January 22, 2025

4 thoughts on “Town Departments, Projects Under Scrutiny

  1. I live on Peach Street and I also own a business on the south end of Peach. The street in front of my residence has been closed for almost two months, not to mention, the sidewalk and grass in front of my porch is blocked, making it nearly impossible to park my car and enter the front door of my home. When it rains, the entire street becomes a river and floods because it has been dug up in so many places. Because of this, we are forced to walk through water and mud when it rains to enter our home. I figure it will be several more months before anything is even remotely close to being completed on Peach which is very frustrating and sad. And as far as the street in front of my business, thank goodness I have a landlord who has gone to bat for me and has been very vocal to the town about parking concerns and my members not having safe access to the building if the street and sidewalk are torn up and closed for several months.

  2. Hole in the street on Mason in front of library not patched for 2 months…3 street lights out on the 100-200 block of Mason for an equally long time. Numerous calls to Public works and Town Hall….” no batch plant on Shore..we are going to repair 4 or 5 spots at the same time” “New LED bulbs will be installed the first or second week of July”….by the way it hasn’t happened yet and Monday will be August! Cape Charles business district looks like Beirut with the bulbs out! Exasperating!!!

  3. For the fifth year in a row Cape Charles municipal water supply exceeded (failed) the EPA threshold for Trimethohalates (THM’s). THM’s, among other medical issues, are known carcinogens (cancer causing). But like I said, when I ran for Town Council, don’t worry folks, it usually only affects older people.

  4. Hole in front of Library finally fixed a week ago. 3 street lights on 100 block of Mason STILL OUT after over 3 months! C’mon TCC, this is not Rocket Science….! 1 guy and a bucket truck for an hour and a half, is that too much to ask!

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