January 17, 2025

22 thoughts on “Scooby Doo solves mystery of Harbormaster Interview Committee

  1. Out of the 5 people on this little committee I seriously doubt that either one of them know where the range lights are. I would like to know why our TOWN MANAGER can’t just do the interviews and hire someone??? Isn’t it HIS JOB to do the hiring ? Joan Natalie on this committee is a JOKE ! Once again she is on the committee as a resident of Bay Creek. Joan Natalie is the queen of covering up the truth.

    I personally feel that our new town manager is nothing but a figurehead and MASTER MANIPULATOR BOB PANEK is still pulling all the strings.

    Cape Charles has become the laughing stock of the Eastern Shore.

    8.5 million dollar budget for a town with less than 1000 full time residents is CRAZY !

      1. Obliviousness is a thing. Look it up. So, now it is liberalism that wants a debtor to pay up its debts? I thought that was a conservative thing. And wanting the Town of Cape Charles to run efficiently on a balanced budget? I thought, that too, was a conservative thing. Personally, I think Ms. Bender is spot on with most of her comments in the proceeding letter. Two things I would have to disagree on, however. I don’t know Joan Natalie, but I don’t think she is a joke, I think she is a danger. Two, Cape Charles is NOT the laughing stock of the Eastern Shore, it actually has many folks concerned. But I get what Ms. Bender is saying and again, she is spot on. She is not espousing liberalism…she is demanding management responsibility. Again, (sigh) a conservative trait.

        Maybe, next time…instead of being a Debbie Downer you might heed the immortal words of a conservative…”We don’t have a trillion dollar debt because we haven’t taxed enough; we have a trillion dollar debt because we spend too much” Ronald Regan. Look toward your own front yard before cursing your neighbor on theirs. Good Day Sir.

        1. “We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause”

          Brother Israel Cohen 1912

          1. Wow, our(the International Jew) plot appears to be working. I will be sure to bring this to Mr, Rothschild’s attention, when he, The Elders of Zion, and I attend our monthly cabal. Thanks!

          2. You know this letter is a hoax. Israel Cohen first surfaced during the Civil Rights movement in 1957. It not only slanders blacks, but also implicates the Jewish people in a mass conspiracy. This, Mr. Holden is just a sad attempt at racial disparage. And, at best, just a down right lie. You, sir, misjudged me. I am no fool, so don’t take me for one. You give Conservatives a bad name.

    1. I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a
      moment and give thanks for the many great contributions of the Black community and their culture to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature makes them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. Their commitment to academic excellence
      enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real Estate values are fueled by the influx of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nurturing of these communities, an example of all they have achieved by their enthusiasm for self-improvement through hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.

      Presently enriching the cities of Spokane WA, Chicago IL, Philadelphia PA, Washington D.C., St. Louis MO, New Orleans LA, Los Angeles CA, Flint MI, Baltimore MD,
      Pontiac MI, Gary Ind., Newark NJ, Cleveland OH, Atlanta GA, Richmond VA, Memphis TN, Birmingham AL, Camden NJ; and let’s not forget Detroit, the tourism
      capital of the world!

      1. Mr. Holden, you have fully disqualified yourself as a contributor to this respectable newspaper. The extremist “news” sources you parrot have no place in civil society. The problem is not just that they are ignorant and base; it is that they have the potential to incite to criminal action the ignorant and the base. They are a danger to society, as history has shown repeatedly.

  2. Mr. Holden, you and Mr. Bell are the poster children of racism and the good old boy mentality that has no place in this world. The two of you contribute NOTHING worthwhile to a single article you have commented on! Just a couple of hate filled individuals…how pathetic.

    1. I do not believe you know me well enough to speak to me in that manner…….I would suggest you apologize and quick.

      1. Like that’s ever going to happen! That’s my opinion, just like all the horrible comments you post on here, so deal with it

  3. Ok, we have let you guys have you say, but this is the end of it. Please, time to move on and stay on topic. Thanks.

    There is nothing to discuss and my opinion of you is spot on…I know a fear mongering racist when I see one, and you Mr. Bell are the epitome of that! Your just a sad, hate-filled little man that comes from an archaic lifestyle that serves no purpose in today’s world. All you do is troll this site, spewing your hateful diatribe, trying to get a rise and stir things up. And I am surprised that your taking offense of my opinion of you. It seems from the back and forth you have with other people commenting on your ludicrous posts, you relish being in the spotlight! As people on here have said before, your known as the Archie Bunker of the Shore, so own it, be proud to be know as the biggest rasist on the Shore. What an honor…SMH

  4. Mr. Bell and Mr. Holden have a right to their opinions, valid or not. At least we know what they think by their writings. The danger is in those who have similar opinions, but are unknown authors, perpetrating social evils quietly and undetected.

    1. Those diatribes caused C. Christian Chandler to pour his heart out into his replies. He would not have had the chance otherwise. We The People better start talking and listening. Political Correctness has polluted the minds of those that attended public schools and colleges in the last 20 years. Not all of us are willing to participate in that word of smoke and mirrors. I am very comfortable in my skin. Anyone who wishes to discuss me or my views need to leave a phone number. Craig Richardson simply wanted to be heard but not challenged……It is feels safe to him that way.

      1. Your just a bad joke that EVERYONE wishes would go away! There is nothing to be gained by personally speaking to you, except maybe being bored to death as you recite from the pages of Mein Kampf or some Aryan Brotherhood booklet! You should just be happy that the Mirror allows you to spew hatred, instead of actually contributing something worthwhile to a conversation.

        1. Craig it is apparent that you have an axe to grind. You most likely got teased and bullied as a kid by a kid just like me. You never were able to be ‘cool’. To me you appear foolish. Any real man, I know, would have left a phone number. You just stand on your soap box and shout. you have the ‘little man syndrome’ even if you are 7 feet tall. I bet you voted for Barry twice and are supporting that same type of failed leadership on the communist/socialist side of politics today. Remember, the pendulum of life will always swing in the opposite direction at some point. That point will start in 2017. Any time, Craig, any time. Happy New Year Craig.

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