January 22, 2025

3 thoughts on “Town Capital Improvement Plan: get ready for massive spending

  1. Isn’t basketball and baseball recreation? Maybe the council could form their own senior league. Why are these people making decisions that only cater to tourists? There is so much wealth in cape charles and bay creek…..take care of the children for Pete’s sake.

    1. The only person on the town council that could play a sport would be Frank Wendell. The rest are all too decrepit. Lol ! The town is all about tourism. We all get to pay a water bill for water that made my little Yorkie throw up constantly when we first moved into town. I have always wondered what would happen if I brought a pitcher of tap water to a meeting and gave all of the councilmen a glass to drink. Our water reeks and yet they do nothing to fix the problem. I live in Onancock for 17 years with town water and it was great. I have suggested that our water people go to Onancock and try to figure out what our problem is. Well when I suggested that at a meeting they looked at me like I had 2 heads.
      Are you aware that if you speak against any of the council members at a meeting the mayor will gavel you and you can get thrown out of the meeting? No 1st ammendment rights in good old Cape Charles.

      As the town churns…..:-(

  2. Note that most comments to your articles made on Ice Cream flavored and not the high expenses of the local government. Wake up people.

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