Hi I am Pedro an 8 month old orange tabby male. I am neutered and up to date on my vaccinations. I get along great with other cats, and I love people.
If you can tell by my Petfinder photo shoot I have that typical “orange boi” personality. I love playing and am curious by nature. I watch what is going on in the shelter, and if I think its time for treats I will chirp at the door for your attention.
I am friendly and mostly outgoing and would make a great addition to any family.
If you think you may be interested in adopting Pedro you can come visit him at the shelter any Tuesday-Saturday 10a.m.-2:30p.m. and fill out an adoption application while you are there.
You can also print out adoption applications on our website anytime at www.shorespca.com or email us at shorespca@gmail.com and ask that an adoption application be attached and sent back to you.
You can call the shelter office any Tuesday-Saturday 10am-3pm with any questions at 757-787-7385.

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