January 17, 2025

11 thoughts on “Town gets feet wet with Beach Safety

  1. Dear Councilman Godwin, the public thinks they “need to assist” because it’s our right. You may be an elected official, but that does not preclude the public from participating in decisions that concern our town. I don’t know how to respond to the “better minds” comment, except to say “wow, that’s scary.” I do know that I will be keeping a close eye on our Council’s decisions and actions in the future, and my mind, for better or worse, will vote accordingly.

  2. I did not realize that Godwin had been appointed King of Cape Charles. It “bothers” him that the public wants to have a say in town affairs? I don’t know about the rest of the apparently “lesser” minds in Cape Charles, but I anxiously await the next election.

  3. Councilman Godwin said ““Why do we have this boat exclusionary zone, this thing to keep boats out? It says nothing about drowning. Was the drowning caused by a boat?” asked Godwin.”

    FYI Mr. Godwin….a lot of us campaigned to get you elected. Frank Wendell PAID for the flyers and PAID HIS FRIENDS to take them all over town and this comes out of your mouth??? YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW THE RECENT DROWNING HAPPENNED ????

    My husband was so excited about getting you on town council and his uncle EDWARD BENDER told him you would go whatever way the wind blew and YOU have done exactly that.

    1. Deborah Bender: The next time you sit down at your computer to give your opinion please:

      1. Take a deep, calming breath.

      2. Think: WWJS ?

      3. Type.

      1. Marita….when I feel the need for your advice I will be sure and look you up.
        Have a pleasant evening

    2. So, because Frank financed Mr. Godwin’s campaign, he is supposed to side with Frank on everything? So basically you’re saying Frank is the Koch Brothers of Cape Charles, trying to buy candidates and have them vote with him, simply because he paid for flyers and helped get him elected? That is laughable and also what is wrong with American politics. Personally, I think it is great that Mr. Godwin has a brain of his own, and doesn’t simply vote with Frank because of a favor some years ago. Ridiculous.

      1. Oh Lord….Jack has come in on the string with something negative.

        Siding with the “chosen ones”.
        Will wonders never cease ?

        LOL !

        1. I have no clue what that comment was supposed to say, but I read it as “Yes, Frank paid for Mr. Godwin’s campaign flyers, so he is forever indebted to him and should always vote with Frank!” Yep, still sounds just as ridiculous.

          1. It would be nice if Mr. Godwin would read the agenda packets so that he could at least “act” fairly intelligent in the meetings. I have been to many meetings when he had no idea what he was even voting on. He usually leans into the mayor and asks questions or just votes the way the majority votes.
            If you READ the article you would have seen that he didn’t have a clue how the recent drowning happened.
            AND he thinks he is the smartest one !
            MAYBE you JACK should come to some meetings so the YOU JACK would KNOW what you are talking about instead of ATTACKING ME at every opportunity.
            Have a nice day Jack !

  4. Ms. Bruce’s comments represent the feelings of many in Cape Charles with regard to the treatment of voters after elections. Seems the BOS has adopted a similar disregard of the voters of the county. They know better and only want your vote at election time then want you to go away. Next time remember who shut down public comment and debate and vote accordingly.

  5. I wonder in the early 70’s if Steven Spielberg used Cape Charles as a source for his movie Jaws. Having just recently seen it again, it reminds me so much of the council that currently sits for Cape Charles. Reading these articles, and the complaints from the council about the citizenry being part of the process, is scary, and the people in that town better take a look at what is really going on there, it makes me not want to visit, or possibly retire in that area.

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