January 17, 2025

9 thoughts on “So, why hasn’t the Town filed suit over the Wastewater Plant?

  1. In addition to allowing for Bay Creek to dodge it’s obligations to pay for the sewer plant expansion, this is one of the town’s biggest problems:
    “Our growth projections indicate that the 250,000 GPD capacity will be reached in 2013”

    Has anyone noticed we didn’t get there?

    At what point will those who do the planning for Cape Charles start to believe the 80 years of census data showing a population decline during every single census between 1930 and now, save one.

    Cape Charles (and the county) can’t afford to keep planning as if the big economic boom is going to start tomorrow. Continuing to dig a bigger financial hole is not OK.

  2. Wayne, it doesn’t take much time for the anyone on “the shore” to contact someone once their name is mentioned in the news and 3 of your citizens did just that after this article was published. First, let me say that you raise some interesting points and let me officially state for the record that I was NOT fired but given the “opportunity to resign” and that resignation was part of an agreement that was suppose to include TWO Cape Charles elected officials (Who later reneged on that “agreement”). Second, I did not hire Bob Panek or Heather Arcos because these good people were already in place when I arrived along with Chief Dave Eder, Sgt. Charles Brown, Dave Fauber, the late great Paul Skolnick, Doug Smith, Tom Bonadeo and professional Harbor Master Smitty Dize. It was a great group of people who worked hard and well with other and we moved the proverbial ball down the field at a rapid rate (That record still speaks for itself). I tried to make things better during my short tenure as the Town Manager and I was not afraid or timid to address the town’s problems head on which included reported conflicts of interest, beach safety issues, water/ waste water issues, children & youth programs, budget issues, personnel issues, re-utilizing the old Cape Charles School etc. Of course this “head on” methodology was not readily accepted by everyone but I’ve never been one to turn my back on the law or what I thought was wrong with a project or personnel issue. Your town is a wonderful place to live in with its functional harbor, magnificent beach and businesses that exemplify “small town America”. However, the most precious thing that you have in that town is the diversity and intelligence of its citizens.

    1. You, Joe were a good town manager. As with all good town managers you had to be gotten rid of, one way or another, because you were too honest and intelligent.

      The “powers that be” do not want honest town managers.

      The town council hires people they can manipulate into doing what they want.

      This town is being run into the ground and put into HUGE DEBT by people that won’t even be alive when the shit hits the fan.

      “Just another day in paradise”. 🙁 Said no local tax paying citizen EVER !

      1. Ms. Bender, I don’t believe I ever met you but I thank you very much for your kind words. It’s hard to comprehend that all of this craziness took place over 7 years ago and it’s still going on !

  3. Very informative article. Nothing will be done as the locals are outnumbered by the Bay Creekers. Too bad you don’t dig a little deeper and find out who were the local leaders who lead the Town and County into the annexation. Some are dead, but not all. They have left a lot of debt and burden on the shoulders of all citizens.

  4. For a Town of about 1000 people, Cape Charles has a budget of $8.5 million. For comparison, Exmore has about 40% more population, and the budget is about $1.8 million. Exmore has sewer. Exmore has more income from tourism through lodging and meals tax. Cape Charles budget expenses just don’t make sense for a town that is practically vacant for 8 months a year. A full time planner and two town managers? A full time recreation director? For 1,000 people? Absurd.

    1. B. Taylor,
      I have been to many town council meetings and complained about the amount of money the town is spending. I compared Cape Charles to Exmore, Onancock, even Chincoteague. The “powers that be” completely ignored me. They sat shuffling their papers and talking amongst themselves. WHILE I WAS SPEAKING !!! Our town has more people in the offices than Exmore, Onancock and Parskley COMBINED !!! I called for less employees and they hired MORE ! Here is an article that I wrote & read at a council meeting . http://capecharleswave.com/2014/04/bender-wake-up-and-trim-the-fat-cape-charles/

      The only reason Exmore is in debt is because they upgraded their sewer system.

      Are you aware that we are around 12 MILLION in debt ??? Our town council thinks nothing of the debt we are in. We pay through the nose for water THAT NO ONE DRINKS ! No one complains about the water but me.

      Oh and one more thing ….If you go into a town council meeting you are not allowed to verbally attack anyone on council That is a violation of our 1st amendment rights !

      Without a large group of people willing to fight our hands are tied.

      Read the articles on the Cape Charles Wave. capecharleswave.com

      Have a good day !

        1. ” Poor management ” is saying it nicely ! My husband has lived here his entire life and never has the town been run into debt so fast. The town is being run by incompetent people and I can’t see any hope for change in the future.

          I thank you B. Taylor for caring. Have a good day.

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