointed by Andy to do his bidding for him, Section 4 of Article IV of the United States Constitution provides that “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against domestic Violence.

    People today read that, and immediately, they think it means the Republican Party.

    However, a Republican Form of government has absolutely nothing at all to do with the Republican Party, nor does the Republican Party have anything to do with a Republican form of government.

    This is what The Honorable Stephen R. McCullough, Judge, Court of Appeals of Virginia, is talking about in his essay in the University of Richmond Law Review entitled “A VANISHING VIRGINIA CONSTITUTION?” when he states:

    1) The point of ensuring the continued vitality of the Virginia Constitution is not to advance a conservative or a liberal political project; and

    2) Preserving the vitality of the states in our system of government does not advance any particular ideology.

    end quote

    As WIKIPEDIA states, Republicanism is a type of democracy, but if protected by a Bill of Rights, may be distinguished from other forms of democracy as a Bill of Rights asserts that each individual has unalienable rights that cannot be voted away by a majority of voters.

    In Virginia, the people are, or were protected by the Virginia Bill of Rights, and in New York, until the Constitution was toppled like a rotten tree, we were protected by one as well.

    Here, in Virginia, however, Democrat governor Terry McAuliffe has taken it upon himself to not vote away, but do away, with what are supposed to be the inalienable rights of each and every citizen of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and in New York state, Democrat governor Andy Cuomo has done the same.

    Thus, Virginia and New York are no longer complying with Section 4 of Article IV of the United States Constitution.

    Republicanism is supposed to be the guiding political philosophy of the United States, and up until I was young, it had been a major part of American civic thought since its founding.

    In the 1960s, however, during the Viet Nam times, I began to see Republicanism in the United States of America going right out the window, as people in America began to fracture apart and rebel against established authority, when the rebellion should have been against the factions tearing the United States of America apart, the inaptly named Republican party, which wouldn’t know Republicanism if it tripped over it, and the Democrat party, which stands for discrimination against those who are not Democrats, which is as far from the principles of Republicanism as one can get.

    Republicanism stresses liberty and unalienable individual rights as central values, making people sovereign as a whole, while rejecting monarchy, aristocracy and inherited political power, and it expects citizens to be independent in their performance of civic duties, while vilifying corruption.

    The history of Section 4 of Article IV of the United States Constitution goes back to a letter in April, 1787 to Edmund Randolph, governor of Virginia at the time, who formally presented the Virginia Plan to the Constitutional Convention, from Jemmy Madison, known as the “Father of the Constitution, and a future president, who suggested that ”an article ought to be inserted expressly guaranteeing the tranquility of the states against internal as well as external danger. . . .”

    “Unless the Union be organized efficiently on republican principles innovations of a much more objectionable form may be obtruded.” 2 Writings of James Madison, G. Hunt ed. (New York: 1900), 336.

    Thus, according to schoolboy history in America, on June 11, the language of the provision was on Madison’s motion changed to: ”Resolved that a republican constitution and its existing laws ought to be guaranteed to each state by the United States.” 1 M. Farrand, The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 (New Haven: rev. ed. 1937), 193-194, 206.

    Thereafter, on July 18, Gouverneur Morris objected to this language on the ground that ”he should be very unwilling that such laws as exist in R. Island ought to be guaranteed to each State of the Union.”

    Madison then suggested language ”that the Constitutional authority of the States shall be guaranteed to them respectively against domestic as well as foreign violence,” whereas Randolph wanted to add to this the language ”and that no State be at liberty to form any other than a Republican Govt.”

    Wilson then moved, ”as a better expression of the idea,” almost the present language of the section, which was adopted.

    Thus, Randolph on June 11, supporting Madison’s version pending then, said that ”a republican government must be the basis of our national union; and no state in it ought to have it in their power to change its government into a monarchy.”

    There, Virginia governor Edmund Randolph seemed to be looking from his times into the future of our times, where we have Virginia and New York unilaterally changing their governments into monarchies based on executive orders by their respective governors.

    Returning to history, on July 18, when Wilson and Mason indicated their understanding that the object of the proposal was ”merely” to protect States against violence, Virginia governor Randolph asserted: ”The Resoln. has 2 Objects. 1. to secure Republican government. 2. to suppress domestic commotions,” and he urged the necessity of both those provisions.

    “Domestic commotions” are the convulsions historically associated with the final stages of democracy, when tyrants arise, and they are certainly something we are witnessing in our times non-stop, now that Rule of Law and Republicanism in the United States of America are long since gone.

    Going back to the Constitutional Convention, following speakers alluded to the dangers of monarchy being created peacefully as necessitating the provision.

    See W. Wiecek, The Guarantee Clause of the U.S. Constitution (Ithaca: 1972), ch. 2.

    As we have just witnessed monarchy being created in Virginia by Democrat governor Terry McAuliffe, with his executive order restoring voting rights for felons en masse, obviously Section 4 of Article 4 of the United States Constitution has proved worthless to us in our time.

    So, Jemmy, and Governor Randolph, help us out.

    Where do we go from here, because it certainly seems to me that we have gone backwards to that time in America before the Declaration of Independence when tyrants ruled in America, with the only real difference being that these tyrants were born here, as opposed to coming here from England.

  6. The Democrat Party has been hijacked by the liberal, secular progressives & they have taken over the educational, judicial, entertainment & news medias and for the rest of us there’s nothing left. They haved pushed their “AGENDA” upon us and it doesn’t matter what the Constitution or the laws say. The “AGENDA” is: only one political party in America, opposing views will not be tolerated, incomes will be redistributed, taxes will take most all income, Soddom & Gommora will be our role model, there will be no borders, drugs will be legalized, no one will be accountable for their misdeeds, violent felons will be turned loose & good people will be disarmed. In Virginia felons will vote (Democrat), the legislature & the Supreme Court be damned!

    Our entire culture is different from 50 years ago and through the constant feeding of propaganda the PRINCIPLES most people were raised with, taught by their parents, taught by their religions & even taught in the schools, including public schools have been discarded, forgotten & now anything goes. Years ago a breach of good moral conduct brought shame & a loss of ones friends & associates. Now, bad conduct is a mark of honor. People lie, people serve jail terms and we elect them to public office. In my day, if a kid was suspended from school, extremely rare, all the mothers would prohibit their children from having any contact with the offender. Years ago misconduct in the oval office was more likely to result in a suicide instead of a debate over what “is” “is”.

  7. Why do Constitutions die?

    Why have the Constitutions of Virginia and New York state vanished?

    How is it that they were so easily swept away?

    Why don’t people care?

    These really are the questions we, the supposed people, should be pondering today, but we aren’t, and most likely, we won’t – too much other stuff to do and worry about, and anyway, there is a hell of a good BLUE-LIGHT SPECIAL sale going on down at the mall on ultra wide-screen TV’s, and if I don’t get my butt in gear and get down there ahead of everybody else, somebody else will get there before me, and they will all be gone.

    If as a people united, which we are not, and have not been since at least the Viet Nam times, we would be inclined to ponder those questions, and not only ponder them, but vociferously speak out about them in the public forum, bringing opprobrium down on the heads of those politicians who would think of forsaking their supposed solemn oaths to us, who are supposedly the sovereigns in this nation, but aren’t any longer, and turning themselves into tyrants, as Democrats Andy Cuomo and Terry McAuliffe are doing in New York and Virginia, respectively, we would still have Constitutions.

    But we are not a united people, nor are we an intelligent people, any longer.

    We have been dumbed down to the point of where we look up to a box of rocks as our intellectual superior.

    So who is responsible for the decline of this nation that is being documented in this thread and others?

    Is it the fault of Democrat Terry McAuliffe in Virginia that the Virginia Constitution has vanished?

    Is it the fault of Democrat Andy Cuomo in New York that the New York state Constitution has been swept away?

    By extension, was it the fault of Adolph Hitler, when he became Chancellor of Germany before WWII, that 80 million “GOOD GERMANS” lost their constitutional protections?

    Or does that fault accrue to us, because we no longer care about good, responsive, responsible government?

    In an article entitled “Why Do We Need The Bill Of Rights?” in the Daily Press on July 01, 2009, by Walter E. Williams, the author stated as follows concerning the times we now find ourselves in here in the inaptly-named “United” States of America today:

    The Ninth and 10th Amendments mean absolutely nothing today, as Americans have developed a level of naive trust for Congress, the White House and the U.S. Supreme Court that would have astonished the Founders, a trust that will lead to our undoing as a great nation.

    end quote

    That statement was made seven (7) years ago now.

    Today, we are seeing that undoing as a great nation coming true, right before our eyes.

    In my opinion, we have met the enemy, and the enemy is us.

  8. What happens when Constitutions die?

    The answer to that is protection of law dies with them.

    Rule of man replaces rule of law.

    All people are no longer equal in the eyes of the law, because there is no law to make us equal.

    With respect to Rule of Law, derived from internationally accepted standards, the World Justice Project’s definition of the rule of law is a system in which the following four universal principles are upheld:

    1) The government and its officials and agents as well as individuals and private entities are accountable under the law;

    2) The laws are clear, publicized, stable, and just; are applied evenly; and protect fundamental rights, including the security of persons and property and certain core human rights;

    3) The process by which the laws are enacted, administered, and enforced is accessible, fair, and efficient; and

    4) Justice is delivered timely by competent, ethical, and independent representatives and neutrals who are of sufficient number, have adequate resources, and reflect the makeup of the communities they serve.

    When Rule of Law vanishes, those four universal principles vanish as well, and that is to our detriment as American citizens.

    When Constitutions die, and are replaced by rule of man, the will of the wealthy and powerful prevails.

    Only their voices are heard, which violates that factor of rule of law calling for the protection of fundamental human rights which encompasses adherence to effective enforcement of laws that ensure equal protection and due process of law.

    This as we read in the CBS NEWS story “Clinton’s absence from the public eye comes at a price” dated 31 August 2016, that Democrat Hillary Clinton wrapped up her two-week coast-to-coast fundraising tour Tuesday night and her 22 fundraisers in the wealthy enclaves of Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, Cape Cod, The Hamptons plus California, netted at the very least a combined $31 million for her and the Democratic party.

    And that as we read in the 2016 Democratic Party Platform of July 21, 2016 as Approved by the Democratic Platform Committee, July 8-9, 2016 – Orlando, FL, under the heading “Fixing Our Broken Campaign Finance System,” as follows:

    * Democrats believe we must fight to preserve the essence of the longest standing democracy in the world: a government that represents the American people, not just a handful of powerful and wealthy special interests.

    * We will fight for real campaign finance reform now.

    Big money is drowning out the voices of everyday Americans, and we must have the necessary tools to fight back and safeguard our electoral and political integrity.

    * We need to end secret, unaccountable money in politics by requiring, through executive order or legislation, significantly more disclosure and transparency—by outside groups, federal contractors, and public corporations to their shareholders.

    * Our vision for American democracy is a nation in which all people, regardless of their income, can participate in the political process and can run for office without needing to depend on large contributions from the wealthy and the powerful.

    end quotes

    With her massive fundraising efforts the last two weeks in the wealthy enclaves of Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, Cape Cod, The Hamptons plus California, which netted at the very least a combined $31 million for Hillary and her pack of Democrats, I guess Hillary Clinton just did not get the news that her Democrat party is fighting for real campaign finance now so all people, not just the uber-rich like Hillary, regardless of their income, can participate in the political process and run for office without needing to depend on large contributions from the handful of wealthy and powerful special interests who just loaded up Hillary’s pockets with $31 MILLION as the BIG MONEY which supports Hillary drowns out the voices of everyday Americans, including those in the Commonwealth of Virginia who just saw their Constitution vanish thanks to the efforts of rabid Hillary Partisan and Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe.

    Doesn’t this make anyone out there besides me scratch their heads and wonder what is so very wrong with this picture?

    Or is everyone simply too busy and distracted to care?

  9. Yesterday & last night Trump hit 2 home runs with bases loaded each time! He met with Mexico’s president knowing he was going into a hornet’s nest & came otf a winner looking very diplomatic & very presidential. Despite meeting with Chief’s of State is Hillary’s forte she didn’t have the hutzpah to go. The difference between the two is clear.

    Trump & Sheriff Joe put it on the line that allowing armed violent felons to walk among us killing us off one by one can’t be tolerated, something so basic the Democrats, including our felon loving governor just don’t understand.

    We have a problem right here on the Shore with illegals driving drunk and obviously not caring a hoot about any of our laws & I have tried to bring this to the attention of my law-givers but they never respond to any well thought out ideas for saving lives. They just don’t care & that is why an intolerable situation continues forever. Locally, on Highway 13 in Keller 3 innocent Americans minding their own business were killed by a drunken illegal on the wrong side of the divided highway. This is an outrage & I write it up with no reply. Next time it could be my wife or my son or even myself or it could be a law-giver or one of his friends or kin but NOTHING gets done.

    With Trump, finally, something will get done! It’s not just illegal aliens but all the thousands of felons who are released & within minutes have again broken a wonderful gun law which makes us all so safe. They are having gun fights at the OK Corale in our streets and stray bullets are killing mothers pushing strollers, kids goint to school, people on the playground & even folks lying in their beds.

    1. When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation….

      We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness… it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

      T. Jefferson

  10. Yes, indeed, Stuart Bell, but you forgot this part, which is the basis of abusive government in both corrupt New York state and Virginia: all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

    Bend them over, make them holler and squeal, because that is all they will do, and if you leave them there, they will stop hollering and instead, will accept that as the new normal, and then you can start the squeezing process all over again.

    That is the philosophy of government in New York state.


    Because it makes for a lucrative deal for corrupt politicians who extort money in the form of taxes and fees from the willing public to enrich themselves, as they feed off the public, which is no crime in New York state.

    Look at Hillary Clinton; for her, public service has been a very lucrative form of business for her, and based on that, very likely, she will be the next president of the United States of America, because people in the United States of America accept without question an incompetent, pathological liar as their leader.

    1. She will never be president of The United States of America, that I can assure you. She is unfit to serve as president of a home owner’s association, much less The United States of America.

      1. WALL $TREET, which largely owns and controls the federal government of the United States of America, is betting big that Hillary Clinton, known as “Wall $treet Hillary” or “Wall $treet’s Darling” when she was U.S. senator from corrupt New York state, will indeed be the next president of the United States of America.

        This we know from the CBS NEWS story “Clinton’s absence from the public eye comes at a price” dated 31 August 2016, which article informed us that Hillary wrapped up her fundraising tour Tuesday night and her 22 fundraisers in the wealthy enclaves of Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, Cape Cod, The Hamptons plus California, where “Wall $treet’s Darling” netted at the very least a combined $31 million for her and the Democratic party.

        The Hamptons, on Long Island, is where Wall $treet goes to spend the summer.

        That $31 million is to help Hillary buy the office of U.S. president.

        Wall $treet knows it is not necessary for Hillary to win the popular vote, because the popular vote does not put presidents in the White House in the United States of America; it is the electoral college which does that, and the electoral college is composed of politicians, not citizens, which means that with enough money, Hillary can buy that office like a commodity, by simply buying up enough of the electoral college to make that happen.

        1. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness… it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

          T. Jefferson

          1. That, of course, would presume that sufficient people understood the concept of duty and accepted that it was they on whom that duty fell.

            In our day and age, where one never hears the words duty and responsibility, that is where that sentiment of Thomas Jefferson falls flat on its face.

        2. I told you that she would never be elected President of The United States of America.

          We The People have spoken.

          1. Actually no, the People did not speak – she won the popular vote. You know, she actually received more votes.

            Which doesn’t give her the Presidency but also doesn’t give Trump or you, the mandate to lay claim that the People have spoken.

  11. That and millions who don’t even know plus millions more at the public trough who would rather have this country destroyed than go find a job and support their women & children.

    Great advertising can sell ice to Eskimos & many people believe all the freebies are out of the goodness of the hearts of the Democrats which couldn’t be further from the truth.


  12. “It is a truth too evident to be disguised, that since the completion and final establishment of our revolution, the flame of liberty has burned less bright, and become less universal in its operation.”

    “The charms of wealth, the allurements of luxury, the thirst for gain and the ruinous system of speculation, have borne down like the irresistible flood upon us, and have threatened destruction to the most valuable elements of social life: – the desire of affluence and the love of ease, have absorbed every honorable and patriotic consideration; have rendered us supine and indolent, and have nearly banished from our minds the sentiment of public virtue, destroyed the ardor of liberty, and diminished our attachment to the sacred interests of our country.”

    – Tunis Wortman, circa 1795

  13. Were Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence from the tyranny of King George III of England, a prince whose character was marked by every act which may define a tyrant, making him unfit, like Terry McAuliffe of Virginia and Andy Cuomo of corrupt New York state, to be the ruler of a free people, to come to our times today, he would be as reviled in person for being the owner of slaves as he is in memory, and for that reason, he would be vociferously and loudly denounced and dismissed as a racist and hypocrite, with anything and everything he said simply ignored for that reason.

    Afterall, in the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson said “We hold these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” and then he owned slaves, so those words can’t be true, they have to be false, and he has to be a hypocrite for saying those words while owning slaves, and since they are false and he is a hypocrite, we should not be bothered by them, but should ignore them instead in order to be politically correct in the United States of America today, where anything and everything associated with slavery is held to be tainted with evil, as the recent Georgetown slavery scandal makes clear, where Georgetown University announced earlier this month that the school would offer preferential treatment in admissions to the descendants of slaves whose 1838 sale helped to boost the school’s finances.

    Young people in America today, if they have even heard of Thomas Jefferson, which is doubtful in an age where Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri is the modern-day hero to the younger generations, are not taught to have respect for Thomas Jefferson or anything he wrote, or George Washington for that matter, because of the slave thing, which makes them persona non grata in America today.

    American history as taught today does not begin with the events leading up to the American Revolution, because all of those people, Jefferson, Washington, Madison, Monroe, were not Americans.

    They were British subjects.

    American history as taught today begins with the ratification of the United States Constitution, which happened June 21, 1788, twelve (12) years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, when New Hampshire ratified the U.S. Constitution on June 21, 1788.

    That is when United States history is said to actually begin, which gets rid of Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence, and why that document was written in the first place.

    Everything before that point is pretty much lost to history as irrelevant, which is what The Honorable Stephen R. McCullough, Judge, Court of Appeals of Virginia, is alluding to in his essay in the University of Richmond Law Review entitled “A VANISHING VIRGINIA CONSTITUTION?” when he states:

    “Moreover, the focus of a modern law school education is on the United States Constitution.”

    “Many law students‘ first, and often last, encounter with the Virginia Constitution is a brief overview as part of a bar review course.”

    end quotes

    That’s it, folks, ho hum, no big thing, toss the Virginia Constitution out the window with the Declaration of Independence because like the Declaration of Independence, the Virginia Constitution was written by racists and slave owners, which taints it with evil, so all of that history has to be rejected by people in the United States of America today because all of those people back then owned slaves and were racists, so we have to reject everything they said and did as acts perpetuating the institutional oppression of racial minorities in America today that we read about at p.14 of the 2016 Democratic Party Platform, July 21, 2016, as Approved by the Democratic Platform Committee, July 8-9, 2016 – Orlando, FL under the heading “Ending Systemic Racism,” as follows:

    Democrats will fight to end institutional and systemic racism in our society.

    We will challenge and dismantle the structures that define lasting racial, economic, political, and social inequity.

    Democrats will promote racial justice through fair, just, and equitable governing of all public-serving institutions and in the formation of public policy.

    Democrats support removing the Confederate battle flag from public properties, recognizing that it is a symbol of our nation’s racist past that has no place in our present or our future.

    We will push for a societal transformation to make it clear that black lives matter and that there is no place for racism in our country.

    end quote

    How Democrats will fight to end institutional and systemic racism in our society today is by changing history and re-programming us, which starts with the very young.

    How Democrats will challenge and dismantle the structures that define lasting racial, economic, political, and social inequity is by doing away with state Constitutions, as Terry McAuliffe is doing in the Commonwealth of Virginia today, without a peep of protest from the people of Virginia at large.

    How exactly Democrats will push for a societal transformation to make it clear that black lives matter and that there is no place for racism in our country has not yet been made clear, but if we take Democrat presidential contender Hillary Clinton at her word when she says “If someone has white skin, they are a racist because of Implicit Bias, and we need community programs here in America to cure them,” it sounds very much as if intimidation and coercion and force will be part of that equation in the form of pay-back.

    So there goes Thomas Jefferson out the window along with everything he wrote and everything he said, especially the Declaration of Independence, which, like the Virginia Constitution, is a symbol of our nation’s racist past that has no place in our present or our future, and so, does not mean anything to us in the United States of America today, because Thomas Jefferson owned slaves.

    But that brings us back around to James Madison, a son of Virginia and American president known as the “Father of the U.S. Constitution” who warned us long ago, as follows:

    “Do not separate text from historical background.”

    “If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government.”

    1. ‘His protection is ‘Her’ protection…..for now.

      If elected ‘She’ will require tighter security than ‘He’ does today.

  14. Getting back to the now-vanished Virginia Constitution, and what that should mean to each and every one of us in the United States of America, regardless of race, color, creed, national origin or sexual orientation, the preamble to the Virginia Constitution reads as follows:

    A DECLARATION OF RIGHTS made by the representatives of the good people of Virginia, assembled in full and free convention which rights do pertain to them and their posterity, as the basis and foundation of government .

    end quote

    The key words in there, of course, are these: “which rights do pertain to them and their posterity, as the basis and foundation of government.”

    Posterity, which is defined as succeeding or future generations collectively, means each and every person alive today in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and those who are yet to be born.

    Of importance to an understanding of OUR rights as citizens in the United States of America, which derive from the Virginia Declaration of Rights regardless of which state we happen to live in, the Virginia Declaration of Rights was written by George Mason and it was adopted by the Virginia Constitutional Convention on June 12, 1776.

    Note that date: it precedes the Declaration of Independence by a bit less than a month, which means the Virginia Declaration of Rights is a foundation document of the United States of America.

    Indeed, in his thoughtful and scholarly article entitled “A VANISHING VIRGINIA CONSTITUTION?”, The Honorable Stephen R. McCullough, Judge, Court of Appeals of Virginia, informs us of that critical timeline as follows:

    Virginia‘s constitution was first established in 1776, when the rift with the mother country thrust upon Virginia colonists the obligation to establish their own government.

    In fact, Virginia precipitated the rift with England when the Virginia Convention instructed its delegates in the Continental Congress to seek a declaration of independence.

    (See, Preamble and Resolution of the Virginia Convention, May 15, 1776)

    Thereafter, Virginia’s Declaration of Rights was drawn upon by Thomas Jefferson for the opening paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence, and with respect to its application to each of us in the United States of America today, the Virginia Declaration of Rights was widely copied by the other colonies and became the basis of the Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution, whose supposed “protections” pale in comparison to those enumerated in the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which came first.

    According to scholars, as an intellectual effort, the Virginia Declaration of Rights possesses exalted merit and is the quintessence of all the great principles and doctrines of freedom which had been wrought out by the people of England from the earliest times.

    Thus its importance to each and every one of us alive in the United States of America today, if we are to truly know what rights we really do have as citizens of the United State of America today.

    For example, what was the philosophy of government in the United States of America that was established by the Declaration of Independence, which defines what a tyrant is, but does not present us with an alternative to despotism?

    For that answer, we need look no further than Section 3 of the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which preceded the Declaration of Independence, and which informs us as follows:

    That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation, or community; of all the various modes and forms of government, that is best which is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety and is most effectually secured against the danger of maladministration.

    And that, when any government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the community has an indubitable, inalienable, and indefeasible right to reform, alter, or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public weal.

    end quote

    Note the words “most effectually secured against the danger of maladministration.”

    That people, is supposed to be our common birthright as American citizens, each and every one of us – government at all levels, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation, or community effectually secured against the danger of maladministration, which is defined as corrupt or incompetent administration of a public office, such as that of governor.

    In corrupt New York state, we no longer have government at all levels instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people and community effectually secured against the danger of maladministration.

    To the contrary, in the words of U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, we are saddled with a culture of corruption in this state that is growing like barnacles on a boat bottom which we are unable to do anything about as citizens, as the courts are closed to us as citizens to seek redress of grievance by judges appointed by and answerable solely to New York governor Andy Cuomo, which would violate the spirit of Section 5 of the Virginia Declaration of Rights that the legislative and executive powers of the state should be separate and distinct from the judiciary, and take us back to the tyranny of King George III, who according to the Declaration of Independence in 1776, made judges dependent on his will alone for the tenure of their offices, as Andy Cuomo, likely our next federal attorney general, is doing min corrupt New York state today.

    With respect to the remarks of rabid Hillary Clinton partisan Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe in a POLITICO article entitled “McAuliffe says ex-felon voters not likely to boost Clinton” by Nick Gass on 08/23/16, where we, the people, along with the candid world, were informed by governor McAuliffe that “We don’t need these votes, and I speak for the Hillary campaign,” and “We have built a massive ground operation, which we’ve worked on many weeks here in Virginia,” that would seem to put him in violation of Section 15 of the Virginia Declaration of Rights wherein is stated “That no free government, or the blessings of liberty, can be preserved to any people but by a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue and by frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.”

    A governor like Terry McAuliffe who is so obviously partisan to Hillary Clinton and is taking time off as Virginia governor to build a massive ground operation for Hillary Clinton, which he worked on many weeks here in Virginia, cannot preserve to any people in Virginia free government, or the blessings of liberty, because being so rabidly partisan, he is not capable of a firm adherence to justice, moderation, temperance, frugality, and virtue or frequent recurrence to fundamental principles.

    If he was, he would be like George Washington or James Monroe, both of them Virginians and United States presidents who were scrupulous about keeping partisanship out of their administration of their duties as executive.

    And that takes us back around to Section 3 of the Virginia Declaration of Rights which states in unequivocal terms that when any government like that of Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe shall be found inadequate or contrary to the purposes of the common benefit, protection, and security of the people and is no longer capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety and is no longer effectually secured against the danger of maladministration, a majority of the community has an indubitable, inalienable, and indefeasible right to reform, alter, or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public weal.

    Or it would have said that, anyway, if Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe hadn’t of made the Virginia Constitution vanish, as if it never existed, so what could I have been thinking in here bringing any of that up.

  15. This is where it all starts for all of us in the United States of America today who call ourselves citizens of the United States of America, with the PREAMBLE AND RESOLUTION OF THE VIRGINIA CONVENTION, MAY 15, 1776, INSTRUCTING THE VIRGINIA DELEGATES IN THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS TO ” PROPOSE TO THAT RESPECTABLE BODY TO DECLARE THE UNITED COLONIES FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES.”

    It was nothing less than a Declaration of war against a foreign nation and tyrant king possessing at that time the strongest military that the world had ever known, both on land and on the sea, and there was no guarantee whatsoever that any of the states would survive what became both a civil war and an open rebellion.

    So why did they risk all then, so that we, their posterity, might live to see the day when the legacy of constitutional government they bequeathed us is vanishing before our eyes?

    Let’s take a look and see:

    Forasmuch as all the endeavours of the United Colonies, by the most decent representations and petitions to the King and Parliament of Great Britain, to restore peace and security to America under the British Government, and a reunion with that people upon just and liberal terms, instead of a redress of grievances, have produced, from an imperious and vindictive Administration, increased insult, oppression, and a vigorous attempt to effect our total destruction:

    By a late act all these Colonies are declared to be in rebellion, and out of the protection of the British Crown, our properties subjected to confiscation, our people, when captivated, compelled to join in the murder and plunder of their relations and countermen, and all former rapine and oppression of Americans declared legal and just; fleets and armies are raised, and the aid of foreign troops engaged to assist these destructive purposes; the King’s representative in this Colony hath not only withheld all the powers of Government from operating for our safety, but, having retired on board an armed ship, is carrying on a piratical and savage war against us, tempting our slaves by every artifice to resort to him, and training and employing them against their masters.

    In this state of extreme danger, we have no alternative left but an abject submission to the will of those overbearing tyrants, or a total separation from the Crown and Government of Great Britain, uniting and exerting the strength of all America for defence, and forming alliances with foreign Powers for commerce and aid in war:

    Wherefore, appealing to the Searcher of hearts for the sincerity of former declarations expressing our desire to preserve the connection with that nation, and that we are driven from that inclination by their wicked councils, and the eternal law of self-preservation:

    Resolved, unanimously, That the Delegates appointed to represent this Colony in General Congress be instructed to propose to that respectable body to declare the United Colonies free and independent States, absolved from all allegiance to, or dependence upon, the Crown or Parliament of Great Britain; and that they give the assent of this Colony to such declaration, and to whatever measures may be thought proper and necessary by the Congress for forming foreign alliances, and a Confederation of the Colonies, at such time and in the manner as to them shall seem best:

    Provided, That the power of forming Government for, and the regulations of the internal concerns of each Colony, be left to the respective Colonial Legislatures.

    Resolved, unanimously, That a Committee be appointed to prepare a Declaration of Rights, and such a plan of Government as will be most likely to maintain peace and order in this Colony, and secure substantial and equal liberty to the people.

    end quote

    As we ponder vanishing constitutions, and what that should mean to each and every one of us in the United States of America today, focus on those words, people: a plan of Government as will be most likely to maintain peace and order and secure substantial and equal liberty to the people.

    And ask yourself – is that worth having?

  16. Slammed in the face by surreality.

    That is the best way I can describe my reaction to Hillary Clinton’s very public creation of what she calls a “BASKET OF DEPLORABLES” here in the United States of America, where all are supposed to be equal in the eyes of the law, but obviously are not to Hillary Clinton, who in April of this year, in a broad-brush smear, stated, “If someone has white skin, they are a racist because of Implicit Bias, and we need community programs here in America to cure them.”

    Friday evening, at one of her many fundraisers, Hillary Clinton added every person in this country with white skin to her “BASKET OF DEPLORABLES,” having previously labeled them, without a shred of proof to back up her specious assertion, as “racists.”

    For those unfamiliar with the term, deplorable means dreadful, horrifying, intolerable, lamentable, miserable, reprehensible, terrible, unbearable, wretched, awful, blameworthy, dirty, dishonorable, disreputable, execrable, godawful, lousy,
    opprobrious, rotten, and sickening.

    That is how Hillary Clinton, who wants to be the next president of the United States of America, and presumably Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, who is her rabid supporter, views about 246,660,710 persons in this country with white skin, including Hispanics, or 77.35% of the population as of 2014.

    To Hillary Clinton, all of those people are now opprobrious, rotten and sickening.


    Because Hillary Clinton says they are.

    They have white skin, thus they are racists, and racists are deplorable.


    Simple as that.

    And that brings us to the antonyms or words opposite in meaning of deplorable.

    That list includes acceptable, bearable, blessed, fortunate, good, nice, pleasant, respectable, wonderful, delightful, and excellent.

    And that brings us back an article in THE WRAP dated 28 August 2014, where this same Hillary Clinton was quoted as saying, “Watching the recent funeral for Michael Brown, as a mother, as a human being, my heart just broke for his family.”

    That is the same Michael Brown who was killed in Ferguson, Missouri, while beating a police officer with his fists as lethal weapons, and trying to take his service pistol away from him, presumably to kill the cop with, this after being caught on surveillance videotape robbing a convenient store and bullying and threatening the small person who was the clerk at the time.

    It didn’t break Hillary’s heart as a mother, as a human being, that the small person in the store was robbed and bullied and threatened by the huge and hulking thug Michael Brown, who has achieved hero status in New York state and the United States as a “victim” of “police brutality.”

    As a mother and as an alleged human being, Hillary never shed a tear for that small person who was himself victimized and terrorized and robbed by her hero, Michael Brown, nor did she ever have a word to say about the cop who was beaten by Michael Brown, and had his career ruined as a result of that beating.


    Because that white cop, having white skin, is one more of the many in this country Hillary Clinton has stuffed into her “BASKET OF DEPLORABLES.”

    And this is who Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, who is emptying the Virginia prisons of felons so they can vote for Hillary in November, wants us to have as our next president of the United States of America, someone who condemns without a shred of evidence every person with white skin in this nation as deplorable because to Hillary, who embraces criminals, they are disreputable, execrable, godawful, lousy,
    opprobrious, rotten, and sickening, while to Hillary, and presumably Terry McAuliffe, the criminals are acceptable, blessed, good, nice, respectable, wonderful, delightful, and excellent.

    If that is not galloping surreality on the hoof, where surreality means having the disorienting, hallucinatory quality of a dream, or unreal, or fantastic, then nothing will ever be.

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