February 19, 2025

4 thoughts on “Virginia lawmakers are set to revisit funding research into Atlantic menhaden

  1. This time, researchers say the cause is not chemicals but hunger. * Osprey * Chicks are starving in their nests due to a lack of prey, and in particular, the small, high-fat forage fish on which some Osprey depend: Atlantic menhaden. “There’s no question that there’s not enough menhaden to support the Osprey right now,” Watts says. In the Chesapeake, conservationists say those menhaden declines are due to overfishing by a single company, and are increasingly vocal in urging regulators to take action.

  2. The Virginia Institute is already a state operated (paid) agency with a mission to handle these types of issues. Throw more money that will fix it. It always just leaves more bloated government slowly mulling around congratulating and thanking each other for another study that goes nowhere and achieves nothing.

    Try something new. Tell the Virginia Institute to put it on their to do list. Elect legislators that don’t have the next election as the top priority. Reduce the catch quota temporarily to see what happens. Save 3 million of tax payer money for another useless project to give to those that study things.

    Why do we tolerate such never ending projects that suck the money from Americans pockets. Surely we have enough people on the payroll to look into this. What the hell do all those people do all day?

  3. Menhaden: the oily fish that oils the wheels of The Virginia State Legislature. Menhaden future is decided by Omega, CBF and Virginia Legislators in fancy Richmond restaurants.

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