January 13, 2025

3 thoughts on “Wave LLC Must be Paid

  1. This story reflects the astuteness of Town decision-making. Not only did the Town not allow the Wave do what they do best – marketing, – they used a stop-work order instead of canceling the contract. The anti-collusion clause conflict is just the cherry on top and will lead to good arguments in court. It is not as dumb as, for example, giving Skanska (Bayshore) a grant of $70,000 to, ultimately, support their projects in New York and contribute to their profits worldwide, or allowing them to bypass our required water hook-up and use fees that everyone else has to pay. But it, nevertheless, suggests that the management of our town, and, implicitly, of our tax dollars, is short of a level that would qualify as competent, and our insanely high debt supports this supposition.

  2. I guess I’m not surprised. The Town is currently reviewing (and has been for months) options to the very low-cost contract they had with Wave LLC. Because the Cape Charles Business Association objected to the original contract, they should pay for any increased cost over the $4800 contract value. Will this happen? I doubt it!

  3. I find it hard to believe that our little town could have done anything illegal or immoral regarding this contract……SAID NO ONE EVER !!!!!

    The people running this town are complete idiots. No common sense, no morals, big liars…..need I say more ?????

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