January 13, 2025

13 thoughts on “Town Bans Nude Sunbathing on Cape Charles Beach

  1. If it’s against the law for horses to be on cape Charles beach then it needs to be enforced. I was in town last evening and saw 3 coming off the beach up behind the bathrooms the by the old waste treatment. They cane through the next lot and I reckon they went out of town by way of the railroad tracks back to Phieffer’s farm.,and yes I’m sure it was her and 2 others with her. Why is she being allowed to get away with it? The horses were not wearing poop bags so if they pooped on the beach who wants to be down on the beach with that or have their kids down there. So again I ask why is she being allowed to get away with it?

    1. Ms. Champion, Please call me, my phone # can be found on my website. I would like discuss why you used my name and falsely accused me of riding on CC beach on a public forum. Hopefully you will call me directly…Angie

    2. Dear Ms. Champion,
      First, I would like to thank you — as I consider it an honor to be mistaken for Angie Pfeiffer … and second , you really should get your people and horses straight, before you publicly make untrue accusations! That was myself, my daughter, and a friend, on our privately owned horses that you saw Friday night. THIS WAS NOT ANGIE PFEIFFER OR HER HORSES. This was our first time on CC beach, and will be our last, as we were not aware that horses were not allowed on the beach after labor day. Please rest assured that we were carrying plastic bags, which we would have used to clean up after our horses, if needed! I do apologize for creating such an uproar with you, and hope you can find something/someone else to complain about – as obviously you have nothing better to do. And you should probably apologize to Ms. Pfeiffer – I have heard nothing but good things about her and her work in the community. I will be happy to speak with you directly, if you feel the need. Many thanks to the happy kids that enjoyed seeing and touching our horses! Too bad it won’t happen again!

  2. You have WAY too much time on your hands! That was my wife,daughter and a friend. The people on the beach were ok and no one was hurt by the threat of horse poop, but I’m sure you know more than most about fertilizer. God bless.

    1. Amen to the Cat problem….make yourself usefull and bark about that publically. Or better yet, volunteer some of your beach walking time to catching/caging some strays…Animal control will provide the cages and pick them up if you trap them. I know from 2 cats I have…ferrel kittens that were loved, cared for by me and they are awesome loves in my home……so many stray cats that I see in Eastville at savages neck road/laudromat area…cheriton at dump area, all over…its just sad and these animals don’t know any better…Please bark up that tree and make yourself usefull instead of falsely accusing people , Great citizens that provide/give to their community people at that!

  3. You know how it goes. One person ride their horses on the beach the next thing you know everybody in town is riding a horse on the beach and then there’s hundreds of horses on the beach and no where to sit.

  4. Can I ride my horse while nude, towing the family on bicycles with no seats or brakes, 2 family members per bike?

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